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Barrett m82 Sniper Rifle


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OK... but its purpose is an anti-material rifle, and the US use this weapon sparingly as its too large n uncomfortable to use effectively in live firefights plus this weapon pierces just about any body armor
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you can put it wherever you want i think. but if you look at the big guns they are all indirect fire weapons (granted the minigun should not be, but in this game it is >.>)


my vote is small arms. thats what it is.

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you can put it wherever you want i think. but if you look at the big guns they are all indirect fire weapons (granted the minigun should not be, but in this game it is >.>)


my vote is small arms. thats what it is.


What are you meaning by indirect fire? When I think of indirect fire, I think of weapons that fire in an arcing trajectory as opposed to a (relatively) straight line. Howitzers as opposed to rockets.

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Fallout 2 put their equivalent of a heavy sniper in the Big Guns category, granted the developers mess'd up as it behaved like a minigun but still...

their in game description says its a sniper rifle...


wat he means by indirect fire is covering fire, i think, but this game is not about those kind of tactics where u pin down a target by firing at the targets location all shots are meant to hit with these weapons, which weapon in FO3 is an indirect fire weapon


but yes indirect fire weapons are howitzer like weapons, FATMAN is the only 1 i can think of

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indirect fire would be the fatman and the missile launcher.


direct fire is defined as any weapon that you have to sight in to hit your target. other word anything you have to be able to look at to hit your target. artillery, mortars, launchers, all indirect fire.


bozar =/= m82

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