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If Donald Trump can do it! He wasn't a Politician. Anyone Can!


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There I go again realizing that I am seeking some connection. No one I know ever told me I was family. So my only purpose was finding out who my family was. Now that I have found out as much as I could the truth of the matter is I have no idea if the people who were my ancestor had any moronic or sensible ideas.


Here I am going away to sleep and dream. Maybe something I dream about will be the inspiration so I want to continue doing something that isn't just gasping for a breath.


If I wake up in the Morning, then, whatever restores me from sleep I suppose is what motivates me?



My dog wakes me up in the morning.... and she can be quite insistent......

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I've seen it before. Dreams come to life. Not just a little bit, a lot.


Orville and Wilbur Wright.


They talked about the dream of flying, made kites, bicycles, and enchanted their customers with the wondrous idea flying like a bird.


Tucker : The Man and his dream.

Enchanted his friends. He drew attention to the design for a safe to drive car for the family, with the families safety in mind.


Elon Musk.

Enchanting again.


They are the dreamers who get people to help make dreams come true.


Is that what's really happening?


What do you believe?

What's this about dreams? Was it the person or was it the time and date that provided the impetus for everything to come together. Would President Obama have been elected if it not for the situation the country was in because of The War on Terrorism? Would President Trump been elected if it were any other time in American history?


Ideals are simply that, Ideals and there have been less impressive ideals that have come to fruition in Americas past. We once imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent for merely being Japanese. We once had a Senator that had the power to destroy the livelihood of everyday citizens by the name of Mc Carthy. We once had a organization of millions called the KKK.


The right, in America held sway in this country that was nearly impenetrable, but with the emergence of the counter culture of the late fifties and sixties, that began to crumble. The left learned that so well that today it is they that have become so authoritarian that people are actually afraid to speak their minds, lest they be misaligned as something deplorable. The more I think about it, it is independent thought and original ideals that is on trial today, judged by those who haven't had an original idea since being indoctrinated into the proper way of thinking.

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I've seen it before. Dreams come to life. Not just a little bit, a lot.


Orville and Wilbur Wright.


They talked about the dream of flying, made kites, bicycles, and enchanted their customers with the wondrous idea flying like a bird.


Tucker : The Man and his dream.

Enchanted his friends. He drew attention to the design for a safe to drive car for the family, with the families safety in mind.


Elon Musk.

Enchanting again.


They are the dreamers who get people to help make dreams come true.


Is that what's really happening?


What do you believe?

What's this about dreams? Was it the person or was it the time and date that provided the impetus for everything to come together. Would President Obama have been elected if it not for the situation the country was in because of The War on Terrorism? Would President Trump been elected if it were any other time in American history?


Ideals are simply that, Ideals and there have been less impressive ideals that have come to fruition in Americas past. We once imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent for merely being Japanese. We once had a Senator that had the power to destroy the livelihood of everyday citizens by the name of Mc Carthy. We once had a organization of millions called the KKK.


The right, in America held sway in this country that was nearly impenetrable, but with the emergence of the counter culture of the late fifties and sixties, that began to crumble. The left learned that so well that today it is they that have become so authoritarian that people are actually afraid to speak their minds, lest they be misaligned as something deplorable. The more I think about it, it is independent thought and original ideals that is on trial today, judged by those who haven't had an original idea since being indoctrinated into the proper way of thinking.




Wow! You picked the right stuff. Independent thought with original ideas, on trial today. Yes! That's likely what those judging all the rest of us are doing. I just hope you have a good nights rest, and feel refreshed enough in the morning to sort through your self examination and write down your ideas so you don't have anything you think they need to judge of your own ideas later. I hope you will be enlightened enough to know what independent and original ideas they might be judging you for, if they should knock on your door and hold court for yours.

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I've seen it before. Dreams come to life. Not just a little bit, a lot.


Orville and Wilbur Wright.


They talked about the dream of flying, made kites, bicycles, and enchanted their customers with the wondrous idea flying like a bird.


Tucker : The Man and his dream.

Enchanted his friends. He drew attention to the design for a safe to drive car for the family, with the families safety in mind.


Elon Musk.

