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BLOG PIECE: Nexus development and expansion philosophy


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Copied this from my post on the X thread:


Short version:


Would I like to see a Nexus site for the X series? Yes.

Do I feel that the current Nexus site structure is compatible? Not without tweaks.


Long version:


Been playing the X games since X2, and been interested in the mods since I first created an account on these forums. I haven't actually played X3 or AP for about a yeear now. Bought AP, but still not played it. Why? Two fold - I grew tired of having to manually merge, playtest and troubleshoot each and every mod I wanted to play into a single build. It is a *lot* harder than in any of the TES games (III onwards, haven't played any pre-Morrowind). Playing the game how I wanted to play it became a chore, and that was partially down to how the game is modded.


The only exception to this are scripts, which are quite easy to merge/run multiple of so long as they don't want to change the same thing. Not dissimilar to EFF/UFO thing.


I don't know whether there is a centralised script database for X3/AP, and if there isn't, then I think that would be a really good thing, especially if it is designed so Cycrow's manager (if it still exists? As I said, been out of the loop for a while) can read from it, download and update from it. We don't need a NMM for X.


The way I see it, this community evolved around these forums here, and a couple of fan sites (X-Tended comes to mind). Repositories, databases, and download lists evolved accordingly, and like a juggernaught, would be hard to divert at the closing of this X game cycle. I would like to echo what others have said - forget about trying to integrate the X games into the Nexus, prior to Rebirth, and instead, focus on creating a site dedicated to X:Rebirth.


I've also been using the Nexus since it was Morrowind Source (I remembered the name correctly, right?), and have found it thoroughly useful for TES3-5 and DA:O, and I could see how useful it might be for X:Rebirth. However, I think it might just get in the way if its focus was X3 and before.



I hope this post makes sense, I probably shouldn't be typing this out at midnight x).





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Great job on the site and the nexus manager! Also, I think you will enjoy Torchlight 2 since it is what Diablo 3 should have been. :) I just recently finished the main quest of Skyrim a week ago after putting in over 900+ hours into the game.
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Wow, you are seriously down to earth and principled. It's relieving to see someone who has gained success but hasn't forgotten why they started in the first place.


Keep up the excellent work mate, I can see my lifetime membership was a good investment.

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Alright so I've been a lifetime premium member for quite a while now and honestly I don't feel like I've contributed enough to such a great site. Even if the lifetime membership were to cost twice as much I would still happily buy into it. Supporting a site that's run by such an honest and hard working man is something I can get behind for the long haul.


So I was wondering (and I don't mean to start a huge debate here), but what do people think about having an option to change your username? I understand that this is not something that could or should be done willy-nilly, but it's a thought. I, for one, would be willing to pay somewhere around $10 or so dollars to change my name as my account is old, and I was young when I made it (not so fond of the name now).


I realize that this could cause some serious confusion with Mod Authors just appearing and re-appearing with different names, so I think that a few regulations could be made to make it a more feasible idea. Like for instance, only premium members can change their names, and they can only do it every 6months or so. It's a thought, and I'd be willing to pay for this feature not because I think it should cost money, but because I would love an additional, beneficial way to support the Nexus aside from my current lifetime membership.


Like I said guys, love the sites, and I don't mean to start up anything here. Just throwing around an idea I've had for a while so take it or leave it, no harm meant.


Thanks again for the Nexus guys!




@Volnaiskra (Above) ^


You. That. Genius. Thanks for the info, but my idea still stands! Regardless I shall see how that goes for me, thank you.

Edited by vastias
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He actually looked at doing an X-verse nexus and the resounding answer from the Egosoft forums was: No thanks.


This: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=327531 is the topic in question if anyone is interested.

Yeah, I also don't know how you came to that conclusion. The vast majority were interested about the idea, and many of those were positively excited about it. And to be honest, the couple of people who were against it came across as stubborn control freaks and Luddites.


The thing I really took from reading that X thread was just how insanely craptacular the current system seems to be for them: many mods missing or dead, or hosted on someone's horrible clunky personal site somewhere. Mod listings, comments, questions and update notices all buried in forum threads, requiring people to waste time digging through it all. I can't believe people put up with a crap 'system' like that, much less that a few people even defend it.


Makes me realise how lucky we are to have the Nexus!




@vastias: If you want to change your username, you can always email a moderator. I did that (I hated my username and didn't want to carry it with me to my grave since I'm also a lifetime member)

Edited by volnaiskra
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i like to start out by saying thanks you for all the work you put in on the sites you are doing awesome work and cant what to see what you have planed for the future your mod mangier make it very easy to get in to modding my games. as being some what new to modding i was wondering if you had plans to make a site to help ppl learn how to make mods because i dont know if its just me but i have a hard time finding good info on how to use the tools out there to make content for games or is that something that you would leave to some one else


thanks for all the awesome work

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