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Fallout 4 faild set game mode


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Help I dont knoe way but for some reason Vortex refuses to manage my fallout 4 mods I don't know why please if someone knows anything I really could




Every time I open it April just say failed to set game mode and then when I click on more I just says missing C. program files 86 steam steam apps downloading 377160 data

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Help I dont knoe way but for some reason Vortex refuses to manage my fallout 4 mods I don't know why please if someone knows anything I really could




Every time I open it April just say failed to set game mode and then when I click on more I just says missing C. program files 86 steam steam apps downloading 377160 data



It sounds like Steam is still downloading Fallout 4

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Vortex may have picked up the temp folder for your Steam download if you ran it while the game was downloading.


Go to Vortex -> Games -> Fallout 4 and click the plus icon in the top right of the tile. It will tell you what the "path" of the game is according to Vortex, if this is wrong click "manually set location" and point it to the folder containing Fallout4.exe

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