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Crafting Questions


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Well it cant be impossible for a crafting station to give mutiples of a produced item because the vanilla game already does it. If you go to the tanner, you can trade in pelts or leather and get multiple leather or leather strips in return. Thinking about it, I could just make a new crafting station, set it to tanning rack( which ever option that is, havent checked yet) and input recipes that give X gold in return for enchanted items. That shouldnt require SKSE or any scripts as far as I know. I will look into this in a little while.


Does this sound like a reasonable idea?



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You can have multiples of one item. It's right there on the constructible object form (recipe): "Created Object Count"


You cannot (without scripting) create more than one item at any workstation.


The only concern I see is player enchanted gear not matching up with any pre-defined enchanted gear and thus may not be capable of being included. If that indeed is the case, you may end up needing to use some scripting magic anyway.



Sorry, when I made my first post in this thread I had getting 2+ items from a workstation on my mind and it tainted my understanding of the request. I hate breaking down armor into a single piece. I want it to revert to the leather & iron etc...

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When I was thinking about it I did consider that mod added weapons and armor would not be able to enjoy this system, as each recipe would have to crafted individually and that can only be done on vanilla items. Though updates and patchs could be added that include those modded items and since many of them have been added to compilations and packs it could be done from one or two sources. I will look into it and see how long it takes. With the holiday chaos I havent had time to try any of this stuff yet^^.



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