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Why I am NOT Voting for Trump in 2020


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If any one of you presents the image we like with the qualities to aright the government ways so we become a people capable as desired



I am regretting using the term caricature for it now lol.

I don't expect to change anyone's opinions on anything; I quite agree with what you said earlier on voting your conscience when it comes around, and was more trying to tease out a more involved dialogue, because I have enjoyed your dialogue. I hope I have not come across as disrespectful or insulting.


kvnchrist, I think that is a very interesting questions. I've heard theories that mostly involve it being part of a basic human tribal nature, along the lines of "my team good, your team bad." Or perhaps its becoming more of a problem from clickbait headlines and the propagation of those headlines on social media and political television. Either way, it seems to be a serious problem and an insult to rationality.

There is no need to regret anything. Ideas have always parented other ideas. It has always been so and we would not be so advanced technologically without that spark. I just wish our wisdom in using what we've accomplished equaled or exceeded that advancement. The real issue with that evolution includes the the process of human interaction. In this era of instant gratification, backed up by the ability to insulate and isolate ourselves with like minded people via the internet has created a perfect storm of delusionalism that is much too intoxicating for some to give up. In a nutshell they have become addicted to patting themselves on their backs and the comfortably warm bubble elitism creates around them.


As far as tribalism,I would go a step further and put forth the idea that it goes further than tribalism and into the realm of being a quasi-religion with self image being the deity worshiped. Those that agree with their ideals only feed this image and the more it is fed the more intense the response when it is challenged. That's why, I think we are seeing so much violence in our politics. That being said the we could really, really use a less vocal President. His antics have brought politicians down to the same level they deserve to be by the sheer volume of their inactivity to benifit anyone other than themselves.



I would suggest everyone, and I included, focus upon that individual so we put them on the podium in time for the next election.

If only it worked that way....... At this point, there is a select few that decide who runs, and eventually, who gets elected. If you are not part of this particular tribe/clan/whateveryouwanttocallit, then you have zero chance of getting elected. If you aren't already extremely wealthy yourself, then you need to essentially sell your soul to the folks with money, in order to stand even a snowballs chance of even making it to the ballot. Write in candidates are possible, but, so far as I know, one has never won an election...... at least, on a national scale.



Well then! If everyone, including me, focused on an individual, as I mentioned already, they would also be supporters.




I kind of imagine then that the individual would be financed by some of the eligible voters out of the 329, 414, 277 U. S. of A.s citizens that were counted by the census.


You and I know they would be who the people were ALL FOR; and for that individual becoming our next PRESIDENT with their power over their money and their local house and senate, they might even cause the parting of the ways among some people that are keeping the U. S. A. from progressing.


If everyone that is a true blooded American of the USA Population as of 2019 gave One Dollar $1.00 a month to the candidate from all those Hundreds of Million People we could write our own ticket.


$2.00 times 329, 414, 277 = $658, 828, 554 dollars.


Well look at that! While I was writing another 100,000,000 children became adults of voting age. And it's going to be their lives that are going to be affected most by who ever we put into office.


Imagine what would happen if each person gave $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 or up to $100.00 out of their total yearly income just once this year until the race is over, or gave that much once a month until Election Day?


$10.00 times 329,414, 277 = $3, 294, 142, 770.00 WOW! 3 Billion Dollars


With that much Money might.


We ( the humble ) taxpayers might even show the other countries how strong we the people really are when we join together and stand United.


HERE is what giving $1.00 a month to your candidates cause for the next 12 months would be $12.00.


Of course; $12.00 isn't much, except! Then get all the people that could give a dollar a month for each living person at the time of the Census would be. $12.00 x 329,414, 277 = $3, 952, 971, 324.00 US **** 3 BILLION DOLLARS US ****


United States Americans could see their United States red blooded American candidate WIN!


Wow! I just realized how much money the people could raise if they all donated $10.00 a month for the next 12 months


$39,529,713,240.00 US That is $39 BILLION Dollars


Add just $10.00 more per person times 12 months and we would add another zero to the end of that and it's more then Bill Gates is Worth!


$395,297,132,400,00 US That is $395, BILLION Dollars



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This has nothing to do with anyone here. I don't know anyone and I'd rather meet people face to face than 1000's of miles away hiding behind an avatar. But can I put this foreward and ask those willing to respond to please do so. Thank you.


