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Freeloaders like you or me still can download all we want for free. We have not downloads limits. We don't have to pay at all. Just a little inconvenience. It's not the end of the world of modding!


Try downloading mods with 4K textures or any mod over 1 or 2GB and tell me how "little" of a inconvenience that is...

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I'm curious. How would you persuade **most** users to make a financial contribution? For example, flickr is currently operating at a loss and may well shut down in 2020. There are too many free accounts and not enough paid subscribers. Ads alone can't keep it afloat. So what do you give people to persuade them to become paid subscribers? And please don't say a badge saying 'Pro' (as per flickr...) :laugh:

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that such a thread even has to exist at all tells me that there's a serious community related problem that needs resolving here on this site. and anti-consumer business decisions coupled with a community whose premium users are nothing short of hostile and toxic towards the free users is a disaster just waiting to happen.




Free users are quick to point out the behavior of Premium users, while ignoring their own Hostile, Toxic, and Entitled attitude towards the nexus now that they have to see an extra screen and press a button and wait 5 seconds to STILL GET STUFF FOR FREE.


Pot meet kettle eh?

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Guest deleted34304850


Freeloaders like you or me still can download all we want for free. We have not downloads limits. We don't have to pay at all. Just a little inconvenience. It's not the end of the world of modding!


Try downloading mods with 4K textures or any mod over 1 or 2GB and tell me how "little" of a inconvenience that is...


did that today and yup, it's a little inconvienience. hope this helps.

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6 GB with 2 MB downloading rate... (2 hours download :D) Unfortunately some Mod Creator are not active any more and does not upload the content on new pages.

Moddb is very chaotic. Atleast the Sims Community created their own file sharing platform "Sims File Share". Totally free and limitless.


ähm I am totally agree with Topic Creator. ;-D

Edited by Dukemon
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Try downloading mods with 4K textures or any mod over 1 or 2GB and tell me how "little" of a inconvenience that is...

It's the same level of supposed inconvenience that has existed for 10+ years for non-paying members. You're just having it pointed out to you now.


Atleast the Sims Community created their own file sharing platform "Sims File Share". Totally free and limitless.

For now. Once they realize the costs involved, it won't remain free and limitless.


And never forget - when the product is free, YOU are the product.

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Freeloaders like you or me still can download all we want for free. We have not downloads limits. We don't have to pay at all. Just a little inconvenience. It's not the end of the world of modding!


Try downloading mods with 4K textures or any mod over 1 or 2GB and tell me how "little" of a inconvenience that is...



Speed download capping has always existed for free users. It's not anything new.


Did you people know this?


The little inconvenience "grows" when you want to download 100 mods at one time. Nothing related to download speed.

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that such a thread even has to exist at all tells me that there's a serious community related problem that needs resolving here on this site. and anti-consumer business decisions coupled with a community whose premium users are nothing short of hostile and toxic towards the free users is a disaster just waiting to happen.




Free users are quick to point out the behavior of Premium users, while ignoring their own Hostile, Toxic, and Entitled attitude towards the nexus now that they have to see an extra screen and press a button and wait 5 seconds to STILL GET STUFF FOR FREE.


Pot meet kettle eh?


yeah yeah...just more insults...


how can i be the pot when i don't have money to throw around and am not acting like i'm somehow better than other people.


also, maybe less people would complain about them if your suggestions for ways to get the site money weren't using backwards logic that involves taking away things that would incentivize people to pay or make things worse for free users.


if you actually want to make things better and care about anything other exclusively money, you should try to suggest things that actually make the user experience better if people pay for premium without downgrading the non-premium side of things. otherwise what you're doing is actually DIS-incentivizing people from paying for premium and giving them reasons to not want to use the site at all.


but clearly you've got loads of money to throw around and that makes you superior to us non-paying users of the site. so, why should you care about us in the slightest as long as things continue to get better for you and you alone?

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yeah yeah...just more insults...



how can i be the pot when i don't have money to throw around and am not acting like i'm somehow better than other people.


also, maybe less people would complain about them if your suggestions for ways to get the site money weren't using backwards logic that involves taking away things that would incentivize people to pay or make things worse for free users.


if you actually want to make things better and care about anything other exclusively money, you should try to suggest things that actually make the user experience better if people pay for premium without downgrading the non-premium side of things. otherwise what you're doing is actually DIS-incentivizing people from paying for premium and giving them reasons to not want to use the site at all.


but clearly you've got loads of money to throw around and that makes you superior to us non-paying users of the site. so, why should you care about us in the slightest as long as things continue to get better for you and you alone?




Apparently you missed the post where I said I had to take over my Dad's expenses and Mortgage when he died, and now have to take care of my elderly Mom, so I have to wait for Steam Sales and buy any games I'm interested about 4 years AFTER it releases because then I can afford to pay $4.99 for it.


But hey, nice jumping to conclusion eh?

You also missed my post suggesting that Nexus do a HOLIDAY Sale and mark down the prices of Premium, and if the person subscribes to Premium at the Discount price, if they renew they keep the Discounted Price.


But, you didn't see that, because you're too busy being enraged, jumping on the bandwagon, and jumping to conclusion and playing the victim about everything, while only caring about YOURSELF.


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