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Fallout Modelling - Mini Tutorial


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Well, as far as I can tell, the 1stPerson textures are only needed so an equipped weapon gets higher res textures than one lying on the ground. I suppose it would be possible to have a STAT record with just "00 00 00 00" so nothing gets replaced and the gun uses the same textures in all views.
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Ok when I follow the guide, I can get an item in game, it works ingame... but I cannot reopen the file in nifscope it comes up with a billion errors.


Any clue?



Secondly.. I added my weapon as a new weapon by copying the alien blaster... it shows the alien blaster not my MODEL(wow.............)


found a link to STAT file for the alien blaster which is why this happens infact it doesnt really matter what NIF is linked in the a weapon file if it has a STAT file it links to that overrides it.

The weird thing is the hexcode is in reverse the statcode for the alienblaster is 06eb2c the alien blaster weapon data has it in its WNam segment but in reverse, by copying the stat file then adding 01 to its id and updating WNam and linking THAT to my new model it works.


Im posting this here because this thread is dealing with adding new stuff and this could cause ALOT of annoyances.

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Ok when I follow the guide, I can get an item in game, it works ingame... but I cannot reopen the file in nifscope it comes up with a billion errors.


Any clue?


Questions like this get asked a lot, without any context, or what those errors are. We can make guesses as to what happened, but there's a million ways to break a .nif file.

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Ok when I follow the guide, I can get an item in game, it works ingame... but I cannot reopen the file in nifscope it comes up with a billion errors.


Any clue?



Secondly.. I added my weapon as a new weapon by copying the alien blaster... it shows the alien blaster not my MODEL(wow.............)


found a link to STAT file for the alien blaster which is why this happens infact it doesnt really matter what NIF is linked in the a weapon file if it has a STAT file it links to that overrides it.

The weird thing is the hexcode is in reverse the statcode for the alienblaster is 06eb2c the alien blaster weapon data has it in its WNam segment but in reverse, by copying the stat file then adding 01 to its id and updating WNam and linking THAT to my new model it works.


Im posting this here because this thread is dealing with adding new stuff and this could cause ALOT of annoyances.




1. That's called a "little endian" architecture. The least significant byte is first. All Intel CPUs are like that. So a value like "00123456" gets split into 4 bytes "00 12 34 56" and then they're written in reverse order like this "56 34 12 00".


2. The newer versions of FOMM give you nicer input fields for most values (though mangling TXST ids in a STAT's MODS entry is still the old fashioned way.)


3. Assuming you added 1 to the right byte there, that's actually a pretty bad idea, unless you're very sure that the new ID doesn't exist in the game. The codes for STAT, WEAP, SOUN, etc, are interleaved like crazy. So bumping a STAT id from "00123456" to "00123457" could land you on God knows what else and effectively overwrite it. You could overwrite a sound, an armour, a script, or whatever else with your bumped STAT record.


And adding 1 to the most signifficant byte (e.g., from "56 34 12 00" to "56 34 12 01") from my experience usually doesn't work. The game seems to cheerfully ignore that last byte, so basically you overwrite the original definition again.

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I have an issue with a gun I created (The L.A.R.G.). Some of the textures are glitched out. I think it has something to do with me adding more textures and meshes than the gun I based it off of. I added 4 new textures only 1 of which shows up in game the 2 original textures work fine. The gun is based off of the laser rifle I added a 3 new mesh blocks copied the NiTriStripsData from the nif I exported from 3ds max. I have used the fomm to get the gun into the game using the blank esp file. I created TSXT blocks for all the textures. I suspect that I might need to add the new TSXTs to the STAT part along with the original 2 but one of the textures I added works fine (the third one). If anybody knows how to fix this please let me know. :blink: (it will take me forever to figure out alone)
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If you don't add the TXST 1stPerson textures to the STAT record's MODS sub-record, they don't do anything at all.


_Normally_, if you don't add them there, the textures defined in the .nif will still apply. Those are usually the low res ones, but they're some texture. I suspect that that's the case for your one part that works.


The test there is to drop the weapon on the ground (maybe in more than one place if unsure) and look at it. If some textures are still glitched, then the paths in the .nif are wrong.

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nah im wrong lol... after some sleep im back at it... i dont get it lol... txts are not responsible for it... maybe they are responsible for giving one model different textures and thus saving memory but im atm at a point where i have absolutely no clue on whats going on anymore... it seems to depend on which vanilla item you replace, in which order you add, delete and modify things and so on... i get errors for things i get none a minute before and so on... basicly i spend somin like 8h yesterday watching my textures not work at all lol...


added 15 hats and of these half work and the other half doesnt even tho the nifs, esp and everything else is identical (well atm none works anymore lol)...


i had to replace vanilla parts btw, i couldnt get a mesh ingame if i replaced parts in one of my working meshes


if anyone has an idea on what might be wrong with my files plz tell me lol im going nuts by now (see pic)

edit: diabeling normals helps removing the nasty specular but is no solution

edit: strips needs Tspaceflag at 16 while copypasting to be set back to 0 afterwards fixes the specular (always updating the normal and binormal arrays)...

still my hats in opposition to the caps use a wrong texture lol (txts and nif use the right one and i have no ai.txt)...

edit: but then nifskope spews out errors, setting back to 16 removes error but activates specular of doom


EDIT: WAAS 'N SCHEISSTEIL!!!!! pardon me french plz


edit: lol whatever i do the damn hats keep the wrong texture... wth... i remade em a dozen times now, new models, new textures, new esps anything but no theses di*ks stand brave against any effort i make to use my texture (i dont even know where that other text comes from as im using new base models all the time too)... the one nifskope and max all show and which i remade a dozen times too... so what the *very long and very colourful expression* is wrong here :starwars: ya me vs gamebryo... anyone wanna be sancho panza? :P


edit: so... seems somin within the fomm creation went wrong and my hats had either wrong and my hats were all missing somin x_X basicly 8hs wasted lol... nevertheless it orks now...


what i learned:



dont use the vanilla fedora as a base item for your esp creation in fomm (its ok for nifs)


TspaceFlag set to 16 enables you to copy,paste and manipulate nitristrips with ease and without errors, but ingame they are spectacular so to speak... specular frenzy would be the boring words... so before finalizing your model set em to 0... you cant open em with nifskope afterwards tho


this doesnt seem to affect _go models tho


you can still keep the file open and manipulate it, other parts, textures, etc once you set one strips Tspaceflag back to 0


niftools 3.1 created meshes create errors and ctds, 3.0 worked fine...


dont hope the shops are still open 5am...


txts entries are not responsible for the texture, the nif is, but maybe one can use one nif for many diff. items if txts are used and thus save memory usage

needs to be explored and confirmed, exploration force is on its way but needs to gather supplies, ammo and the like...





picture shows failing specular if you set a nitristrips tspaceflag to 16 ingame

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actually stats and txtxs dont seem to be needed for the textures to display correctly... the form ids might be or a missing entry somewhere or you exported the mesh wrong somehow... sadly i dont know what the 6 slots you have in nifskope are all for, the 1st difuse, 2ndbump/normal, 3rd probably glow, why not add a whole new textureset?
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