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Ban for Fun


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Band Birrii because somebody has to. (when do I get paid for this)


AND, while I'm at it:

Bans alex2avs for his comment about not seeing me for awhile (little does he know I spend more time in Image Share than here)



Bans Species5478 for not sounding like a Python fan.

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Ban Pushkatu as I didn't have the privilege to ban him for a while.



(edit...although.. Alternative Ban: Ban Pushkatu for still being a proud beer drinker.)

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I ban Pronam, Pushkatu, Malachi Delacot, Birrii, Omeletter, Ancient Aeon, Monolithic0117, devdrago12, species5478, because after watching, "Monty Pythons Flying Circus Marathon" I went to bed and just before I awakened from my blissful dream land I saw...a man with long white hair and flowing white beard all the way down to his feet standing in front of me staring into my face.

He reminded me of the guy in the Life of Brian who was in the hole who spoke after Brian jumped in and stepped on his foot.


He had a 101 party hat on his head.

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