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Ban for Fun


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20 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:

I ban Drakefell01 for banning candy.

Agreed. However, you are banned - AaronOfMpls - for not giving Candy a capital letter. But, as you say, s/he is very welcome here. Candy, please make yourself at home and prepare to be banned all over again... many times.

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I ban myself as I've been taking a while on Camlorn and I have inpatient highfell followers wanting there daily feed of highfell I apologize to these people since I have been hard at work on my mod and hope to be done Camlorn by tomorrow 😃


Edited by Drakefell01
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@George - banned. Two consecutive posts - this is not allowed under Section Vb iii line 5. You agreed to that agreement when you agreed to come here. Banned. Don't argue! 😀

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I ban zixi because I am all stuck together in this human form by all kinds of glues someone figured out how to combine.  I'll bet they had a lot of times when they glued a finger or thumb of theirs together because they weren't careful with the glues they used?

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1 hour ago, Pagafyr said:

I'll bet they had a lot of times when they glued a finger or thumb of theirs together because they weren't careful with the glues they used?

That's me actually. I do a lot of crafts requiring glue. And yes... that does happen...

Banned for drawing attention to yet another of my defects. 🤣

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