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Coronavirus - Is there a silver lining?


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The vision that slipped my typing fingers was, I used to be a 5 year old with an 11 year old brother selling garden seeds for an Import & Export Company my older brother convinced me to fill out the form on the back of Boys Life magazine so I became the best Door to Door Salesman of all time. Twice. He never bother to tell me that, we had to have our parents consent to be able to even apply for the job.


I sold seeds with him standing safely a good distance away on the public sidewalk. I sold all occasion cards too. Again, with him out on the public sidewalk a safe distance known as the neutral zone. While he sent me to the door to sell All Occasion Cards the second time around. My name is on the Import & Export companies roster, while he remains a poor working stiff for the girl he finally ended up with.


Happy trails to you, until I return with another package of Garden seeds or All Occasions Cards.


Oh! That's... I almost forgot. I am not a cute 5 year old boy anymore.

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Apparently my older brother was afraid of what would happen if he took responsibility for his actions when he was eleven years of age. I don't know why he was afraid, because; You know, the U. S. A. version where we have to take responsibility is not the Hebrew version; it is when we are 18. Now some think it is 26. But without parental permission he was concerned he would greatly suffer. And he had to be 13 to just to get in, fit in, and only if he got parental permission.


I'm the dupe to the poor little child. He made me so; if he fouled up; I would take the fall. Luck was on my side and he's still a reference to the one who claims he is a man.


Maybe I wasn't supposed to be here; because they wanted a different kind of child. They asked for a doctor, but didn't make it clear, they wanted a female one, before they took the seed without specifying female in the contract.


I sold seed first. A woman who feared the worst; gave my mind a shock. At 5, almost 6, while I stood on her front porch; I told her; she could put the seed in the refrigerator until planting time.


In other words; from a child like you and I; words of wisdom are best, because we see what is, not wanted, and fulfill that which is true to life's test.

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If we make it through this without sparking WW3, I'll be amazed. People always want a scapegoat and there is so much finger pointing going on now........

Yeah, but, do we really wanna go to war with China? Personally, I think that is a BAD idea. (though I expect it to happen in the not-so-distant future......)

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If we make it through this without sparking WW3, I'll be amazed. People always want a scapegoat and there is so much finger pointing going on now........

Yeah, but, do we really wanna go to war with China? Personally, I think that is a BAD idea. (though I expect it to happen in the not-so-distant future......)



They have a millions man Army, however they are worthless on the other side of the world. USA still owns the Oceans. and the Skies. If we ended up in an all out war it would last a little longer than Desert Storm 1. If it is inevitable, its better to do it now than later because it would mean less death.


As far as I'm concerned China has already declared war.

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If we make it through this without sparking WW3, I'll be amazed. People always want a scapegoat and there is so much finger pointing going on now........

Yeah, but, do we really wanna go to war with China? Personally, I think that is a BAD idea. (though I expect it to happen in the not-so-distant future......)



I agree. But, they're not leaving us much choice since they challenge us at every turn. Course they'll be fighting drones for the most part when things go down.






If we make it through this without sparking WW3, I'll be amazed. People always want a scapegoat and there is so much finger pointing going on now........

Yeah, but, do we really wanna go to war with China? Personally, I think that is a BAD idea. (though I expect it to happen in the not-so-distant future......)



They have a millions man Army, however they are worthless on the other side of the world. USA still owns the Oceans. and the Skies. If we ended up in an all out war it would last a little longer than Desert Storm 1. If it is inevitable, its better to do it now than later because it would mean less death.


As far as I'm concerned China has already declared war.



Seems that way. At least we do have advantages like u say, but they're catching up fast (mainly by stealing tech).

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China also has about 300 nuclear warheads.......


At this point, the US government isn't willing to confront China. Look at the islands they are building in the South China sea. That should never have been permitted. China is angling to control those waters, and with it, the trade routes that go thru there. They have a long range plan, and the US government is just watching it happen. They won't actually attempt to do anything substantial until after it is already way too late.

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