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A-hole Followers


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Ok, hear me out on this one.

Most of the people you come across to recruit as followers are either genuinely decent people or just trying to make a living. This brings up two problems when it comes to Daedric quests...specifically Mephala and Boethiah.

The Ebony Blade powers up when you kill people you've worked for/with and Boethiah demands a sacrifice to get her Ebony Mail.
Now, I don't know about you, but I feel kind of bad leading a stranger to the shrine and saying "Sorry bud."


So...what if there were a few followers scattered around the world that were just real a**holes? Constantly berating you, overcharging for their services, always complaining about the weather, etc.

You probably wouldn't feel so bad taking them to see Boethiah, would you? :laugh:


Oh sure, there's PLENTY of mods out there that let you recruit anyone, and plenty of NPCs who aren't followers by default that probably wouldn't be missed. But this is just a suggested alternative...especially if one of those NPCs might be quest related.

Edited by hopventure
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I won't do the Boethiah quest for that reason, or more clearly said, because even though I have no problem killing any NPC who "draws sword" against me, I generally avoid initiating combat and can't bring myself to literally offer any NPC up for sacrifice. That is, I find the quest one step "too far" in my personal morals (silly as that *might sound). I wouldn't even sacrifice an Aldemeri even though I loathe them (although for your informational ingestion, there *are mods that will allow forcing one to be your follower, fwiw...)


OK, I'll admit there is an exception.... as has been mentioned by thumbincubation, I'd consider sacrificing one of Boethia's followers. If it were possible.

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I never thought about recruiting the loudmouth in Windhelm. I have always contended myself to belt him around, in a brawl, and win his gold on top of it.


Stenvarr in Windhelm is a decent follower. If you want a less likeable hireling, I'd suggest Marcurio in Riften. He's also a chain lightning user, so he's not much use as a follower anyway, unless you like constant bounties and fights with hapless bystanders.

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Good idea. Still awful because I don't like sacrificing people, period, but well...


Yet another alternative:

How about an additional (set of) Quest(s) by the Divines themselves, or one of them? Let's say, one of them notices what Mephala/Boethia want you to do and warn you, that you'll forever loose favor with them if you do it and offer you to trick them with a clone of an NPC that you can tweak...? Or maybe, it's one of the other Daedra. Meridia?

Or you learn through a quest how to hunt (certain) Daedra and defeating them will give you the quest reward without killing innocent people.


...Yeah, I know. I just want to be able to get the Daedra Quest- throphies WITHOUT being completely evil.



EDIT: I'd also be fine if you could sacrifice one of Boethia's followers... ideally with the guy KNOWING he is going to be sacrificed and going willingly. That gives me another idea- how about an NPC/a set of NPCs that wants to die for a cause and convincing that NPC to willingly be your sacrifice?

Edited by DOVAHKI1N
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