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Mothership Zeta Crew ¿Romance? Referendum


Mothership Zeta Crew Romance Options  

546 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want me to implement a romance system?

    • Yes!
    • No!
    • I don't care.
    • I'll decide after you finish the main plot and all characters are shown, you lazy bastard!
  2. 2. Preferred Female

  3. 3. Preferred Male

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What Sparta are you talking about? The Greek Spartens did not treat their women as slaves, their girls were trained in sports and gymnastics and were near as fit as the men. Their were slaves and they were treated badly but I don't think crucifiction was a common practice.


The Legion seems more Talaban then Roman.

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Anyway, we kind of got off topic. I strongly feel that The Commander would be happier with Tanaka as a lover then Kurosawa.


Tanaka is sweet, naive yet smart and prob as inexperienced with relationships as The Commander.


Kurosawa is nice but a bit jaded. She prob would consider efforts at romance as cute.

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Nah, what are you talking about? It whas a referendum about a possible romance that simply let to a conversation about the structure of fallout and real civilizations. We where extremely off topic, but hey, it could've been worse in so many ways, nothing comes to mind right now, but it could've been worse. And since I've made my vote and the justificative more than explicit I guess we can talk about other things until someone new comes around and adds a new perspective for us to talk ( or write) about, kinda like being able to eat your dessert after eating all of the brocolli, you know? hehe...( very childish example, I know, but it's what came at mind first).


But I think that the fact that she's "jaded" will make a small romance story a little funny, a romance story doesn't have to be all fluffy and cute, in Kurosawa's case it could have some sarcasm, a few smartass jokes here and there and the flirting could be more interesting than that sticky and fluffy and standardized passion speeches. I don't know, could work.


P.S: After writing this post I realized why I'm 19 years old and never had a girlfriend, so if you'll excuse me I'll go bang my head on the wall until I see a big red stain on my bedroom's blue wall or until I see everything blurry and black out, wichever comes first.

Edited by RicardoRs1990
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19? Ah that takes me back. (Play the Boss singing Glory Days in the back ground.) To be 19 again, wait... I was in boot camp for the Marines then... God NO! The pattern... The pattern repeating over and over again!!


What... where am I? Oh thank God, it was just a nightmare. Damn PTSD flash backs.


Don't look down on fluffy romance, girls love that stuff. I dated a girl once who loved to have me read her poetry. Needless to say I almost killed myself.

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  On 11/28/2012 at 11:31 PM, Rileyjr123 said:

Put Yes And Kurowasa But might have gone for tanaka xcept for that guy at the front desk in nv would hunt me down and kill me LOL no i like kurowasas charchter better Good Job!!!!



you have good taste!!

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Hey there, finished hitting my head against the wall, interestingly enougth I saw the bloodstain and THEN I blacked out, I thought it would be one or the other but it whas actually bolth,hehe. Well letting the jokes aside I don't mind reading poetry to women, or in my case they're still called girls. Hell I even write some poems every now and then, but what bothers me is that girls whant romance twilight style and that simply won't happen, not with me at least, that's what those justin bieber-style halfway homosexual idiots are for, but here in Brazil it's either that or pretending to be a potential criminal and a deuchbag. Well, enougth of complaining, Tanaka is a very good choice too, that's why I voted for her as a candidate too, and with her the "fluffy romance" in it's traditional form, not in the twilight idiotic form, would be a good and interesting for a great number of players.
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  On 11/29/2012 at 1:13 PM, RicardoRs1990 said:

Hey there, finished hitting my head against the wall, interestingly enougth I saw the bloodstain and THEN I blacked out, I thought it would be one or the other but it whas actually bolth,hehe. Well letting the jokes aside I don't mind reading poetry to women, or in my case they're still called girls. Hell I even write some poems every now and then, but what bothers me is that girls whant romance twilight style and that simply won't happen, not with me at least, that's what those justin bieber-style halfway homosexual idiots are for, but here in Brazil it's either that or pretending to be a potential criminal and a deuchbag. Well, enougth of complaining, Tanaka is a very good choice too, that's why I voted for her as a candidate too, and with her the "fluffy romance" in it's traditional form, not in the twilight idiotic form, would be a good and interesting for a great number of players.



i liked the twilight movies.. but i do not want a romance like that.. too many deaths...

i like video games <3

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