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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858, #73915853, #73917283 are all replies on the same post.

Clanggedin wrote:
We have reverted back to the old UI temporarily today while we benchmark some potential performance issues. The new UI will be back soon.

That's really not necessary. Keep it and scrap that new UI, no one wants it.
Thesparalius wrote: I know you didn't ask, and I know you don't care, but I want it. You don't speak for all of us. Hell you don't speak for any of us, only yourself.
Clanggedin wrote: Good for you.
mred1602 wrote: I, also, prefer the new UI.
AnonymousPlum wrote: Also prefer the new UI. Looks great :)
Nedessay wrote: I actually prefer the new UI over the old one.
ff7legend wrote: Not everyone likes the increasing migration of various websites to a so-called "smartphone" interface either. I'm with Clanggedin on this one... We could do without the smartphone interface, thank you. I don't mod games/visit the Nexus sites on a smartphone/tablet nor do I ever plan to. Sometimes it's best to stop tinkering & leave things well enough alone... This is one of those times IMHO...
slingshotnetworks wrote: Makes no difference if you like it or not. Today your opinion doesn't matter anymore. Corporations like Microsoft and Valve push through their POV and systems, and everyone jumped on the same train. You will get the new UI and you have no say in it. Complaining a thousand times will probably only get you banned. It's easier for them to ignore you then taking notice.

It is either sink or swim. Use the website or do not use it. I already gave up trying to persuade people or corporations. Criticism is not welcomed anymore and will just be "overlooked".
cydonianmystery wrote: Yeah, pretty much. I learned to stop voicing my concerns a long time ago, because all it does is attract the peanut gallery who defend the site's actions no matter what. It isn't new, I was on the BioWare Forums too back in the day. They're all cut from the same cloth of yes-men and fanboys.

I was actually thinking my browser had bugged out and started loading the mobile version of the site for some reason, only for it to revert back yesterday. I was happy to have a semi-usable interface again, only to see this thread and learn it was temporary. Us PC users just get left more and more behind, even on a site *supposedly* for PC games.

Whatever. I'll figure out how to navigate this ungodly mess of a UI, just like I did the last site redesign.
tonycubed2 wrote: I agree with Clanggedin . Why fix what was not broken??? I was overjoyed to see the old ui back. Was able to get to everything in half the clicks. At least give us a toggle on what ui to use versus shoving the unwanted changes down our throats.

That is what irks the most. We have no choice. We are welcome to support the site but have no say in what ui we end up using.

Please, don't rush to put it back, it was awful. Or, if you must have it, at least please give a toggle between old and new so that those who don't like it aren't forced to use it. I'm another who is tired of the "smartphone interface" just infecting everything these days.
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In response to post #73908908.

raisuli2013 wrote: Some feedback on the new interface:

Things that did not work for me:
- no download numbers displayed on mod pages
-could not go beyond page 1 in comments, clicking on 2 just brought me back to the top of page 1
-not able to display stats

Running on Win7, fully updated.

Everything else seemed to be functional, no ads (yes, I am only a member) were displayed with the new interface, which of course I liked.

I as well prefer the old interface, but if the new one is fully functional for me I might get used to it.
That said, leaving well enough alone sometimes is a good thing.

I will never, ever go on the Nexus on my phone, for what?
I download and upload files on and from my pc.

All 3 of your issues are due to javascript not loading correctly in your browser - perhaps you are blocking it with an addon.
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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858, #73915853, #73917283, #73918668 are all replies on the same post.

Clanggedin wrote:
We have reverted back to the old UI temporarily today while we benchmark some potential performance issues. The new UI will be back soon.

