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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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And I agree, the US should get out of the business of nation building. We obviously suck at it.

Depends who you ask, there are several " public servants" who made millions nation building.


Yeah, and there are a whole lotta folks that made huge piles of cash building/selling weapons to the US, and also those we were fighting against. MONEY is the reason the republicans didn't really want out of afghanistan. Too many folks in the military/industrial complex were making too much money to want to stop.

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I'm all for GTFO, what I am suggesting is that Trump would have been able to get people out in an orderly fashion as well as securing the assets we left behind.


Since no one respects or fears the senile old coot in our Whitehouse, they moved in knowing that they would not be engaged.



(You have to skip to 23:19 to see the interview)


"The Taliban, good fighters I will tell, you, good fighters. You have to give them credit for that. They've been fighting for a thousand years; what they do is they fight,"


"The Taliban has circled the airport, and who knows if they're going to treat us right? All of a sudden, they'll say — well, frankly, if they were smart, they'd really — and they are smart, they are smart. They should let the Americans out,"


This is what Trump said to Hannity in an August 17th interview. Granted I could have just said this was an interview on Hannity and anyone could tell who I was quoting simply by reading the unintelligible incoherent quoted statement above.


Now I don't know what your idea of what a "senile old coot" is but Trump's own words not only make him look senile but also completely ignorant. There is a difference between someone showing strength and just simply being arrogant as well. Right now no one fears Trump other then the GOP who suck up to his lies. In fact over a large majority of international leaders around the world knew how much of a schmuck Trump was when he held office and would play at his ego by throwing him fancy parades and parties because they knew they could take advantage of him by doing this. This is no different when it came to Trump negotiating a deal with Taliban. Even before Biden was inaugurated into office, the Taliban technically already broke their own agreement by keeping close ties with al Qaeda. Yet Trump did nothing. Hard for anyone to assume the Taliban would have ever respected Trump and I would suspect given these facts Trump wouldn't have done any better when it finally came down to a complete withdraw from Afghanistan. But we will never know, because thankfully Trump isn't President!


For the Record, "Thousand years!!!" Obviously Trump is senile enough to make such an over calculation of how long the Taliban has actually been around. Maybe this sudden surge of attacks on Biden's age I been seeing the last few weeks on multiple conservative platforms is actually a deflection from Trump supporters. Because it's obvious who the real senile person is and it's far from being Biden. All you have to do is listen to anything that comes out of Trump's mouth now a days and you can tell his days are coming to a quick end where eventually you will need a code decipher just to understand anything he says to make it even coherent.

Edited by colourwheel
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Dont bother. Mr. Jose enjoys nothing better than to get people upset and really doesnt listen to or wont actually argue the points.


I'd stop tilting at that windmill

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Yes yes, as I pointed out earlier in this thread I realize you have TDS.


Trump did the right thing ending the war the Obama / Biden promised to end. Biden is the one who botched the exit. Everyone who isn't a complete dolt agrees, from both sides of the isle.

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Yes yes, as I pointed out earlier in this thread I realize you have TDS.


Trump did the right thing ending the war the Obama / Biden promised to end. Biden is the one who botched the exit. Everyone who isn't a complete dolt agrees, from both sides of the isle.

Typical Right Winger, always blame the Democrats, for their screw-ups.

So much for the party of "Personal Responsibility"


Trump signed the order to "Get Out", Trump also bragged about his "Peace Treaty" with the Taliban.

If you believe ANYTHING Trump spews, you are completely delusional.


Also, TDS is something Trump Supporters suffer from.

YOu guys can't even get something like THAT right.



BTW, here's what the rambling, incoherent, dumpster-fire called Trump, had to say back in June.

Too bad he's incapable of finishing a coherent sentence or thought.



"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. Twenty-one years is enough, don't we think ... twenty-one years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but ... it was very tough to stop the process when ... other things were ... Yeah, thank you, thank you ... it's a shame, twenty-one years by a government ... that wouldn't last. The only way they last is if we're there.


