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FNIS not recognizing version of itself or SkyrimSE


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First I get a message stating that sexy moves is not running because FNIS version is Then I get a message stating a Race Menu error because I am running SKSE version and it expected or greater. NiOveride plugoin not detected CharGen script not detected. Error codes (0)(3)(6).


When I open FNIS and run an update at the top of the FNIS screen the version of SKSE and FNIS shows:

Skyrim SE 64 bit and FNIS v7.6.


I deleted Skyrim and re-downloaded from Steam and Skyrim is set to auto update. No idea why it isn't. When I try to ask Steam they just redirect my to Bethesda, which is no help.


Anyone have any idea? What does the error mean that NiOveride p;lugin is not detected? I have tried to find this on Nexus with no luck. Same goes for the Char Gen script not detected.

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SKSE install
[ Installation ]
1. Copy the .dll and .exe files to your Skyrim SE directory. This is usually in your Program Files folder under Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\. If you see files named SkyrimSE and SkyrimSELauncher, this is the correct folder. Do not copy these files to the Data folder as with a normal mod. The "src" folder is only useful for programmers, most users can ignore it.
2. Copy the .pex files in Data\Scripts\ into the Data\Scripts\ folder of your installation. The .pex files are needed by all users of SKSE.
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