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Not An Archive...


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So I got a new PC and started redownloading a bunch of mods I had installed before and keep getting "NOT AN ARCHIVE" for every single one. After a lot of searching I have yet to find any way to have it default to create an archive.


Is there any way to do this that I'm just missing or am I doomed to keep clicking "Create Mod" a couple hundred times?

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First, you haven't said what game you're trying to mod, or what mod manager you're using etc.

Details help.

Are you using Vortex? because this is a Vortex support forum.

What action are you taking that gives you the NOT AN ARCHIVE message?
Are you trying to OPEN them?

What program is telling you they aren't archives?

Also, I'm willing to bet that you're getting the "NOT AN ARCHIVE" message, because you're using a browser, or have an Anti-Virus program that is renaming the archives and changing their extensions from *.zip, *.rar, *.7z to a random combination of numbers and letters

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In your download history I'm not seeing anything other than Vortex being downloaded recently, so you'll have to provide additional details. Are you getting the mods from Nexus Mods?


The "Not an archive" usually appears for corrupt downloads or mods packed in a way that prevents Vortex from understanding them.

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A lot of mods come as simple files, like an ESP or texture.

The definition of Archive is files bundled up, like by zip or rar.

If you do have loose files you want Vortex to handle, zip them up yourself. Give your new archive a meaningful name, like mod name and version.

Drop that on the Vortex download area. Just don't expect Vortex to know anything about origin.

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