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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted because the media is no longer full of crap.... it is overflowing

I wish I could have finished my performance when I was in Russia

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Granted. The Russians loved it, and wrote such good reviews that Putin ordered a private performance. He hated it, though, and banned you from ever visiting Russia again.


I wish I could go to England one of these years.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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Wish granted....you passed and now have a license for driving people crazy.

I wish commercials on TV weren't so bloody stupid

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Granted, 90% of the female population is now mean, and they start murdering off all the men in society. Gradually the Human Race ceases to exist, with no way for them to reproduce. Good job there dude.


I wish that infomercials just plain didn't exist.

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