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Skyrim and Steam


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If you are like me and have ctds and have checked all your mods and load orders and nothing seems to work try this.I put steam in offline mode and played for 5 hours non stop with no ctds,then I restarted steam in online mode and crashed after 45 minutes and found the longest I could play was an hour and a half with out ctds,then I put steam in off line mode and played none stop for another 5 hours.Now during all of this I did use the pcb command to clear excess memory every now and again.
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I play in online mode all the time. No issues on my end.
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I have played in both on and off line and never noticed any difference in the incidence of CTDs. Typically 45 minutes to 3 hours :rolleyes: but sometimes l stop before any CTDs at all - as I rarely play more than 2 hours without a break.


However, if you do see a lot of CTDs this may be something to try. If it works for you, let us know. :thumbsup:

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I recently disabled Cloud saves and the steam interface. Now, I did additional tweaking, like cleaning up my mods, removed realistic lighting and a certain hunter lodge home mod.


I've been playing since last friday, about four hours a night, and have yet to crash. *knock on wood*

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