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Ban for Fun


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Soccer is Futball or Football. Football could be soccer, except in U. S. A. the football players throw and carry the ball unless they are playing Soccer.


Oh! Wait! Maybe?


I ban Oblivionaddicted because in the U. S. A. the old world game of futball is called Soccer and we have a football game that isn't Soccer.

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Username: Pagafyr.


Status: Banned.


Duration: Permanent.


Recorded reasoning: The individual (addressed as "Pagafyr," as the username refers to him/her as) has violated two (2) vital rules ; such violated rules are referenced:


1.) Presenting oneself as kind; furthermore expressing friendliness towards others.

2.) Lightens atmosphere within the Nexus Forums via talking openly and willingness to help others.


Zero ban appeals from the aforementioned individual will be acknowledged.

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I ban SnowFox35 for leaving out the possibility I might be a Transgender. This is the 21st Century so I kindly suggest you catch up and keep up to date with current events, and avoid acts of fraud.



Oh! By the way. When this site was TESNexus I began as a tech helper here and also at IGN. Swapping back and forth filling my threads with advice and demonstrations on what to do.


I helped people who used the same kind of computer equipment as I did. Adjusting each games INI page.


Allot of my time was spent helping with the video cards. Originally ATI when MORROWIND was a demo disk that came with the video card that year. ATI later sold to AMD. I helped get AMD's INI pages set up for individual games for gamers too.


I finally caught on to the intellect of the higher ranking video cards and later helped people with settings in the INI for their new NVIDIA. Now I glow from so many good deeds I might look like a fully radiated ghoul lit up like a light bulb in Fallout 3. I have kept my ego to a minimum though. So I am not so hot I glow.


Oh! By the way. Another person who went by the name of Thor here was a genius with video cards INI, game setup, installing mods, and many more purposeful instructions for the computers. Too bad he lost his mind, i.e., according to himself and was banned, because he made all sorts of accusation about the Dark0ne and was banned.


Even so; his avatar can still be seen lingering in some forum threads attesting to the fact he/she/or the transgender was here.


To find his/her/or the Transgender's avatar; click on the upper right hand sign "Following this Topic" in any of my threads where I have anyone still following it, and you will see his/her/or the Transgender's last Avatar before being banned. If you have played OBLIVION you will recognize it easily, sir or madam or you transgender person.


I hope Sir or Madam or you transgender person enjoyed the bit of history I have shared.


If not; I ban you for not liking bits of history too.

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