Why is it that so many caricatures almost always emphasize the negative aspects of those being scrutinized. I would imagine if the majority of people who look down their noses at others would scrutinize themselves in the same way, wouldn't be so susceptible to the false praises of those wishing to indoctrinate them in their own ideology. Those Republicans and the Democrats who are so full of themselves are so full of something else they need to wipe their mouths with toilet paper and brush their teeth with Preparation H.


Its called Confirmation Bias.


You have a desire to portray something a certian way so you engage in behavior to reinforce that belief. Its a tool of a weak and illogical mind.



This is a little bit of a nitpick here, Confirmation bias is more specifically that people gave a tendency to seek information and weigh information more greatly that reinforces already held beliefs. It can even occur for negative beliefs of the person, including things like negative self image,


It should also be noted that everyone has it, whether or not they want to believe it, not that that makes it rational or logical. People who understand their own cognitive biases do better at overcoming some of them, but its still going to be present.

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I think in order to be able to elect such a person we, as a country would really need to look deeply into what we value and as a people. Look at what we idealize and what we reward. It seems we reward physical pursuits far more than the intellectual. Just look at what we pay our football players as opposed to the academics that are trying to educate the next generation.


We talk about building a wall to keep out the drugs, but it was our own pharmaceutical companies that created the worst wave of addictions we've seen in modern times. Even then it is our drug money that is being sent across the Southern border that I think gives these gangs the wherewithal to persecute the very people who are showing up on our borders, looking for asylum. We haw and peck at each other about allowing them entry or not when we should be looking at ways to remove the threats these people face in their own country. I mean, I don't think anyone suddenly wakes up and says to themselves. "Hey I have 30 minutes before I make breakfast for my family, Why don't I get everybody together and walk 1000+ miles across a desert."


Why don't the rest of the world build a wall to keep us in. We are having so much fun feeling magnanimous about our supposed roll in the world, when we were the ones to give ourselves that roll. We just steamrolled over everyone else with the crucible of our economy and forgot to work on our own whacked out selves before we decided to work on others. We didn't help, we bribed. We addicted the world with our quote/unquote foreign aid and then when we were displeased with someone, we used the UN to sanction the heck out of them.


We need to want to have representation that does fall into the entertainment genre previously occupied by the World Wrestling Federation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWE


Sorry- rant over.

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Yeah, it would be nice if we, as a country, get get our stuff in one sock...... but, the divisions have been sewn, the lines have been drawn, positions have been reinforced, and no one is able to change anyone elses mind. This is the path we are on. We are not going to deviate. We are going to end up following it to its logical conclusion. War.

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I know the logical conclusion seems to be War.


I picked through the bones of your posts and found you all have valid, and lots of, reasons for not wanting to vote for Trump in 2020.


Do one thing that you think needs to get the U. S. A. back on, Right On! And if everyone follows your example and does one thing each day to keep the U. S. of A. people proud we will find and elect a person who can do, The best line I have reads goes like this; the best leader is the one who leads by example. So be a leader, by example today.


We've got 12 months to get moving; so by the time the rest of the people begin leading by example we will be one big happy family again.


The logical conclusion then would be, to be the people we want others to be.


The end of the day is for resting and recuperating with our family.

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I know the logical conclusion seems to be War.


I picked through the bones of your posts and found you all have valid, and lots of, reasons for not wanting to vote for Trump in 2020.


Do one thing that you think needs to get the U. S. A. back on, Right On! And if everyone follows your example and does one thing each day to keep the U. S. of A. people proud we will find and elect a person who can do, The best line I have reads goes like this; the best leader is the one who leads by example. So be a leader, by example today.


We've got 12 months to get moving; so by the time the rest of the people begin leading by example we will be one big happy family again.


The logical conclusion then would be, to be the people we want others to be.


The end of the day is for resting and recuperating with our family.

A fine sentiment, but, unfortunately, not really going to work. At least, not in the short term. Granted, your advice here is good, and it would be great if folks would actually do it, but, it seems the american people, taken collectively, have gotten pretty fat, dumb, and lazy, and actually LEADING is just too much work. The would rather just follow their 'leaders', and do as they are told.....


That, and the folks with the money are still the ones that will be in control. THAT is what REALLY needs to change. Campaign finance, and campaigning in general, needs to be overhauled in a major way. Corporations are NOT people. They do NOT get the privileges of the bill of rights. They do not get free access to make as much political speech as they can afford. (citizens united decision.) Change that one aspect, and it would really help. Get the money out of politics, and term limits may not even be necessary. If you aren't like to make millions while in office, a lot fewer folks will be inclined to stay there forever.

