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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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How about...

You get recruited. Then go the Black Horse Courrier basement (IC)in which is the centre of operations for the BlackOps (Or whatever it's called). You meet the boss, he/she tells you what you'll be doing. You get told that you will receive missions from Black Horse Courrier Distribution Offices in each city if you give them the password. He/she tells you the first password you need and you get a new password upon completing each mission.


You would then need to build little offices in each city, or just outside, like stables. It seems to be the best solution.

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How about...

You get recruited. Then go the Black Horse Courrier basement (IC)in which is the centre of operations for the BlackOps (Or whatever it's called). You meet the boss, he/she tells you what you'll be doing. You get told that you will receive missions from Black Horse Courrier Distribution Offices in each city if you give them the password. He/she tells you the first password you need and you get a new password upon completing each mission.


You would then need to build little offices in each city, or just outside, like stables. It seems to be the best solution.


That is actually quite a good idea. The player would recieve missions from different operatives (NPC's) instead of just one man running the whole show. And you never know, you may have to sneak back and kill that one person you like the most :biggrin:

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I like it....i like having the Black Horse in each (or outside) each town...I think right outside would be best..then no interference with like better city etc.

I like the Black Horse front. I like a tunneling connection system which I dont think would be that hard (Examinis? Hard?)


I like the idea of getting your "orders" in different places...maybe you dont even know who the "Main Man/Woman" calling the shots is? That would be neat.



what about Black Centaurs? Black Centauri?

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The tunel's not such a grand idea considering the courriers can ferry orders arround as well. Which's one of the reasons why's it such a grand cover.


But underground baracks beneath each front sounds great. Tunnells to the outside for sneaking out sounds logical as well.


And I personaly don't realy like naruto it's too filled with fillers, loopholes and cliche, but I liked that the... naruto blackops.... had personisized masks. That's a nice touch I think.

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The tunel's not such a grand idea considering the courriers can ferry orders arround as well. Which's one of the reasons why's it such a grand cover.


But underground baracks beneath each front sounds great. Tunnells to the outside for sneaking out sounds logical as well.


@ ihate

Point well taken and I agree. Secret barracks beneath each office would be better.



Quote:I like the idea of getting your "orders" in different places...maybe you dont even know who the "Main Man/Woman" calling the shots is? That would be neat.

another great idea, perhaps you find out later that the main person is also the main villain of the quest that would add an unexpected twist to the story.

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Yes..and I like the idea of that person maybe not being a villian in the sense that they are truely evil..but maybe ther personal feelings and now power has gone to their head. Make it difficult to hate them....be sorry for their downfall....and then the ultimate choice will be to kill then or redeem them?


Just tossing it out there.


Underground hideout and a tunnel out sounds good.


I also would like to make use of rooftops in this mod. I love the planks and stuff in the thieve's highway....I also love the vine arrows in the thieves arsenal. I see BlackOps types as going over as well as under, in disquise, hiding in plain site, etc, etc.


Maybe have to get hired into a noble household as a servant?

etc, etc.


I still like the 1st star wars armor the best. I want mask not hood (though of course you can wear what you want.)

I plan to retexture a bow and a dagger but not a sword.

Also would like to script something like the thieves arsenal blackjack where it just knocks people out. This is another way of working it without collateral damage.


I love the thieves arsenal stuff as it gives you so many options for sneaky. :)

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I think we will need merchants who will sell specialty arrows, One hit kill arrows but very limited so as not to make the rest of the game too easy. Maybe make some of the bad guys too strong to kill with a sword but still die if caught by surprise with a special arrow. Think of Adamus Phillida in the dark brotherhood quest.
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I think we will need merchants who will sell specialty arrows, One hit kill arrows but very limited so as not to make the rest of the game too easy. Maybe make some of the bad guys too strong to kill with a sword but still die if caught by surprise with a special arrow. Think of Adamus Phillida in the dark brotherhood quest.


a merchant or a chest that has like 5 in it and doesnt respawn for like 5 days or something.

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I'd suggest scripted arrows just like with adamus. Just script them to work with all targets and bodyguards. And limit the ammount to (targets + all of the guards)/2 or 3. So that the player wouldn't be able to simply slaughter everything in the quests with those arrows.


But I suggest making the arrows high - highest even - quality, a tiny bit over daedric. And make them buyable after you finish the questline and give them a scripted 5% instakill ability. Costly and you'd also need to bring something to make them.


Reasonable, no?

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