Enchanting again.


They are the dreamers who get people to help make dreams come true.


Is that what's really happening?


What do you believe?

What's this about dreams? Was it the person or was it the time and date that provided the impetus for everything to come together. Would President Obama have been elected if it not for the situation the country was in because of The War on Terrorism? Would President Trump been elected if it were any other time in American history?


Ideals are simply that, Ideals and there have been less impressive ideals that have come to fruition in Americas past. We once imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent for merely being Japanese. We once had a Senator that had the power to destroy the livelihood of everyday citizens by the name of Mc Carthy. We once had a organization of millions called the KKK.


The right, in America held sway in this country that was nearly impenetrable, but with the emergence of the counter culture of the late fifties and sixties, that began to crumble. The left learned that so well that today it is they that have become so authoritarian that people are actually afraid to speak their minds, lest they be misaligned as something deplorable. The more I think about it, it is independent thought and original ideals that is on trial today, judged by those who haven't had an original idea since being indoctrinated into the proper way of thinking.




Wow! You picked the right stuff. Independent thought with original ideas, on trial today. Yes! That's likely what those judging all the rest of us are doing. I just hope you have a good nights rest, and feel refreshed enough in the morning to sort through your self examination and write down your ideas so you don't have anything you think they need to judge of your own ideas later. I hope you will be enlightened enough to know what independent and original ideas they might be judging you for, if they should knock on your door and hold court for yours.


Are you missing the point about debating. Much of these posts are about making our opinions known and letting others take a swing at them. If you are going to take me seriously then I will take you seriously. If not then I will just ignore the sarcasm in hopes that you have something more profitable to say. If you are wondering, I'm not above being full of crap. I just want people to do so through debate. That's why we are here, are we not.

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Are you missing the point about debating.


No! I'm not!


Much of these posts are about making our opinions known and letting others take a swing at them.


I agree!


If you are going to take me seriously then I will take you seriously. If not then I will just ignore the sarcasm in hopes that you have something more profitable to say.


Thanks for the advice. I can get very serious. Often I do. But it usually is not profitable to do so. Especially when looking for new friends is the object of our interest and making a profit by sharing our wares with friends with like interests.


If you are wondering, I'm not above being full of crap. I just want people to do so through debate.


Point taken. And I have seen some of the crap you prefer to call crap. I often wonder if a number of people posting here have copied newsie's who are getting paid for the same crap gotten at an online newspaper or magazine. So I try to use a light touch when I am serious, for the sake of someone else that has posted it already, that then might discover they've been copied word for word even though I regurgitated my thoughts completely from my self opinionated thoughts here.


I've found my thoughts do sometimes work like the Earth going around the Sun and emerge again when I see someone DEBATING a similar topic. Sometimes only a few days, weeks, months, even years after I've read someone else's, and I see a new topic on the same subject, about a different candidate (or something). Then what pops out word for word?! What someone else, I read, wrote. I believe I am able to do that BECAUSE I unconsciously still (incredibly) admire their work. ( Like some of yours. I won't repeat.)


Fanning their old fired up words often comes to me without remembering their names. That makes my mood shift because I think I thought those thoughts all on my own. After a taste of Law 101 to get into the new medias, Radio & Television Announcing I learned not to forget their names and show some respect to them, especially if the ghost writers words rising scrolling along the Teleprompter has taken the words from someone others, quoting them, and knowing there is a chance I might have read them and written them word for word makes my efforts become troublesome.


I won't repeat another authors words when they had been paid for them and gotten headlined on the news for them if I can avoid it.


That's why we are here, are we not.


I am here because I began looking at the forums to seek alternative employment. Not freely meandering volunteer work.


I wanted to earn more money!





No. I'm not. A little humor aimed at a fellow who is accurate to almost the 100% makes for lightening the heavy burden on our minds. You're correct. I admire you for posts, among the rest you appear to do a thorough examination of the subject and show clear understanding. I would not repeat what you've posted for fear of being accused of plagiarism.