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The more I look at it, the more I remember the words of Rahm Emanuel- Never let a good crisis go to waste. I submit that those who drive the agendas of either side drive their goosestepping minions into such a frenzy that they actually endanger the internal security of the country and the Government steps in to quote/unquote protect the peace. It would be The Patriot act on steroids and the only ones loosing would be the average citizen. What we laughingly call freedoms. these days would be drastically curtailed and we would end up having the delusion of democracy even more degraded.


It has all the trappings of a cheaply made movie, but with a good percentage of the country listening to these mind numbing Reality Shows or surgically attached to the number of likes they get on their last Facebook post, I haven't got much hope in the electorate turning this thing around.

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I apologize. I did not mean to claim that you in particular demonized Hillary, I meant that statement as a reflection of GOP and partisan group strategy, not you. Unfortunately, I used ambiguous grammar and see how it could be read that way.


I don't know what platform objections you had against Hillary, nor your opinions on issues in general, or what objections you have against the current Democratic candidates that elicits a stomach turning reaction, other than that you have them.

:smile: OK. I can accept that.


Both parties seem to have taken the line that 'making the other guy look bad' seems to be the way to go. Or, maybe it's more like "make the other guy look worse than us"...... Or something similar.


From my perspective, what I see the dems wanting to do, in VERY simplified form.....


Basically stop enforcing our borders. They want to let everyone in. We can't take care of the folks that are already here, we really don't need a few million more illegals.....

"Green New Deal" or it's variants. They have all these 'wonderful' ideas on how they want to 'save the planet', but, so far, I haven't heard a single viable method of paying for it. At least, not without totally destroying our economy.

Getting completely off oil in ten years. Or even 20...... Simply not going to happen. We don't have the technology to switch to anything else yet. Maybe at some point, after a few major breakthroughs in power generation, (fusion power?) Then "maybe". But, consider, if we get off of oil, there are going to be a LOT of people looking for new jobs. What's gonna happen to them? Retraining? Really? To do what? Work at the new fusion plant????? That should be fun.

"Gun Control". So far, the lefts answer to 'gun violence' has been "ban something". That isn't a solution. That is a step in the direction of total disarmament. (which is what many folks think the end goal is in any event. Some dems have flatly stated that it IS the end goal.) Beto has gone so far as to say he would use an executive order to institute a 'buyback' of AR-15, and AK-47 rifles. That's laughable. He makes the assumption that all the folks that currently have them, will abide by that. Again, not bloody likely. I would be surprised if 20% of owners turned them in. The rest would have to be taken by force. Is the left ready for Civil War 2.0?? That's what they would be starting.

Universal basic income. Again, where does the money come from? So far, every time that question gets asked, all you hear is crickets. They simply don't have an answer.

And then we have the lefts propensity to promote the rights of a tiny minority, over the rights of the vast majority. Terribly sorry, so far as I am concerned, that will NEVER be acceptable.

Climate change. The left seems to think we can *stop* it. They obviously didn't pay attention in history class. The climate changes. Doesn't matter if industrialized man is around or not. The climate IS going to change. That is a fact. I am not here to argue on if man is affecting it or not. (we likely are, but, only the RATE of change, not the change itself) We get two choices, we can adapt, and survive, or, we can die off. Just like millions of other species before us.


Anyway. I am of the firm belief that our government isn't in the business of solving problems anyway. If they actually solved the problem, (whatever it happened to be.) then they wouldn't have anything to point at and say "You need to re-elect me, so I can continue my campaign to address [some nebulous problem]....... "


Do I agree with everything the right is doing? Nope. I just find their positions more palatable than the left. (I voted for Obama. Twice. I REALLY didn't want Romney to be pres either. We would have had yet another war in the middle east to fight, that we started......)


Quite honestly, I am firmly convinced that our government is broken. The division between the two sides has become too great to be bridged. Now, politics is more about making sure the other guys don't do anything that might win them points in the next election, rather than doing what is best for the country. The country, and the american people as a whole, haven't been their major concern for decades. The 1% are doing rather well, the rest of us? Not so much......





I know the logical conclusion seems to be War.


I picked through the bones of your posts and found you all have valid, and lots of, reasons for not wanting to vote for Trump in 2020.


