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I can't give anyone Kudos =(


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I don't seem to be able to give anyone any Kudos in the last week or two. I can only see the amount of Kudos they may have received (I'm talking about in the mod comments). Anyone else experiencing this odd issue?
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To me kudos like reps is nothing more than members approving of conversations that they are NOT a party to.


I fail to understand how that is 1) on the topic of help the OP is requesting 2) helpful in any way ~



@ Nynik- I can not answer but I am hoping one of the technical-minded mods will be along to help you shortly. You may want to clear your browser cache, that seems to cure a number of issues.~Lisnpuppy

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I'm not sure, but was it possible before to give kudos right away in the comments from above the post where it shows "X posts Y kudos"?

If so, then that's not a bug. It's simply gone now, for everybody. Maybe it was removed along with the reputation buttons? The place up there has changed a lot in the process and I can't exactly remember what it was like before. :unsure:


You can still give kudos right away in the forums, by pressing the "+" sign behind the number of kudos displayed under the avatar. This leading me to Skyrim Nexus everytime, where I might not even be logged in, seems bogus, but it still works that way.

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It's working directly from the Oblivion Nexus as well as from the forums. I just gave Maskar a well deserved kudo as a test. Clicked on his name in the mod comments, on his members page clicked on the 'Kudos' top right of the page and got the confirmation message that I'd given him a kudo (long overdue).


- Edit - Just checked what happens if I use the same method to give a kudo to someone I've already given a kudo to (Lanceor, you were the test target ... a long ago well earned kudo given). When clicking the Kudo button (which only shows 'Give kudo' in the tooltip) nothing happened. Now if I tried that using the method that Drake pointed out (which is the usual way I give kudos) you get the option to take away a kudo point you have given that person in the past. That option is missing from the Oblivion Nexus interface (possibly due to it not working correctly??). Perhaps the OP was trying to give a second kudo to someone.


- Edit 2 - Using the forums interface I checked to see if the kudo I gave Lanceor a long time ago was still there after trying to give him a second kudo using the Oblivion Nexus interface. The Oblivion Nexus had silently taken the kudo away from Lanceor (i.e. no message saying 'You have successfully taken a kudo away from this user'). Don't fret Lanceor ... I used the forum interface to get you back to your correct current total.


- Edit 3 - Just did another test using DrakeTheDragon as a test 'subject' (someone else I'd already given kudos to in the past). Confirmed using the forums interface that I had already given Drake a kudo (was presented with the 'Take a kudo away' option which I cancelled out of). Went to Oblivion Nexus and brought up Drake's page there. This time when I clicked the kudo button in that interface I was presented with a 'You've taken a kudo away' confirmation. I'll assume that since my earlier edit the problem has been resolved. Kudo given back to Drake and a new one given to nynik for bringing the problem to light. :thumbsup:

Edited by Striker879
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I've noticed this strange problem today myself; came here to see if anyone else was having the problem. I'm surprised there weren't more people talking about this, but Nynik gets my kudos for first pointing it out.


I too cannot give (or remove) kudos on anyone's mod comments as of today. And I've searched over a dozen Skyrim mods; everyone's areas for kudos are grayed-out (never green or red), and unclickable. Not sure how long this was going on since I haven't been on for awhile. Hopefully this gets remedied, as I generally consider it a useful form of feedback. Good luck.

Edited by Victor5
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