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Donald Trump is a conman and treasonous traitor that needed the help of a foreign enemy government to even win the 2016 election. The scumbag stole the election simply because he wanted to increase his brand and to have his name on the side of a building in Russia no less. Ask about his Trump Tower in Azerbaijan and his history of money laundering through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Iran. He is a Traitor and his actions were and are currently Treasonous. Russia declared war against us in a legal briefing filed in Washington DC in 2017-2018 in response to a lawsuit from the DNC the Democratic National Committee. This can be found rather easily. Treason is specifically helping, aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime. Not all declared wars end up as world wars, some are regional while others are simply economic. He aided the enemy and the evidence gathered proves this.

Dreams come through yes. But I would not use him as your example. He is a conman and it is clear by the number of Twitter messages and his lack of any original ideas that he is flummoxed in office. He was never a world building businessman. He had his original buildings around the world when that slowed and NO American banks would lend to him anymore he went to laundering money for the Russians. When that failed he went to money laundering and all evidence points to the year 1984 was when he actually started laundering money for the Russians. He has/had over 500 LLCs - Limited Liability Corporations which are commonly known to be shell fronts, usually for money laundering.

He cries Fake News but remind yourself that it only occurred after he was in office. News was not fake in the 1980s and 1990s when he would call up the gossip columnists in New York (The Enquirer specifically owing to his business partnership with the owner David Pecker.) He would assume false voices and brag about all the women he was bedding. He used the names John Barron (who he later reused the name for his son Baron) and David Dennison. Names he consequently used for financial paperwork as well. He is simply a grifter and a conman. There are no sides in America, or rather there should not be. He cannot even accomplish good things in office with the exception of the prison reform guidelines his tax break was typical Republican BS. Why do people vote for them when they do not listen to the will of the people? Giving tax breaks to a company like Netflix who paid NO taxes in 2017 yet was gifted with a 166 MILLION dollar refund of regular Taxpayer money.

Driving up the debt - loving authoritarian strongmen like Kim, Putin and Erdogan - He doesn't even know how tariffs work. There is NO money coming from China for the tariffs that we placed on their items and he does not even understand regular people pay for this which has recently led to higher prices for food, electronics, shoes and spreading soon to imported cheese and Olive oil and Pastas. I get people have issues in life and concerns but he was never is and never will be the answer. He has dementia and his facial dystonia, random muscular ticks and deteriorating condition should be cause for alarm. He has shown the signs of dementia or alzhiemer's every day of his administration. The very same condition that eventually killed his father in 1999. He has shown facial dystonia, pained expressions and forgetting his words and even his own son today. He is sun downing and I seriously doubt he will be in physical shape to even run for office next year.

The first major visual clue to his illness was caught on video THIS YEAR when he visited the tomb of the unknown soldier in Britain's Westminster Abbey in June. It was shown on a live broadcast standing next to Melania his face contorted in obvious pain and discomfort. At first it looks like he is trying to talk to her, but soon it becomes evident it is facial dystonia from Dementia.

It is at 6:53 minutes of this video when it happens. This was live video feed too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJWVYPoNPI

He and his family are simply grifters and conmen/conwomen. Ask before the day he mentioned tariffs (March 18th 2018) being charged to Chinese items that 28 trademarks were approved in China for his future business including a business for Trump Escorts. Yeah, our president is a pimp. The trademarks are easily found online as are the stories about the sickening businesses he owns - Trump Escorts - or the trademarks Ivanka received this year for Voting Machines that will be sold in the US. What man or savior feels up his own adult daughter LIVE on NATIONAL TV right before the 2016 Republican National Convention in view of THOUSANDS of people? Trump that is who. He is a walking pustule.

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I have had my senses dulled. From years of daily hourly experiences I had feelings which gave me good sense enough to know when to listen and when to leave. I hold that which gives us all the sense of security when it is contained in a glass clock. One of my hands holds what is left, the other must hold the magic scepter, also the reigns of the horse. I cry as the sand slips from my fingers. The horse senses my need and races with the wind, my eyes tear and run leaving groves in my flesh. I know when the last grain of sand falls from my grip my life will be over.

