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StreetLights.esm Fallout 3 Placed Wrong ?


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The next update of Vortex should allow the optional DLCs in FO3 to be moved.


Although if the author of StreetLights is still around, would it not be easier to update it to forward whatever overrides it needs from Broken Steel?

Why would a mod author go to the trouble just because one mod sorter doesn't work with Fallout 3? The developers of LOOT and Vortex are the ones responsible for ensuring their products work with the available mods. Of course, in the case of LOOT, it has never sorted FO3 mods correctly from the time it was first published.

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The next update of Vortex should allow the optional DLCs in FO3 to be moved.


Although if the author of StreetLights is still around, would it not be easier to update it to forward whatever overrides it needs from Broken Steel?

Why would a mod author go to the trouble just because one mod sorter doesn't work with Fallout 3? The developers of LOOT and Vortex are the ones responsible for ensuring their products work with the available mods. Of course, in the case of LOOT, it has never sorted FO3 mods correctly from the time it was first published.



This could just be my experience being primarily Skyrim/Fallout 4 modding, but it seems illogical to disrupt the "expected" order of the DLCs. Perhaps it wasn't such a big deal when this came out? I'm not saying I'm right, but based on my own personal knowledge of modding Creation Engine, it seems to contradict the consensus on DLC load ordering.


Moot point either way, as Vortex will allow this sort order in a future update :)

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It just happens to be that way, way back when there was only FOMM ( this is 2008 mind you ) .


And LOOT has it right, Vortex displays it right, it just outputs the loadorder.txt and the plugins.txt wrong.

It places StreetLights.esm on the designated spot, it only adds +1, so spot 3 becomes spot 4, an issue that IIRC Tannin42 mentioned in an earlier post to a different issue.


That's the whole thing. Of course, I made a patch in under 5 minutes, that's not the issue here.

The main issue is that the output is something else Vortex and LOOT is saying.


Thanks for all the trouble, I'll be awaiting the next update.



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