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Ban for Fun


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I ban you because I still have the hard drives from all my old computers so I can plug them in and play games from way back when Windows 2, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.2, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, LINUX Redhat (it offered all the tools to set up an OS and Server Forum PHP, etc..), Windows XP. Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 were the Versions of the times.  I can time travel using all those hard drives, and two SSD's. 

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I ban Oblivionaddicted for making me wish we hadn't recycled our old 486 twenty years ago. 😁

(DOSBox and Wine have been the next best thing though, so I can still play my old games from back then.)

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I ban baby goats because their little hooves are unable to play console games because of the game pad or Control Stick.  I ban Nanny Goats and Billy Goats from keeping their Kids from playing fun Video Games.

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I ban Goats from this forum because I am unsure how they got there in the first place, it must have been quite a journey over the alps of Nexus mods.


Was it this goat it does seem prepared for the journey  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5712?tab=images

Edited by Drakefell01
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@Oblivionaddicted - I ban you for keeping such a heavy paper-weight... 


Gee? What's all this other stuff then? Where did that come from? When I looked the last comment was OblivionAddicted and the Windows machine...

All banned for being out of sync!

Edited by zixi
explained above...
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