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Keybind commands


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I copy your lines and paste them at the end of the DefaultInput.ini

When I press B, it exist the game. But when I press F4, it did not.

Than I realized that F4 is the quick switch bottom to dash board on Mac, so maybe it is why it did not work.


I change the Exit to GiveResource Money 1000 on both lines, and it works.


I still need to move to lab or other facilities to have it showed.


Thank you

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Greetings all ... I have always had a problem with the camera sway and zoom when targeting an enemy. I have been messing around with the camera pitch and have found some nice results i thought i would share. I play with a gamepad so i have all of these bound to the F keys.


Bindings=(Name="F2", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 95 1200 -40", bPrimaryBinding=True)

Bindings=(Name="F3", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 95 1200 -35", bPrimaryBinding=True)

Bindings=(Name="F4", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 95 1200 -25", bPrimaryBinding=True)

Bindings=(Name="F5", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 85 1200 -45", bPrimaryBinding=True)

Bindings=(Name="F6", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 85 1200 -35", bPrimaryBinding=True)

Bindings=(Name="F7", Command="setoverheadcameraparameters 85 1200 -25", bPrimaryBinding=True)


You can change the settings and try what you like. I did 6 keys so i could try out different zooms and pitch while playing. You can literally play in glam cam with this if you want ... lol These are the settings i have been using lately. What i like most of all is that when you target an Alien it doesn't zoom down and in,it's more back and up .. so there is less back and forth on the screen.


Anyways ... play around with the settings and see what you can do. I have noticed that if you set the distance's to high you get weird effects .. screen inversion and some image tearing. These ranges that i have been using are good.


Play around with it and see what ya think :smile:



Nice find ... I'm adapting this for Long War. I think "setoverheadcameraparameters 70 1256 -40" returns the settings to default.

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I copy your lines and paste them at the end of the DefaultInput.ini

When I press B, it exist the game. But when I press F4, it did not.

Than I realized that F4 is the quick switch bottom to dash board on Mac, so maybe it is why it did not work.


I change the Exit to GiveResource Money 1000 on both lines, and it works.


I still need to move to lab or other facilities to have it showed.


Thank you




Strange is Mac keys functionality isn't disabled in the game. By default:

  • F1 shows info about selected unit
  • F2-F9 selects soldiers (even options state target)
  • F10 does quick save
  • F11 switches between window and fullscreen


Yes, moving to another screen is required for user interface to update numbers.



[Engine.PlayerInput] binds are used for strategy layer (base) and [XComGame.XComTacticalInput] binds are used in tactical layer (mission), so you can have one key, that does different things.



Also you can chain commands like bellow:

.Bindings=(Name="B", Command="GiveResource Money 1000 | GiveResource Engineers 10 | GiveResource Scientists 10")

Disadvantage is commands cannot be changed, while the game is running.



Would be great, if you could try exec file command:

.Bindings=(Name="B", Command="exec Strategy.txt")

Create Strategy.txt in Application Support > Steam >SteamApps > common > XCom-Enemy-Unknown > XCOMData > Binaries and put in some commands like:

GiveResource Engineers 1000
GiveResource Scientists 1000

The best is, commands in the text file can be changed, while the game is running.



I think you can use any letter key, but could be worth adding ALT as modifier key, so you don't tap in unintentionally.

.Bindings=(Name="B", Command="...commands...", Alt=True)
Edited by Drakous79
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Hmm, think there's a way to control the rate of time passing on the geoscape with a couple of keybind commands?


XGStrategyAI >> XGGeoscape has the functions IncreaseTimeScale and DecreaseTimeScale,


I think it could be possible - by changing function flag to exec, or by duplicating those functions in XComStrategyGame.XComHeadquartersCheatManager.


Little crossposting from Unlocked some modding helpers thread.


Source: Unreal Engine 3 Exec Functions

Exec functions are special types of functions that are defined within classes using UnrealScript. These functions can be executed by the user at runtime by bringing up the in-game console while the engine is running (usually by pressing the ~ key) and typing in the name of the function followed by any parameters it may require. These functions are similar to console commands in that they can be executed from the console, but differ due to the fact that they are defined in script and can be easily added, modified or removed.

Classes that are scanned for exec functions are (including all subclasses):

  • Input
  • Controller
  • Pawn
  • InventoryManager
  • Weapon
  • HUD
  • GameInfo
  • CheatManager
  • GameViewportClient
  • Interaction - Interactions placed into a PlayerController's Interactions array will be executed, but will not show up in the console command completion



Drakous79, there is an "Exec" flag in function flags: 0x00000200. Is seems to determine if function can be executed from the console. You may try to set it and see what happens.

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Hi Drakous79


Just wanted to report back on SUCCESS with your advice. In order to use the R3/Right Stick Click to control the speed of the game, I inserted the following lines in the section title "CONSOLE bindings" in DefaultInput.ini:


.Bindings=(Name="SlowMotion",Command="slomo 0.01 | SetBind XboxTypeS_RightThumbStick NormalMotion")

.Bindings=(Name="NormalMotion",Command="slomo 1 | SetBind XboxTypeS_RightThumbStick SlowMotion")

.Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightThumbStick", Command="SlowMotion")


Worked like a charm!!


Glad I could help :smile: Great job with finding the right button's name.


The valid mappable keys and buttons are available in the 'UDN - Three - KeyBinds' article, which I just linked into our Keybind Commands wiki article as a direct result of this, so 'great job' indeed.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I put below lines and they all work


.Bindings=(Name="B", Command="GiveResource Money 1000")
.Bindings=(Name="N", Command="GiveResource Engineers 100")
.Bindings=(Name="M", Command="GiveResource Scientists 100")
.Bindings=(Name="F4", Command="Exit", bPrimaryBinding=True)
Have not yet try to edit below lines, are there any commands that we can use during battle? like add experience or add / restore health?
.Bindings=(Name="B", Command="GiveResource Money 1000")
.Bindings=(Name="F4", Command="Exit", bPrimaryBinding=True)
one thing is that the " matters, if I copy paste the lines from the website, the " shows the same as the original lines in the ini file. but it shows different font if I type it in.
And if I type it in, it will not work. I have copy paste the correct font to have it work.
I have tried this and it appears the " font matters. I do not know why.
I will they the Strategy.txt some other days, it did not work for me and now I think maybe it is because of the " font.
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Thank you Dubious :smile:


linpingchun, thanks for reporting the issue. Keybinds aren't working, when are wrong quotation mark characters like and used instead of correct ". The correct one can be copy pasted from other bindings in DefaultInput.ini. Will fix it in my posted codes, where is the error. That's the reason why all F9 commands failed. Lazy = evil copy paste :)


Okies, test exec Strategy.txt whenever you want. It'd be good to know, if it works on Mac and where to place the file.


Here are commands for missions that go to [XComGame.XComTacticalInput] section.

// Select a soldier and use GiveXP value. Switch to other soldier and back to see Level Up + sign.
GiveXP 100

// For PSI, select a soldier and use GivePSIXP value.
GivePsiXP 100

// Place a cursor close to a unit you want set HP of (can be alien) and use SetHP value.
// Unit's HP will be set to specified value, but up to unit's maximum health. Negative values and zero drop unit's HP to 1.
SetHP 50
Edited by Drakous79
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I can use the GiveItem command to get most of the items except for one at this moment.


UFO Flight Computer


I try UFOFlightComputer, UFO Flight Computer, UfoFlightComputer. it is just not working.


There is UFO Flight Computer (damaged)


May be the name content some word that says not damaged?

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