I hope I reach my friends in time. I took a big chance and went to the one who told me what they needed to win the battle they fought when I went to seek help from the one. The one gave me the scepter. Then the one lifted the glass clock filled with sand. Turned it over so the grains started pouring down. And then said, "You have until the sands of time has run out."

I looked at it. I felt confident I could make it back to the theater of battle. Then the one looked me in the eye. "Hold out your hand!" The one broke the glass and poured the sand on to the palm of my hand. As sand poured off the sides of my palm and between my fingers the one spoke again. You have your fate in your right hand, the fate of your friends in your left; when you walk out my door your time will begin to run out as the sand in your hand falls from your grip.

She smiled. Or you can stay within these walls with me.

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Donald Trump is a conman and treasonous traitor that needed the help of a foreign enemy government to even win the 2016 election. The scumbag stole the election simply because he wanted to increase his brand and to have his name on the side of a building in Russia no less. Ask about his Trump Tower in Azerbaijan and his history of money laundering through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Iran. He is a Traitor and his actions were and are currently Treasonous. Russia declared war against us in a legal briefing filed in Washington DC in 2017-2018 in response to a lawsuit from the DNC the Democratic National Committee. This can be found rather easily. Treason is specifically helping, aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime. Not all declared wars end up as world wars, some are regional while others are simply economic. He aided the enemy and the evidence gathered proves this.


Dreams come through yes. But I would not use him as your example. He is a conman and it is clear by the number of Twitter messages and his lack of any original ideas that he is flummoxed in office. He was never a world building businessman. He had his original buildings around the world when that slowed and NO American banks would lend to him anymore he went to laundering money for the Russians. When that failed he went to money laundering and all evidence points to the year 1984 was when he actually started laundering money for the Russians. He has/had over 500 LLCs - Limited Liability Corporations which are commonly known to be shell fronts, usually for money laundering.


He cries Fake News but remind yourself that it only occurred after he was in office. News was not fake in the 1980s and 1990s when he would call up the gossip columnists in New York (The Enquirer specifically owing to his business partnership with the owner David Pecker.) He would assume false voices and brag about all the women he was bedding. He used the names John Barron (who he later reused the name for his son Baron) and David Dennison. Names he consequently used for financial paperwork as well. He is simply a grifter and a conman. There are no sides in America, or rather there should not be. He cannot even accomplish good things in office with the exception of the prison reform guidelines his tax break was typical Republican BS. Why do people vote for them when they do not listen to the will of the people? Giving tax breaks to a company like Netflix who paid NO taxes in 2017 yet was gifted with a 166 MILLION dollar refund of regular Taxpayer money.


Driving up the debt - loving authoritarian strongmen like Kim, Putin and Erdogan - He doesn't even know how tariffs work. There is NO money coming from China for the tariffs that we placed on their items and he does not even understand regular people pay for this which has recently led to higher prices for food, electronics, shoes and spreading soon to imported cheese and Olive oil and Pastas. I get people have issues in life and concerns but he was never is and never will be the answer. He has dementia and his facial dystonia, random muscular ticks and deteriorating condition should be cause for alarm. He has shown the signs of dementia or alzhiemer's every day of his administration. The very same condition that eventually killed his father in 1999. He has shown facial dystonia, pained expressions and forgetting his words and even his own son today. He is sun downing and I seriously doubt he will be in physical shape to even run for office next year.


The first major visual clue to his illness was caught on video THIS YEAR when he visited the tomb of the unknown soldier in Britain's Westminster Abbey in June. It was shown on a live broadcast standing next to Melania his face contorted in obvious pain and discomfort. At first it looks like he is trying to talk to her, but soon it becomes evident it is facial dystonia from Dementia.


It is at 6:53 minutes of this video when it happens. This was live video feed too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJWVYPoNPI



He and his family are simply grifters and conmen/conwomen. Ask before the day he mentioned tariffs (March 18th 2018) being charged to Chinese items that 28 trademarks were approved in China for his future business including a business for Trump Escorts. Yeah, our president is a pimp. The trademarks are easily found online as are the stories about the sickening businesses he owns - Trump Escorts - or the trademarks Ivanka received this year for Voting Machines that will be sold in the US. What man or savior feels up his own adult daughter LIVE on NATIONAL TV right before the 2016 Republican National Convention in view of THOUSANDS of people? Trump that is who. He is a walking pustule.




