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Unable to completely install Vortex


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I get a window that says the following:

"An unrecoverable error occurred

Startup Failed"

The rest of the window will be posted as a screenshot.

I just completed a factory reset on my PC a few hours ago, and am reinstalling programs.

Vortex was working fine prior to the reset, the rest of my PC wasn't.
I am using the latest version of windows 10

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Third time's the charm. Now its wanting me to choose a location to send games to. Does it matter where i send them?



If it's talking about the Mod Staging folder, then yes.

The mod staging folder needs to be on the same drive as the games.


Your download folder can be anywhere, just don't put either folder INSIDE the Steam directory or game directories

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to be getting the same notion after making an update to my PC.
I have reinstalled the latest version of Vortex both the one-click and manual locating one multiple times and am still getting this notion.


Would have posted a screenshot but apparently I'm not allowed to use ctrl+c, ctrl+v on screenshots on this forum.

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I seem to be getting the same notion after making an update to my PC.

I have reinstalled the latest version of Vortex both the one-click and manual locating one multiple times and am still getting this notion.


Would have posted a screenshot but apparently I'm not allowed to use ctrl+c, ctrl+v on screenshots on this forum.



That's because you have to insert an image with the IMAGE button in the menu, using a url to a link to the image


CTRL+C and CTRL+V doesn't work on images



1. Take a screenshot, save it
3. drag your screenshot to the CHOOSE IMAGES button on the webpage
4. copy the DIRECT LINK link from the resulting page once your image uploads.
5. Come back here and click REPLY or NEW POST or whatever it is....
6. Click the IMAGE icon in the toolbar when you're editing your message
7. Copy the URL of the DIRECT LINK you copied from the postimg.cc website into the URL filed in the IMAGE popup, click OK
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I'm bit unsure how firewall stuff works and english only gets me so far as I'm using my first tounge as operating language on my windows.
Could you enlighten me on where to find "Controlled Folder Access"?

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