That's really not necessary. Keep it and scrap that new UI, no one wants it.
Thesparalius wrote: I know you didn't ask, and I know you don't care, but I want it. You don't speak for all of us. Hell you don't speak for any of us, only yourself.
Clanggedin wrote: Good for you.
mred1602 wrote: I, also, prefer the new UI.
AnonymousPlum wrote: Also prefer the new UI. Looks great :)
Nedessay wrote: I actually prefer the new UI over the old one.
ff7legend wrote: Not everyone likes the increasing migration of various websites to a so-called "smartphone" interface either. I'm with Clanggedin on this one... We could do without the smartphone interface, thank you. I don't mod games/visit the Nexus sites on a smartphone/tablet nor do I ever plan to. Sometimes it's best to stop tinkering & leave things well enough alone... This is one of those times IMHO...
slingshotnetworks wrote: Makes no difference if you like it or not. Today your opinion doesn't matter anymore. Corporations like Microsoft and Valve push through their POV and systems, and everyone jumped on the same train. You will get the new UI and you have no say in it. Complaining a thousand times will probably only get you banned. It's easier for them to ignore you then taking notice.

It is either sink or swim. Use the website or do not use it. I already gave up trying to persuade people or corporations. Criticism is not welcomed anymore and will just be "overlooked".
cydonianmystery wrote: Yeah, pretty much. I learned to stop voicing my concerns a long time ago, because all it does is attract the peanut gallery who defend the site's actions no matter what. It isn't new, I was on the BioWare Forums too back in the day. They're all cut from the same cloth of yes-men and fanboys.

I was actually thinking my browser had bugged out and started loading the mobile version of the site for some reason, only for it to revert back yesterday. I was happy to have a semi-usable interface again, only to see this thread and learn it was temporary. Us PC users just get left more and more behind, even on a site *supposedly* for PC games.

Whatever. I'll figure out how to navigate this ungodly mess of a UI, just like I did the last site redesign.
tonycubed2 wrote: I agree with Clanggedin . Why fix what was not broken??? I was overjoyed to see the old ui back. Was able to get to everything in half the clicks. At least give us a toggle on what ui to use versus shoving the unwanted changes down our throats.

That is what irks the most. We have no choice. We are welcome to support the site but have no say in what ui we end up using.
whimsycp wrote: Please, don't rush to put it back, it was awful. Or, if you must have it, at least please give a toggle between old and new so that those who don't like it aren't forced to use it. I'm another who is tired of the "smartphone interface" just infecting everything these days.

The only way you're getting this "smartphone interface" is if your browser window is tiny or you've magnified the site beyond 150%. For normal desktop use you get the normal desktop interface. Yes, there is one more click than before since the menus are now click instead of hover, but that's not going to kill anyone.
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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858, #73915853, #73917283, #73918668 are all replies on the same post.




Clanggedin wrote:

We have reverted back to the old UI temporarily today while we benchmark some potential performance issues. The new UI will be back soon.

That's really not necessary. Keep it and scrap that new UI, no one wants it.

Thesparalius wrote: I know you didn't ask, and I know you don't care, but I want it. You don't speak for all of us. Hell you don't speak for any of us, only yourself.
Clanggedin wrote: Good for you.
mred1602 wrote: I, also, prefer the new UI.
AnonymousPlum wrote: Also prefer the new UI. Looks great :smile:
Nedessay wrote: I actually prefer the new UI over the old one.
ff7legend wrote: Not everyone likes the increasing migration of various websites to a so-called "smartphone" interface either. I'm with Clanggedin on this one... We could do without the smartphone interface, thank you. I don't mod games/visit the Nexus sites on a smartphone/tablet nor do I ever plan to. Sometimes it's best to stop tinkering & leave things well enough alone... This is one of those times IMHO...
slingshotnetworks wrote: Makes no difference if you like it or not. Today your opinion doesn't matter anymore. Corporations like Microsoft and Valve push through their POV and systems, and everyone jumped on the same train. You will get the new UI and you have no say in it. Complaining a thousand times will probably only get you banned. It's easier for them to ignore you then taking notice.


It is either sink or swim. Use the website or do not use it. I already gave up trying to persuade people or corporations. Criticism is not welcomed anymore and will just be "overlooked".

cydonianmystery wrote: Yeah, pretty much. I learned to stop voicing my concerns a long time ago, because all it does is attract the peanut gallery who defend the site's actions no matter what. It isn't new, I was on the BioWare Forums too back in the day. They're all cut from the same cloth of yes-men and fanboys.


I was actually thinking my browser had bugged out and started loading the mobile version of the site for some reason, only for it to revert back yesterday. I was happy to have a semi-usable interface again, only to see this thread and learn it was temporary. Us PC users just get left more and more behind, even on a site *supposedly* for PC games.