You do understand that the whole 'russian election tampering' was debunked. Right?

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Donald Trump is a conman and treasonous traitor that needed the help of a foreign enemy government to even win the 2016 election. The scumbag stole the election simply because he wanted to increase his brand and to have his name on the side of a building in Russia no less. Ask about his Trump Tower in Azerbaijan and his history of money laundering through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Iran. He is a Traitor and his actions were and are currently Treasonous. Russia declared war against us in a legal briefing filed in Washington DC in 2017-2018 in response to a lawsuit from the DNC the Democratic National Committee. This can be found rather easily. Treason is specifically helping, aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime. Not all declared wars end up as world wars, some are regional while others are simply economic. He aided the enemy and the evidence gathered proves this.


Dreams come through yes. But I would not use him as your example. He is a conman and it is clear by the number of Twitter messages and his lack of any original ideas that he is flummoxed in office. He was never a world building businessman. He had his original buildings around the world when that slowed and NO American banks would lend to him anymore he went to laundering money for the Russians. When that failed he went to money laundering and all evidence points to the year 1984 was when he actually started laundering money for the Russians. He has/had over 500 LLCs - Limited Liability Corporations which are commonly known to be shell fronts, usually for money laundering.


He cries Fake News but remind yourself that it only occurred after he was in office. News was not fake in the 1980s and 1990s when he would call up the gossip columnists in New York (The Enquirer specifically owing to his business partnership with the owner David Pecker.) He would assume false voices and brag about all the women he was bedding. He used the names John Barron (who he later reused the name for his son Baron) and David Dennison. Names he consequently used for financial paperwork as well. He is simply a grifter and a conman. There are no sides in America, or rather there should not be. He cannot even accomplish good things in office with the exception of the prison reform guidelines his tax break was typical Republican BS. Why do people vote for them when they do not listen to the will of the people? Giving tax breaks to a company like Netflix who paid NO taxes in 2017 yet was gifted with a 166 MILLION dollar refund of regular Taxpayer money.


Driving up the debt - loving authoritarian strongmen like Kim, Putin and Erdogan - He doesn't even know how tariffs work. There is NO money coming from China for the tariffs that we placed on their items and he does not even understand regular people pay for this which has recently led to higher prices for food, electronics, shoes and spreading soon to imported cheese and Olive oil and Pastas. I get people have issues in life and concerns but he was never is and never will be the answer. He has dementia and his facial dystonia, random muscular ticks and deteriorating condition should be cause for alarm. He has shown the signs of dementia or alzhiemer's every day of his administration. The very same condition that eventually killed his father in 1999. He has shown facial dystonia, pained expressions and forgetting his words and even his own son today. He is sun downing and I seriously doubt he will be in physical shape to even run for office next year.


The first major visual clue to his illness was caught on video THIS YEAR when he visited the tomb of the unknown soldier in Britain's Westminster Abbey in June. It was shown on a live broadcast standing next to Melania his face contorted in obvious pain and discomfort. At first it looks like he is trying to talk to her, but soon it becomes evident it is facial dystonia from Dementia.


It is at 6:53 minutes of this video when it happens. This was live video feed too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJWVYPoNPI



He and his family are simply grifters and conmen/conwomen. Ask before the day he mentioned tariffs (March 18th 2018) being charged to Chinese items that 28 trademarks were approved in China for his future business including a business for Trump Escorts. Yeah, our president is a pimp. The trademarks are easily found online as are the stories about the sickening businesses he owns - Trump Escorts - or the trademarks Ivanka received this year for Voting Machines that will be sold in the US. What man or savior feels up his own adult daughter LIVE on NATIONAL TV right before the 2016 Republican National Convention in view of THOUSANDS of people? Trump that is who. He is a walking pustule.




You do understand that the whole 'russian election tampering' was debunked. Right?



I feel sure that it is known. Everyone is fairly sure of Pres. Trumps past.


I tried and tried to think of a response to the posters words, when I became reminded of a story I read from a book I think is from the country the poster calls home.

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