Do one thing that you think needs to get the U. S. A. back on, Right On! And if everyone follows your example and does one thing each day to keep the U. S. of A. people proud we will find and elect a person who can do, The best line I have reads goes like this; the best leader is the one who leads by example. So be a leader, by example today.


We've got 12 months to get moving; so by the time the rest of the people begin leading by example we will be one big happy family again.


The logical conclusion then would be, to be the people we want others to be.


The end of the day is for resting and recuperating with our family.

A fine sentiment, but, unfortunately, not really going to work. At least, not in the short term. Granted, your advice here is good, and it would be great if folks would actually do it, but, it seems the american people, taken collectively, have gotten pretty fat, dumb, and lazy, and actually LEADING is just too much work. The would rather just follow their 'leaders', and do as they are told.....


That, and the folks with the money are still the ones that will be in control. THAT is what REALLY needs to change. Campaign finance, and campaigning in general, needs to be overhauled in a major way. Corporations are NOT people. They do NOT get the privileges of the bill of rights. They do not get free access to make as much political speech as they can afford. (citizens united decision.) Change that one aspect, and it would really help. Get the money out of politics, and term limits may not even be necessary. If you aren't like to make millions while in office, a lot fewer folks will be inclined to stay there forever.



You have provided a good list of information. Listing all the stuff that needs a person to spend one hour a week giving 'just one' of them support.


Imo that's an individual who would lead by example in their home or among friends.


It does not involve a lot of money, spending their own time doing just one thing, anything they like, or, something from your list. They can start something on their own. or volunteer for an hour a week to any group they desire to help.

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The more I look at it, the more I remember the words of Rahm Emanuel- Never let a good crisis go to waste. I submit that those who drive the agendas of either side drive their goosestepping minions into such a frenzy that they actually endanger the internal security of the country and the Government steps in to quote/unquote protect the peace. It would be The Patriot act on steroids and the only ones loosing would be the average citizen. What we laughingly call freedoms. these days would be drastically curtailed and we would end up having the delusion of democracy even more degraded.


It has all the trappings of a cheaply made movie, but with a good percentage of the country listening to these mind numbing Reality Shows or surgically attached to the number of likes they get on their last Facebook post, I haven't got much hope in the electorate turning this thing around.

The first step on that race to the bottom, is disarming the public. Remove any chance of them being able to fight against what you are trying to shove down their throats.

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The more I look at it, the more I remember the words of Rahm Emanuel- Never let a good crisis go to waste. I submit that those who drive the agendas of either side drive their goosestepping minions into such a frenzy that they actually endanger the internal security of the country and the Government steps in to quote/unquote protect the peace. It would be The Patriot act on steroids and the only ones loosing would be the average citizen. What we laughingly call freedoms. these days would be drastically curtailed and we would end up having the delusion of democracy even more degraded.


It has all the trappings of a cheaply made movie, but with a good percentage of the country listening to these mind numbing Reality Shows or surgically attached to the number of likes they get on their last Facebook post, I haven't got much hope in the electorate turning this thing around.

The first step on that race to the bottom, is disarming the public. Remove any chance of them being able to fight against what you are trying to shove down their throats.


I am no fan of guns, but I see no reason to demonize them as some people;e do. It seems the anti-gun lobby always goes after the NRA, as if it was the ultimate prize. Guns are too much apart of our culture and are glorified almost constantly in the entertainment industry. The only way they can truly effect gun ownership is to get to the kids at an early age and indoctrinate them with the mindset that guns are useless.tool for the ill informed.


These people who want to fight the quote/unquote GOOD FIGHT against the mean old NRA are allowing them to wave the victim card, while claiming to uphold a divinely given right. You work on the young who would be future NRA members and you remove support. You remove support, you reduce the membership and in so doing, you diminish their power in congress.


These people who call the right cowards for not standing up to the NRA are really talking about taking on those NRA members who are their constituents. Depending on the percentage their are of these in someones district, such a thing could be suicidal.


I remember hearing about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling out some of the more moderate Dems for not voting along party lines. She supposedly said she would have them primaried by her followers. I don't think she realized that that those who voted that way might have been following the will of those who put them in office. I don't know if she took that into account at all. This idea of taking out politicans, by flooding their primaries with voters who come from outside the distric, in order to take them out has been tried before.


I remember when that was tried to remove Joe Lieberman after his vote on the Affordable Care Act, i think. Well, they did take the primaries, but he ran as an independent and won the seat handily. You can do a great deal in Washington and get away with it, but you can't run against those who vote you into office and expect to stay in office.

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