Whatever. I'll figure out how to navigate this ungodly mess of a UI, just like I did the last site redesign.

tonycubed2 wrote: I agree with Clanggedin . Why fix what was not broken??? I was overjoyed to see the old ui back. Was able to get to everything in half the clicks. At least give us a toggle on what ui to use versus shoving the unwanted changes down our throats.


That is what irks the most. We have no choice. We are welcome to support the site but have no say in what ui we end up using.

whimsycp wrote: Please, don't rush to put it back, it was awful. Or, if you must have it, at least please give a toggle between old and new so that those who don't like it aren't forced to use it. I'm another who is tired of the "smartphone interface" just infecting everything these days.

The only way you're getting this "smartphone interface" is if your browser window is tiny or you've magnified the site beyond 150%. For normal desktop use you get the normal desktop interface. Yes, there is one more click than before since the menus are now click instead of hover, but that's not going to kill anyone.


You're correct in that an extra click won't kill anyone, but why change it? What was wrong with the old system?


Also, why when you are in the mods section, when you click on "Forums" under Community, a new tab is opened? In the old system, you just went to the Forums opening page.


If I wanted to open a new tab, I could just right click and choose "Open Link in a New Tab."


And why was the search for authors on the mod pages change to users?

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In response to post #73901598. #73904978 is also a reply to the same post.

RuzkaTheBear wrote: I prefer the old UI, give us an option in the settings so we can choose if we want the old look vs the new look please.
SirDaemon wrote: Second that. Though I will agree about the improvements in the notifications about getting info on comments has been a major improvement I do prefer the old layout. No offence but it is easy and clearer to navigate than the new interface - at least in my opinion. :)

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I like the new navigation... with one exception. Giving the Nexus home the more prominent spot of the game homepage doesn't make much sense from a user perspective. If we are already on a game page, users probably in most cases don't want to go back to the Nexus home, they want back to the game they already selected. I'm fairly sure analytics data proves that point very well if there are really any doubts about that. So while it's not that terrible to click "one field further" (even if this "Game Homepage" button is quite unremarkable) and you surly can get used to it, the main issue is, that this most prominent spot is now occupied with probably the most useless function within the navigation bar. The only page where a click on that spot should direct you to the main nexus page is... well, the main nexus page. But I guess there is a reason behind this change not related to user-friendliness or anything like that I don't know anything about, so at the end, it's a bit nitpicking from me... Overall: great work, guys.
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In response to post #73908908. #73920768 is also a reply to the same post.

raisuli2013 wrote: Some feedback on the new interface:

Things that did not work for me:
- no download numbers displayed on mod pages
-could not go beyond page 1 in comments, clicking on 2 just brought me back to the top of page 1
-not able to display stats

Running on Win7, fully updated.

Everything else seemed to be functional, no ads (yes, I am only a member) were displayed with the new interface, which of course I liked.

I as well prefer the old interface, but if the new one is fully functional for me I might get used to it.
That said, leaving well enough alone sometimes is a good thing.

I will never, ever go on the Nexus on my phone, for what?
I download and upload files on and from my pc.
MrMason wrote: All 3 of your issues are due to javascript not loading correctly in your browser - perhaps you are blocking it with an addon.

JavaScript is enabled.

The only addons I have are from Microsoft and Adobe ( flash player and reader ), so I don't think I am blocking javascript.

With the old interface I did not have these 3 issues and I am getting plenty of adds on the xfinity homepage, it is my understanding
these adds use javascript.

I am using Internet Explorer 11.

The only thing not displayed are unique downloads and total downloads, endorsements and page views are displayed.

Also when I search for a mod keyword and have multiple pages as a result I can go through those pages without problem. Edited by raisuli2013
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I was looking at the Notifications for a particular game (SkyrimSE if it matters.)

When I pressed "See All", I could see all the notifications for THAT game.

But when I pressed "Remove All", it removed all the notifications for ALL MY GAMES.

Not exactly the behavior that I expected (or wanted).

Is this on purpose, or is it a bug?

Edited by mred1602
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