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The last shall be first


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I can't seem to find an answer about what to do when 2 or more mods specify that they be last in the load order. For example, Scrap Everything "Put this file at the absolute END of your load order" and Amazing Follower Tweaks "Make sure AFT is at the BOTTOM of your load order" In addition there are patches that must be loaded after AFT. Where do you place mods that all want to be last? Is there any way in LOOT you can mark them to maintain a particular order? Thanks for any info you can give me.

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when modding you want to put big files near the bottom to avoid other mods overriding them. Truthfully this is just easier to say then explaining how to sort mods. Mods need to be organized by priority so that they overwrite other mods that alter the same things. So a sword retexture mod can be above or below a follower mod and it won't matter as the two don't affect each other where as a mod that overhauls all followers and a standalone mod that alters only one will need the one placed bellow the bigger one so it overrides it.

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Patches always have to be listed lower in the LO than the file that they are patching. That's a given. So yeah, even tho a mod may say that it has to be absolute last, that doesn't count with patches.

As long as you don't have mods that conflict with each other, as the "absolute last" it's not too much of a big deal. It is hard to describe tho, as Doc mentioned. Because there are all different types of scenarios where you would need to juggle your list. And there's all different kinds of mods.


The safe rule tho, is that if you install a new one, and it doesn't work, or another mod doesn't work, one of them needs to be in a different place in your load order, or the mods just outright conflict to the point that they don't work together.

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I can't seem to find an answer about what to do when 2 or more mods specify that they be last in the load order. For example, Scrap Everything "Put this file at the absolute END of your load order" and Amazing Follower Tweaks "Make sure AFT is at the BOTTOM of your load order" In addition there are patches that must be loaded after AFT. Where do you place mods that all want to be last? Is there any way in LOOT you can mark them to maintain a particular order? Thanks for any info you can give me.

A scrap mod needs to be sitting below everything that used to be one big texture but that has been broken down into separate pieces by doing away with the 'precombine' setting. A scrap mod needs to be able to scrap individual pieces like windows and doors instead of a whole living block in one go. As such, it doesn't really matter where the scrap mod is sitting but everything sitting below will not be scrappable in most cases. I myself use Spring Cleaning which has an esm and is sitting above every esp, so, hey.


Getting rid of the precombine is also the reason why a scrap mod has an impact on framerate. Instead of thousands of textures, the game now needs to load tens of thousands of textures. So, in the end it's trial and error. See what's best by swapping the plugins individually.

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Thanks everyone that replied. I've got Scrap Everything as the very last mod and Amazing Follower Tweaks and patches above that and it seems to be working fine although I do get a CTD after a short session. No rhyme or anything reproducible. Most likely a mod conflict somewhere since I've flagged so many mods as ESLs. Time to start disabling I guess. Thanks again.

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Thanks everyone that replied. I've got Scrap Everything as the very last mod and Amazing Follower Tweaks and patches above that and it seems to be working fine although I do get a CTD after a short session. No rhyme or anything reproducible. Most likely a mod conflict somewhere since I've flagged so many mods as ESLs. Time to start disabling I guess. Thanks again.

I've ran previous versions of FO4 smoothly with around 160 esl plugs, 423 plugins in total, so don't panic yet.

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