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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Imagine watching a free Streaming Channel, or Regular TV in fact, and it's interrupted by INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS every couple of Minutes.


Imagine PAYING A MEMBERSHIP fee to Netflix and watching Streaming videos with NO INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS.


Imagine that, how cool is that idea?



Sorry mate you've missed my meaning. The problem with nexus ads are they're parasitic. Do TV or streaming ads crash your TV or app? Don't think so. And before you refute this, nexus ads in fact do, hogging up so much ram it forces you to have to reboot the internet browser. If they didn't do this it would be a non-issue.


Nope. Nexus ads don't do anything of the sort. You may be referring to the ones served up by 3rd party advertisers, but the pop-ups Nexus itself delivers are pretty benign.


Just as you can in fact get some nasty badly made ads served up on your Smart TV or streaming service from time to time. But the ones coming in from the company who sold you the service don't do that.


Oh, and maybe upgrade your PC. Even the worst of the worst ads won't crash your browser or your system unless you have a potato to begin with.

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The pay for premium pop-ups opened my eyes to the fact they're trying to make better profits, so maybe it's a good thing they changed this, but imo they took it too far, especially for the fact they've run the website a certain way for so long, never forcing things on users.

The likely situation is that Nexus Mods was too charitable for too long. A large number of free users used up too much bandwidth (costing Nexus Mods a whole lot of money) and they offered almost nothing in return. And for those users who used adblockers, who literally leeched off the site, offering zero in return, Nexus Mods should have removed their downloading privileges completely.


Firefox has an adblocker built in which is what I use, and I'd use it anyway bc I can't stand ads, so guess that makes me a leech, but I'd turn it off for the nexus if the ads themselves didn't leech resources. Also, how do the dl popups factor into bandwidth? Even though in my original story post I made a big deal about their limited dl speeds, that is a non-issue. It's the pop-ups for EVERY dl that's the issue. It's an extreme measure on their end and I was fully expecting there to be a "don't show this message again" tickbox or something. Like you can limit my dl speeds all day, but don't force me into this Sheogorath realm of madness where I'm forced to relive the same message over and over again.

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Firefox has an adblocker built in which is what I use, and I'd use it anyway bc I can't stand ads, so guess that makes me a leech, but I'd turn it off for the nexus if the ads themselves didn't leech resources. Also, how do the dl popups factor into bandwidth? Even though in my original story post I made a big deal about their limited dl speeds, that is a non-issue. It's the pop-ups for EVERY dl that's the issue. It's an extreme measure on their end and I was fully expecting there to be a "don't show this message again" tickbox or something. Like you can limit my dl speeds all day, but don't force me into this Sheogorath realm of madness where I'm forced to relive the same message over and over again.

Then don't download mods over and over again, using their bandwidth and costing them money. Or pay them $57 one-time-only (less then the cost of a new game) for lifetime premium or a monthly fee for monthly premium. Simple solutions to your problem. Hell, at least buy a Supporter tier once for like $2 and you will never see third-party advertisements on Nexus Mods again. There is plenty you can do to fix your problem that doesn't involve leeching entirely off Nexus Mods.

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Imagine watching a free Streaming Channel, or Regular TV in fact, and it's interrupted by INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS every couple of Minutes.


Imagine PAYING A MEMBERSHIP fee to Netflix and watching Streaming videos with NO INVASIVE ADVERTISEMENTS.


Imagine that, how cool is that idea?



Sorry mate you've missed my meaning. The problem with nexus ads are they're parasitic. Do TV or streaming ads crash your TV or app? Don't think so. And before you refute this, nexus ads in fact do, hogging up so much ram it forces you to have to reboot the internet browser. If they didn't do this it would be a non-issue.


Nope. Nexus ads don't do anything of the sort. You may be referring to the ones served up by 3rd party advertisers, but the pop-ups Nexus itself delivers are pretty benign.


Just as you can in fact get some nasty badly made ads served up on your Smart TV or streaming service from time to time. But the ones coming in from the company who sold you the service don't do that.


Oh, and maybe upgrade your PC. Even the worst of the worst ads won't crash your browser or your system unless you have a potato to begin with.


Okay. But is it not the Nexus who lets those companies advertise on their website? They don't crash my browser they just use up a ton of ram and slow down the experience hence the ad blocker or browser restart. I have 8gb of ram.

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Firefox has an adblocker built in which is what I use, and I'd use it anyway bc I can't stand ads, so guess that makes me a leech, but I'd turn it off for the nexus if the ads themselves didn't leech resources. Also, how do the dl popups factor into bandwidth? Even though in my original story post I made a big deal about their limited dl speeds, that is a non-issue. It's the pop-ups for EVERY dl that's the issue. It's an extreme measure on their end and I was fully expecting there to be a "don't show this message again" tickbox or something. Like you can limit my dl speeds all day, but don't force me into this Sheogorath realm of madness where I'm forced to relive the same message over and over again.

Then don't download mods over and over again, using their bandwidth and costing them money. Or pay them $50 one-time-only for lifetime premium or a monthly fee for monthly premium. Simple solutions to your problem.


Don't dl mods over and over again? Okay now you're just being a troll. Giving them money is not a solution to the problem in the poor design of the experience for standard users. What you said does nothing to validate anything I wrote. I've said my peace and stand by it.

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Don't dl mods over and over again? Okay now you're just being a troll. Giving them money is not a solution to the problem in the poor design of the experience for standard users. What you said does nothing to validate anything I wrote. I've said my peace and stand by it.

I apologize, I didn't intend to convey that kind of churlishness. I was merely offering a solution to your problem - pay money and support Nexus Mods and you won't have to deal with those popups and clicking that button ever again.

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Don't dl mods over and over again? Okay now you're just being a troll. Giving them money is not a solution to the problem in the poor design of the experience for standard users. What you said does nothing to validate anything I wrote. I've said my peace and stand by it.

Says the person who wrote a 360 word screed and turned a minor inconvenience (clicking a button and waiting 5 seconds for a mod download) into a customer getting cavity searched.


I'm glad you read my dramatic-to-prove-a-point-and-entertain prose. Sorry you think that's trolling. You can say peace instead of piece, both are valid. I'm done with this thread, have fun.

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Don't dl mods over and over again? Okay now you're just being a troll. Giving them money is not a solution to the problem in the poor design of the experience for standard users. What you said does nothing to validate anything I wrote. I've said my peace and stand by it.





Actually, it IS a solution to the problem.


People will go through endless threads complaining about the Ads, and Download Screen and do everything in their power to demand that Nexus put an end to the download screen, but becoming a Premium Member, which requires some effort on THEIR part, is absolutely out of the question.


It's kind of ironic that you demand that the Nexus do all of the work to prevent you from seeing ads, when you could strop seeing the ads for $2, and could stop seeing the download screen for the rest of the existence of the Nexus for a one-time (reduced) cost.

I got lifetime back in 2008, it's pad for itself a few times over, and it used to cost MORE back in 2008



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