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Keybind commands


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I've updated the 2nd post of this thread with tutorial.


Cannot log to Nexus Wiki once again.


Also I'm happy to announce, that since patch 3 (Changelist: 402256) tactical binds work once again from DefaultInput.ini. Like:

Edited by Drakous79
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evilmunky80, are you playing Enemy Uknown or Enemy Within? It is important to work with correct files and folders.


XCOM Enemy Unknown




XCOM Enemy Within




Also make sure you're pressing ALT + F9, because you have Alt=True set.


You may put new lines at the end of DefaultInput.ini like this:

.Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="exec Strategy.txt")

I use F12 and no problems. But some computers like MACs can have system or app shortcuts on F keys.


Also you may need to change screen few times, before you see the change.


Sorry, should have been more specific but it was late and I was tired :blush: . Playing Enemy Unknown and had all the relevant files changed or added to the correct place. Pushed Alt F9 a bunch of times, changed the screen every time but no dice. I'll give the F12 one a go and see what happens. Cheers for the help Drakous79.


UPDATE: Just added the F12 binding to the end of the DefaultInput.ini and it still didn't work.

Edited by evilmunky80
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That is strange. Can you try:



.Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="GiveResource Money -99999")

If these commands work, then problem is with Strategy.txt. I posted my Strategy.txt in the second post of this thread.

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That is strange. Can you try:



.Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="GiveResource Money -99999")

If these commands work, then problem is with Strategy.txt. I posted my Strategy.txt in the second post of this thread.


Both worked so clearly I'ts an issue with my Stategy.txt file. I've downloaded the one you put up so I'll give that a go. Fingers crosseed. And thanks again for the help Drakous79.


UPDATE: The Strategy.txt file route didn't work again however putting the F12 keybind to just add cash in the ini file did work. Not the quickest way to get a bunch of rescources but I'll take it.

Edited by evilmunky80
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You can chain commands:

.Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="GiveResource Money 1000 | GiveResource Elerium 100 | GiveResource Alloys 100 | GiveResource Engineers 10 | GiveResource Scientists 10 | GiveItem WeaponFragment 100")


Have you put Strategy.txt into XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Binaries ? There is build.properties file in the folder. Also Command="exec Strategy.txt" have to be without typos and with correct straight quotes.

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You can chain commands:

.Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="GiveResource Money 1000 | GiveResource Elerium 100 | GiveResource Alloys 100 | GiveResource Engineers 10 | GiveResource Scientists 10 | GiveItem WeaponFragment 100")


Have you put Strategy.txt into XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Binaries ? There is build.properties file in the folder. Also Command="exec Strategy.txt" have to be without typos and with correct straight quotes.


I had the Strategy.txt file in the Binaries folder and could see the build.properties file as well. I tried the chained F12 binding you posted and it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help and patience Drakous79, I'ts very much appreciated.

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Glad I could help evilmunky80.


One last question. Was it correct Binaries folder (not XEW/Binaries)? Because I've done all posted steps and Strategy.txt is working as expected. It must be in the correct folder and exec command must be defined in the correct DefaultInput.ini.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weirdly I can't seem to get this to work anymore. I got it to work some time ago on my last game, but since then I've verified game files and had to redo my changes... and it's broken. I've added at the end of my DefaultInput.ini


.Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="GiveResource Money 1000")
since loading Strategy.txt wasn't working, and it still didn't work. I tried a Non-Function-Key keybind (Q) and it didn't work either. I AM editing the correct DefaultInput.ini (Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame) and the changes are propagating to my MyGames folder. I'm incredibly confused.
Here's an EXTRA bit of weirdness. I booted EU for the first time in a while after modding the EU files as well to see if I could get it to work in EU, and it works fine there. It's just EW where it appears to refuse to work. I copy/pasted the exact same line to be meticulous about my edits, so it's something changed in EW.
Edited by tigrisjk
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