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Ban for Fun


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Hang on. You can't just ban people because you feel like you might because you haven't seen them for ten seconds. They do actually have to do something even if it is a) very little b) very silly c) totally irrational and d) innocuous...

Banned for banning the innocent. 

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I ban zixi because I have been emotionally hoping for a change in the whether or not I will feel better or not after I get done sobbing for awhile because I have been lucky to find someone who has similar injurious problems he was given attention to for 50 (fifty years while being kept in a hospital) and got healthy when his doctor relieved his pain, but they didn't post in the journal how.  I am alive today which means I have a greater desire to find a cure for my problems while playing video games sort of gives my emotions a rest.

All the doctors who pronounced me completely uncurible and said I was wacko died of old age, and I, yes me, although desirous for a better way am outliving those who promised me nothing and patted me with sympathetic words that could have been their way of saying they quit, they give up, and leave with a frown in their mind.

Maybe they were thinking I was playing a game with them.  And they lose again.

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