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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Well, my shitty opinion

The new counter download style is really very annoying. Actually, I haven't seen anything so cruel since the invention of the murder. lol but calling it all equivalent to paid mods is an absurd exaggeration.

Another point: I'm from Brazil, and yes, believe me, it's hard in my country to pay an extra subscription, so it's not as simple as "if you have internet access how can you not pay for the premium?"

But honestly, you can live for free, the worst is the new download mode. I'm particularly going to try to get organized (cancel Crunchyroll lol) and go premium, I mean, I've already bought CC content, it would be a shame not to support the site that has been promoting so much content for me for so many years.

PS If I speak like an idiot, it's because I use a translator, sorry! lol

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What bothers me most about it, is the choice to use the exact model that's been in use on the worlds most annoying websites for years. The generic file upload sites. "Click here for slow download :(" or "Click here for FAST DOWNLOAD PREMIUM :fire.emoji:"

Why the choice was made to replicate a system for file downloading that is despised the world over is absolutely beyond me. If there is issues getting enough premium users, there are so many other ways to get them without impeding a users experience on your service.

I've occasionally been a premium user over the years as I was playing games that I heavily modded, but I can safely say I won't be resubscribing to a website that uses such terrible practices such as that. I know many don't and wont care as much about it, but when I'm downloading mods for a fresh install of skyrim, I really don't need an extra 80+ clicks AND the page refresh (which can take 1-3 seconds) that come with them slowing me down further. Really if it was turned in to something as simple as showing us that page every X downloads or something it wouldn't be bad even, but every single time I try to download something? After a dozen times of clicking 'slow download' in a 5 minute period, no I am most likely not going to spontaneously decide to spring for premium at that particular moment.

Edited by Desperado558
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I was quiet on the big bar promoting premium speeds being faster. OK, I get and can tolerate that. Not thrilled, but hell, I already knew about it a long time ago and it's kind of hard to miss when downloading larger files that take awhile.


But come on, seriously, trying to compete with adfly and mega download styles to get a file is something that is crap. What's next, removing the supporter class and adding 'optional click' pop up ads, unless you're premium.


I've avoided going though Bathesda for mods like the plague, as I'm too disgusted with them for many reasons. Now I'm considering it as an equal equivalent to Nexus at the moment.


When it was time to rely on ads to help support the site, I turned off my adblocker for Nexus. Then I figured, I'd show my appreciation for everything up until that time and paid for supporter status. I didn't regret that and actually felt proud that I was 'supporting' something which actually wanted to make my games worth playing and buying others that have decent mods on Nexus.


Now this current change sure has convinced me at least to not go premium. It's not just to get rid of the pestering annoyance of it, but also considering others that are members, and supporters. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have internet speeds that can't take advantage of the faster speeds, even at supporter levels, that have to have this thrown in their face.


Nope, I haven't taken my pills yet today and I'm riled up. I'm pretty sure that even if I had, I'd still feel the same level of ire, not to mention the level of shame I feel for promoting Nexus to friends all these years.

I see you are indeed a Supporter... I was under the impression that supporters don't get ads. One of the major motivations for buying supporter, is to NOT see them, yet, you are still getting banner ads?? Real curious why. What is the point of paying for supporter, to remove the ads, if it doesn't actually remove the ads??


I'm sorry I was unclear for you. I no longer get ads since buying supporter status.

(side note: I did use an adblocker, while I just had 'member' status, after awhile when the unintentionally obtrusive ads were sneaking into the ad rotation that occurred. As soon as it was corrected by switching to a different ad provider, I disabled my adblocker again. I was even clicking on a few about once a week.)


Ah, ok. Thank You for clearing that up. (I don't see any ads, but, haven't downloaded anything for a few days either....) :)

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I think the site is trying to do a lot more than it needs to. Expenses will continue to rise as you add more functionality, hire more employees, etc. I was perfectly content with what Nexusmods offered years ago, before they started blowing money and subsequently begging for money.

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I couldn't agree more about the constant, less ethical popups that you got on this site now. I've been here longer than most, and I kinda already know that my download speeds are capped.

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Method of payment might be a bigger deal to some people than the actual amount. I myself delayed going premium for a couple of years because of not wanting to use my card online again. It's not that I don't do online payments, but it isn't something I do casually and I didn't think a membership was a necessity considering it was already free. If I could have mailed in a check I would have been a member a few years earlier.


I know that may sound really stupid to anyone who grew up in this era, but I grew up in a different era.



I grew up during the Civil rights movement, and I'm not afraid of the internet, and using paypal

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I'm in on this boat too. While I do think that it's cool to give members the option to opt in, this new screen before the download starts isn't in good taste.

For one, it looks too much like the screens people see when they're downloading files off 3rd party hosts. Which, in a lot of cases, are stuff that they shouldn't be downloading.

IE- It looks like Rapidshare, Keep2share, etc etc etc.

To make a site that has always maintained a zero piracy policy, look and act like a site that is primarily used FOR piracy, seems really backward.

In my mind, it's just giving pirates a feel that they've already grown accustomed to, and encourages them to expect the same thing here, that they would on pirate sites.


What's next, do we have to pass a capta pretty soon, to download?


I get it that there's bots. I get it that this is to intercept hot linking to the files. But yeah, this is just ... it's a serious turn off.

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Also posting here, since the Mod Authors one is less active. As a verified mod author and a former premium member, these repeated, shove it in your face premium messages are extremely annoying and make the site harder to use/navigate. Especially if someone has a throttled/limited internet connection, the forced page reloads make them use up even more bandwidth and reduce the number of mods they can actually download at one time. The whole point of the "supporter" tier is to remove annoying ads, so why are these members still getting what is essentially unblockable ads on every page they click?? I fully understand that a website needs to make money, but there's a fine line between supporting your business with ads and driving away all of your users because you want to shove it your need for money in their faces everywhere you possibly can. There needs to be some kind of compromise, perhaps in the form of a timed reminder about going premium instead of placing it on every single download/page. And please revert the download pages, as a mod maker and frequent troubleshooter, having to reload the files tab for each and every file I need to download is a royal PITA.

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