What are we gonna say? We'll stay for another twenty-one years, then we'll stay for another fifty? The whole thing is ... ridiculous. So we're bringing our troops back home from Iraq! We're bringing the troops back home ... from Afghanistan ... we brought 'em back home from Syria remember the thousands of troops we had on the border with Syria? Remember that? We had had THOUSANDS of troops between Turkey and Syria, I said wait a minute this border's been here for a thousand years plus, we never get anything why are we doing this?


Sir! Sir! You can't do it! It'll be war! It'll be war! I said our troops are in grave danger. You have two armies and our troops are in the middle. So I started bringing 'em home and then we got down to 54 troops and I said to one of the generals -- he was a good general, he wasn't a woke general, you notice the woke generals we have here? This was a real general! I said we have 54 men from 5000, we have 54 men on the border are they in danger? He said, Sir, we have 54 men between two armies, they don't have a chance. They're gonna be target practice. I said get 'em the hell out. And everybody said what a terrible thing he did and you know what that was three years ago and nothing happened."

-- Donald Trump, June 26, 2021

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The idea was, that we would at least let the afghani's know that we were leaving. Not just disappear overnight....... What possessed them to do that is a mystery to me.


Although, it's not like they didn't know this was coming, we had announced it on national TV here......


But then, as I said before, I don't think who was in the oval office, or how the pull-out was managed, would have made one bit of difference in the end result. The taliban were going to take over again right after we left anyway. Didn't matter how long we stayed there. It seems the army we spent 20 years training, were only in it for the paycheck. If they actually wanted a better country, they would have fought for it. Not ran away when the first guy carrying an AK showed up.

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The idea was, that we would at least let the afghani's know that we were leaving. Not just disappear overnight....... What possessed them to do that is a mystery to me.


Although, it's not like they didn't know this was coming, we had announced it on national TV here......


But then, as I said before, I don't think who was in the oval office, or how the pull-out was managed, would have made one bit of difference in the end result. The taliban were going to take over again right after we left anyway. Didn't matter how long we stayed there. It seems the army we spent 20 years training, were only in it for the paycheck. If they actually wanted a better country, they would have fought for it. Not ran away when the first guy carrying an AK showed up.

I don't disagree, but at least if we'd left like we should have, like we said we would I don't think the Taliban would have acted with such...impunity. We could also have pointed to us having done all correctly and would not have so much attention on us and more on them.

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The idea was, that we would at least let the afghani's know that we were leaving. Not just disappear overnight....... What possessed them to do that is a mystery to me.


Although, it's not like they didn't know this was coming, we had announced it on national TV here......


But then, as I said before, I don't think who was in the oval office, or how the pull-out was managed, would have made one bit of difference in the end result. The taliban were going to take over again right after we left anyway. Didn't matter how long we stayed there. It seems the army we spent 20 years training, were only in it for the paycheck. If they actually wanted a better country, they would have fought for it. Not ran away when the first guy carrying an AK showed up.

I don't disagree, but at least if we'd left like we should have, like we said we would I don't think the Taliban would have acted with such...impunity. We could also have pointed to us having done all correctly and would not have so much attention on us and more on them.


I think the taliban would have done exactly the same thing. Wait till we are gone, then make their move. They knew this was coming. They have been waiting for it for years.

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Biden's excuses have run their course. To say out of one side of your mouth that you planned for all contingencies and out of the other that you had no idea that the collapse could be this fast is duplicitous in the extreme. There is no reason that idiot Gen. Miley should not also be held accountable also. To evacuate the military before you evacuate the civilians is a disgrace. The current estimates are between 10-15k Americans and friendly Afghans (who most certainly will be executed) left high and dry outside of the Bagram air force base, this is worse than Saigon. Trusting the Taliban to allow our friendlies out is much akin to trusting Himmler to politely escort the Jews out of Nazi Germany. Our in house democrat apologists will find some reason why this is acceptable but it stinks to high heaven.

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