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Ban for Fun


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I ban OblivionAddicted for reminding me it is time for my masculine status to go find a dance off party so I can practice.


There are stories on the Internet saying that big city gangs have stopped shooting at each other and use the new street dance styles as street challenges. There's a movie about it too; about the fact that big city gangs use street dance off these days instead of 'gang wars with bullets'.


US gamers have dropped out of the Star Wars The Old Republic game so dramatically when I checked into my account a player from Euro using the US server asked, "Where did all the American Players go?"


I ban Mktavish because there is only one craft we all, all of all, Ya'll need to know. I can only share that knowledge in person. And if we do meet it would mean I'm the last of the great crafters of the craft you seek, Then you likely would not recognize my craft unless I told you what it is, because when I use it, and don't abuse it, it will support me even if you don't see what I am doing.

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I ban OblivionAddicted for reminding me it is time for my masculine status to go find a dance off party so I can practice.


There are stories on the Internet saying that big city gangs have stopped shooting at each other and use the new street dance styles as street challenges. There's a movie about it too; about the fact that big city gangs use street dance off these days instead of 'gang wars with bullets'.


US gamers have dropped out of the Star Wars The Old Republic game so dramatically when I checked into my account a player from Euro using the US server asked, "Where did all the American Players go?"


I ban Mktavish because there is only one craft we all, all of all, Ya'll need to know. I can only share that knowledge in person. And if we do meet it would mean I'm the last of the great crafters of the craft you seek, Then you likely would not recognize my craft unless I told you what it is, because when I use it, and don't abuse it, it will support me even if you don't see what I am doing.


Your craft is in talking to people .

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