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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Yeah but what you fail to mention is that the guy who owns the restaurant doesn't make any of the food, he has other people do it for him for free. He only has to pay for building. Perhaps the chefs should take their talent and skills outside of the building into food trucks to cut out the middle man.


*looks at profile* Guess you are still preparing to cook... anything.

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Nexus compensates modders based on how many unique downloads they get, yet implement roadblocks to discourage downloads.


That statement is fundamentally untrue. You are either tragically stupid, or a very lazy troll.



"At the end of each month, mod authors will receive DP based on how many unique downloads their mods received that month."


And how many people have you seen caterwauling about the new download page system? I'm certain it's not doing any favors for udl numbers.

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Perhaps mods should close this thread as it has no more points to get to or prove. At the end of the day the download page is here to stay as is. Whether you like it or not won't change a damn thing, and if one is so dissatisfied with this website I suggest they leave for greener pastures.

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I don't mine the premium service, hell I used to have it and will be picking it back up when I start working again. The only change I'm just noticing that I really don't agree with is the unnecessary step they've now added where every time you try to download through Vortex you have to actually click free download and on that 2nd webpage. And when you have really bad internet like I do at the moment that little things adds up to a lot of wasted time, like I get that if you pay the downloads are faster and whatever but why does that need to be shown for every download I try and do now. I have like 40 mods that need updated so I'm gonna have to do that for each mod and considering it takes my internet about 45 seconds just to load up that page with those 2 options, that's gonna be an extra half hour now just to update my mods..... before you would click Vortex and it would just send it to the mod manager and that was that. This extra step seems a little much.

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Nexus compensates modders based on how many unique downloads they get, yet implement roadblocks to discourage downloads.


That statement is fundamentally untrue. You are either tragically stupid, or a very lazy troll.



"At the end of each month, mod authors will receive DP based on how many unique downloads their mods received that month."


And how many people have you seen caterwauling about the new download page system? I'm certain it's not doing any favors for udl numbers.


I've seen loads of entitled leeches complain, but they can still download mods, which to me isn't by any stretch a "roadblock". It's one extra click. I know this, because I have to click through it as well. You know how much of a roadblock it was to me? It wasn't.


Oh but there's a 5 second delay - you know you can get rid of that forever for the price of a cup of coffee, right?


Oh but I can't afford that much money - then get daddy to pay for it for you, or go get a service industry job that allows you to generate $2 in disposable income so you can overcome the hideous burden of waiting 5 seconds to download a mod that in all probability you won't have clue how to install, and then blame everyone but yourself for the fact that you're too lazy to read how to install it correctly.


If this change is THAT much of a burden to you, then the internet is a massive place. I am sure there are plenty of blag Russian mod sites that are not laden with malicious payloads you can use for your modding needs and be happy and at the same time, stick it to "the man".


As I said, you're either tragically stupid, or a troll. Or, having read your posts up to this point, I think it may be "both".



I agree to a point, my current life situation has me living in a hotel which has god awful internet so it's a bit more then a 5 second wait for me. I also feel like I should point out that you said "you know you can get rid of that forever for the price of a cup of coffee, right?" but that price is 55.38USD. I mean I'm not aware of what kind of gucci coffee you are drinking but I did find that a little funny.

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Guest deleted34304850

I agree to a point, my current life situation has me living in a hotel which has god awful internet so it's a bit more then a 5 second wait for me. I also feel like I should point out that you said "you know you can get rid of that forever for the price of a cup of coffee, right?" but that price is 55.38USD. I mean I'm not aware of what kind of gucci coffee you are drinking but I did find that a little funny.


If you don't want ads and you don't want a 5 second delay - it costs you literally pennies to be a supporter, which is what I did. Honestly, how hard is it for you to go and look at the various paid for options? Take your gucci coffee and drink it while edumacating yourself. Then come back and say "Yeah, sorry I don't know what I'm talking about". I'll wait.

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I agree to a point, my current life situation has me living in a hotel which has god awful internet so it's a bit more then a 5 second wait for me. I also feel like I should point out that you said "you know you can get rid of that forever for the price of a cup of coffee, right?" but that price is 55.38USD. I mean I'm not aware of what kind of gucci coffee you are drinking but I did find that a little funny.


If you don't want ads and you don't want a 5 second delay - it costs you literally pennies to be a supporter, which is what I did. Honestly, how hard is it for you to go and look at the various paid for options? Take your gucci coffee and drink it while edumacating yourself. Then come back and say "Yeah, sorry I don't know what I'm talking about". I'll wait.


I mean I supposed any amount of money could be considered "literally pennies" but if you had actually read what I had typed the person previous had said something about getting rid of them forever costing a cup of coffee and the price for the lifetime supporter is 55usd, that's why I had made the comment about the gucci coffee because that's a bit more then the price of a cup of coffee. But sure it's me that needs the "edumacating"..... hmmmm

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Well, looks like the Nexus is making enough money now that they can turn this off. I know they won't, and well, congrats on 5% freemimum conversions? 3%? I don't care which.


Your reasoning is flawed.


The Nexus has 18,000,000 members , that's EIGHTEEN MILLION Members.


Of those 18,000,000 million member, approximately 126,000 have a premium membership.


That's an awful lot of bandwidth to pay for, especially when only a small fraction of people pay for memberships.


Only .007% of that 18 Million have a premium account.

This is why websites disappear.





You've been quite alarmist about this ratio and what it means to the site's prospects.

By comparison, and only to provide perspective, LL, at over 3 million total users has 386 donators, ie 0.00013 %, and is in the black. Nexus obviously has more traffic to contend with, but I doubt it's 325 times as much. Nevermind that more traffic logically means more ad views as well, and Nexus's pay out way better per view. Nexus has far more overhead because of office space and fulltime staff, but those were management choices that we must assume were made knowing Nexus could afford it. Unless we hear different from upstairs, Nexus isn't going belly-up anytime soon.


As long as Nexus continues to provide a free service, the decision of members to buy premium or turn their adblockers off depends largely on goodwill. Clearly the new UI isn't very popular, and when premiums start calling non-premiums leeches or cheapskates that probably doesn't do Nexus any favors either in the long run.

Edited by DoctaSax
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No I skipped to the end to call out shills. My point still stands, modders should leave Nexus.

Then I suggest you get started on your grand plan to replace Nexus with an equivalent database of mods, but be entirely free for all users, forever.


Because you are so opposed to paying anything, you will not be allowed to solicit monetary aid in any way to keep this site of yours online until the heat death of the universe.



By comparison, and only to provide perspective, LL, at over 3 million total users has 386 donators, ie 0.00013 %, and is in the black.

They're also operating on a shoestring server that's barely adequate for the tiny number of people who actually download from it. They sure as hell are not offering something on par with Nexus. Not even close. So they're not a valid comparison.

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