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There are some locations that will always become hostile when you steal while not being observed. For me this is Fred Alan's basement in Hotel Rexford in Goodneighboor, but also covenant. Taking any item anywhere while being hidden turns everyone in Covenant hostile. Stealing something from the basement in hotel rexford, even when no one and you are sneaking (hidden) is there turns all of goodneighboor hostile.


Is this intended and are these people omniscient or just broken?

Edited by AeonsLegend
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heyas Aeons - Well, Covenant is broken. It's a known issue that even when you take over the settlement, and it belongs to you, that most of the stuff there still shows red, and will flag you if you take it.

Tho another thing about Covenant, is that their natural state is to be hostile towards the PC. If you use a mod that gives you FoF vision, and will automatically mark hostiles... if you ever peak at them from out of their view, they show as reds (enemies).

Not sure about goodneighbor tho. It's been a really long time since I've gone there.

Gah, can't think of the name of the place. It's the trader outpost that is run by a woman that is easily mistakable for a man. She "Greets" you at gunpoint at the gate. I know there's a tower there, that has NOBODY in it. But taking stuff out of it, will still flag you as a thief.

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That's Bunker Hill. Yea same thing there.


@HeyYou, when you take the password from the same house the entire town goes hostile. Well at least in my game.

I think that has happened a couple times, but, more often than not, I can take what I need there, and no one cares.....

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Bunker Hill! That's it, thanks Aeons! :)

I don't remember exactly what it was, it's been a really long time since I've looked at it, as far as Covenant goes. So take this with a grain of salt. A really big grain of salt. But IF I remember correctly (Really big if there) I think that the problem in Covenant is something to do with a bug in the beds. Or possibly some of the chairs. I just remember, that there was something in there, that if you delete it in workshop mode, it gets rid of all the owned statuses on most of the objects.

That tower tho, I dunno what's going on there with that. :(

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I use setownership if I don't want to be bothered. I remember there's even a few owned items or doors in raider areas in the middle of nowhere. Really strange.


Sounds like you guys need something like Stolen Item Ownership for Oblivion. I'd be spending all my time locked up without it!

This is not a thing in FO4 as people do not actually focus on these items in FO4. Only if they notice you taking it then the reference of the item is triggered with an action to retrieve it or go hostile. There is no trigger towards unowned items in your inventory anywhere.

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