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Is beauty lore-unfriendly?



155 members have voted

  1. 1. Is making people attractive lore-unfriendly/unrealistic?

    • Skyrim doesn't have supermodels; there's no avon lady handing out beauty products, so the vanilla appearance is how they're supposed to look.
    • Overhauling specific characters to be more attractive is fine, but not every character in the game.
    • Making everyone attractive is okay, since the lore doesn't specifically say everyone isn't... but H-cup breasts and other unrealistic proportions isn't okay
    • I like to make my game look like the set of a porno, with big ol jiggle physics everywhere.
  2. 2. Is skimpy armor lore-friendly/realistic?

    • No, armor is made to protect, not show off your belly and thighs. People in skimpy armor die quick, even if they do look good while doing so.
    • Skimpy armor is okay, so long as it's only light armor.
    • Skimpy armor is okay, so long as all the skimpy armor has reduced defense ratings to keep it realistic.
    • Most fantasy stuff has skimpy armor, so it's okay - obviously people just move so attacks only hit the armored parts!
    • Clearly, the skimpy armors are magical, and their protective qualities come from magic rather than physical cover.
    • It's hard to hit someone while being distracted by how hot they are... right?
  3. 3. How about cutesy/anime/modern outfits?

    • No, all those outfits are definitely not lore friendly.
    • All those outfits can be explained; some creative new tailor is making them, or maybe they're fashions from a daedric realm like the shivering isles. A good explenation makes it lore friendly.
    • My character was teleported to the world of Skyrim from our world, and that's why they have modern clothing.

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Skimpy armors are not necessarily lore-unfriendly: mages don't use full plate because it gets in the way and use spells to protect themselves, so they could wear anything no matter how impractical, but this does not mean they would literally wear anything. It has to be a logical choice somehow. A skimpy dress with skulls and daedric markings could have been made for a priestess of Boethiah, but no one would make the same skimpy dress with rabbit ears and little pink hearts on it.
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I want great immersion. And for that realism is very important. Of course it's ok to have some pretty looking actors but more of a natural, believable beauty - NO hentai / botox whatever pimped up stuff...


Also you can't appreciate light without darkness. So imho there needs to be more variety ingame.

Some with ugly scars, disguised because of diseases, crippled etc.

It's always this hollywood-look everywhere.... just so uninspiring and lifeless :rolleyes:



You know what I mean:




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However, sort of on the subject, what I find lore-unfriendly is the fact that everyone in Skyrim is either in shape or really in shape. If someone made a mod that made the women one of three forms - Matronly, Burly, or Sickly - and the men Portly, Brawny, or Sickly, I would download that in a heartbeat.

This is actually doable. It just requires resources and people willing to do it.


Basically you go with your anorexic skinny mesh as 0 weight and your well fed plump mesh as 100 weight then the middle 9 slots of the slider will be a healthy mix. To pull off the look you'd need to have 11 sets of texture to provide the extra 'realism' to match up with the meshes in the 11 weight slider settings. Of course then all the armor would need to be adapted...


I could easily do the CK portion, but I've discovered that I'm not a texture or mesh artist on the caliber needed to accomplish this.


back on topic......


is beauty lore-unfriendly?


Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is lore in the eye of the beholder.

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I just think using skimpy "armour" is not a logical choice for skyrim, A LAND KNOWN FOR THE COLD CLIMATES. Wouldn't want to freeze your... you know what I'm talking abouthttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/unsure.gif
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That first question isn't quite fair... the choices aren't mutually exclusive. Skyrim doesn't have supermodels, no. They're unrealistic and\or not lore-friendly. Choice 1.


Except I might well have modded my game into Sexrim anyway. Choice 4 isn't stating that you think it's totally realistic, it's just stating that you did it anyway. ;)


Personally, I use Bella's Better Females mod, but not the stripper makeup option. Most of the women in my game are pretty, but not sexy, if that makes sense. Pretty faces, yes. Skimpy armor and huge jigging boobs, no.

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Personally, I use Bella's Better Females mod, but not the stripper makeup option. Most of the women in my game are pretty, but not sexy, if that makes sense. Pretty faces, yes. Skimpy armor and huge jigging boobs, no.



I don't find huge fake boobs attractive. I believe a woman can look sexy while totally covered in clothing. In other words I'm a fan of subtle sexiness, not in your face manufactured and (in my opinion) hideous plastic women.

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