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On publicising formal warnings and bans


Publicising our warning and ban system  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. How should we publicise formal warnings given to members?

    • You shouldn't publicise formal warnings
    • You should publicise formal warnings with a generic "This user has received a formal warning" message, with no specifics
    • You should publicise formal warnings with the full details of why the user received their formal warning
    • I don't care/I have no opinion on this matter
  2. 2. How should we publicise bans?

    • You shouldn't publicise bans
    • You should publicise bans with a generic "This user has been banned" message, with no specifics
    • You should publicise bans with the full details of why the user received their ban
    • I don't care/I have no opinion on this matter

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I think that bans and strikes should be public, but warnings not. The difference as I see is that you could get a warning for posting something particularly distasteful whilst very drunk (random example), and while bad, this isn't a reflection of your typical behaviour. It shouldn't then be an ugly stain on what might be a pretty good record, especially since it's not 'official'.


A ban or strike is an official statement from Nexus saying that the user has either crossed or regularly toes the line, and that's worth notifying other users of. Such notification is pretty useless unless details are given.

Edited by wrinklyninja
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It is no one elses business what warnings or bans someone receives, or what goes on with someone elses account. Publicising bans/strikes just looks vindictive, creates far more anger and upset and makes public private information.


When people sign up an account they expect that all the information regarding that account is kept private. Publicising anything to do with that account without the consent of the account holder is a violation of that, regardless of how 'bad' the account holder is accused of being.


The public likes to sit there and read all that information, like gossip. Because that is what it is to the public....gossip. What happened to so and so...ooo look at what 'whatsisname' got banned for.


There is nothing informative to be gained from reading it, period. It is just violation of privacy and unwarranted humiliation for the account holder and gossip for the public. :armscrossed:


Anything to do with any person's account should be kept private between the person and the site staff.


I am amazed that people think that its okay to publicize information like that and I can pretty much bet that none of them have actually had their private information splayed out in public like that, with no recourse to dispute any of the accusations laid out, even when there are times when such accusations are false or at the least open to being blown out of proportion or into something completely unwarrented by the public reading them.

Edited by Guest
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I think the formal warnings and ban notices should remain as they are, posted in public for all to see.


The only thing I'd change about that is to keep it to a formal tone and drop the sarcastic barbs that are often accompanied by these. That does sometimes cast things in a negative light.

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IIt is just violation of privacy and unwarranted humiliation for the account holder and gossip for the public. :armscrossed:


I respect your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it, but I fail to see how calling attention to someone's actions in a public space (and the sense of disconnection sometimes makes us forget that the internet - particularly forums and file-sharing sites - are public spaces) is a violation of privacy. If someone earns themselves a strike or a ban, it's because they've said or done something that affects other users in a detrimental way. It seems to me that they forfeit any right to "privacy" when they cross that line.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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It is no one elses business what warnings or bans someone receives, or what goes on with someone elses account. Publicising bans/strikes just looks vindictive, creates far more anger and upset and makes public private information.

Of course it is. This is a public forum; the file sites are public sites. Misbehave in public and you are *already* in the spotlight, and it's only fair that others are aware of wrong-doers.


When people sign up an account they expect that all the information regarding that account is kept private. Publicising anything to do with that account without the consent of the account holder is a violation of that, regardless of how 'bad' the account holder is accused of being.


The public likes to sit there and read all that information, like gossip. Because that is what it is to the public....gossip. What happened to so and so...ooo look at what 'whatsisname' got banned for.


There is nothing informative to be gained from reading it, period. It is just violation of privacy and unwarranted humiliation for the account holder and gossip for the public. :armscrossed:


Anything to do with any person's account should be kept private between the person and the site staff.

I am certain that that will always be the case. I hardly think that personal information of *any* kind, other than user name would ever be considered. That's just silly.


I am amazed that people think that its okay to publicize information like that and I can pretty much bet that none of them have actually had their private information splayed out in public like that, with no recourse to dispute any of the accusations laid out, even when there are times when such accusations are false or at the least open to being blown out of proportion or into something completely unwarrented by the public reading them.

I'm not sure why you think that any private information is going to be disclosed. That's just not an option... ever.

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I think we should keep it as it is. Someone mentioned that it breaches privacy, and adds on unwanted humiliation. I do not think it breaches privacy because technically speaking, the account is actually the property of Dark0ne, who owns the Nexus. No private information, such as name, age, etc., are being shown to the world, merely why they were banned.


And if people don't want to be humiliated in front of the Nexus, there's a simple solution; don't get yourself banned in the first place.

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I am certain that that will always be the case. I hardly think that personal information of *any* kind, other than user name would ever be considered. That's just silly.


Any action taken on someone's account is private information. Any information regarding someones account is no one elses business, be that whether the account is banned or has strikes against it or is in good standing. That information should only be available to the site staff, not the general public.


Nothing 'silly' about it. :dry:

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I am certain that that will always be the case. I hardly think that personal information of *any* kind, other than user name would ever be considered. That's just silly.


Any action taken on someone's account is private information. Any information regarding someones account is no one elses business, be that whether the account is banned or has strikes against it or is in good standing. That information should only be available to the site staff, not the general public.


Nothing 'silly' about it. :dry:


I don't understand what you are trying to say here. The only account information that would be publicised would be the user name. That is freely available to anybody anyway. The fact that a person has been banned is also freely available when viewing their profile. Nothing would be revealed 'regarding someones account'. :confused:


And by 'silly' I meant the idea that any personal information would be divulged, which is what your post seemed to be hinting at.

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Keep it transparent. Keep it where everyone knows why a user was banned. It's how it has been, and frankly, it's worked well enough as it is. As a chat moderator, I have to make sure everyone follows the rules there, and if they don't (particularly in the case of trolls or pirates) then they get banned. I have had more than a few come back screaming at me because they were banned for a "stupid" reason, if piracy or not following my warnings to stop whatever inane actions they are doing, is considered stupid. When I link them to their ban thread, it usually helps me convince them of why they were banned, the reasons behind it, and why they need to put in an unban request, if the ban was for misbehavior.


Keeping it transparent is the best way to go.

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if people don't want to be humiliated in front of the Nexus, there's a simple solution; don't get yourself banned in the first place.


Precisely this ^


It isn't hard to follow the rules and behave like a civilised grown-up.

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