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Is it ok to merge your entire load order into one merged plugin?


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Hello everyone. So I hope someone can help me. I've seen on youtube of people claiming that they have over one-thousand mods in their load order. I have been wondering if the secret to this is merging your entire current load order into one single merged plugin? Is this actually possible? I currently have nearly 600 mods installed on vortex with over 300 of them light plugins and I am full at 254 plugins currently. Problem with me merging plugins is that most of those non-light mods have patches to make it all work together. So can merging your entire load order actually work and start from scratch again?

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That depends on the type of mods but is generally not recommendable. You can do this with most weapon, armor, NPC mods but you shouldn't do this with all the bigger quest mods or mods that changes cells and the worldspace.

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