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Ban for Fun


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I ban Drakefell01 because it seems George hasn't heard the music for the movie Ghostbusters.

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I ban Drakefell01 because I don't understand what is meant when saying "something is too modern for them"?

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I ban Drakefell for not getting with the times.

Now where did I put my buggy whip... 🙃

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I ban Darkfell01 for being from a time before even Beethoven was alive and his works changed the way music was forever.  His 254th anniverary is this year.

I ban AaronOfMpls as I point to the whip holder on the drivers side of the carriage as he was sitting on the passenger side looking for it. 🤣  Must be those signs in Wallmart making us use the doors like the way the Old world people drive on the left side of the road.  Driving us crazy thinking we're in the wrong lane.  The whip is in the holder. 

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Posted (edited)

Everyone banned. It's raining. Yet again. There are slugs everywhere. Banned. Banned and banned. 🙂

Did I say banned?


George - you stay in them there Dark Ages if you want. They weren't so dark as it happens!

Edited by zixi
added a rider...
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They had the best music i unban zixi but ban Pagafyr for thinking Beethoven changed it for the better when what he did was bring an end to world culture 

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