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I've a problem nobody has on the internet

as always its after killing alduin and returning from sovngard BUT this time its not my character, its others and only when i get close to them, a blue aura expanding and contracting in their bodies



and tried "SOVENGARDE HERO GLOW EFFECT" solution, its not it

can anybody help?


EDIT: Ok I found the solution

the solution is: f*** this game, I've to start it again, as if I would

Hi, im quoting "Enthusiast" post because i have the same problem i have tryed every bat fix here (i think) and cant disable' this glow sparkling effect around every npc i get near.

can someone please help me?


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My game has a green tint and a radial blur effect on it which seems to be permanent, also, the music that plays in sovngarde is on a never ending loop everywhere I go. Happened after making a new character and loading back in to a different save. The radial blur is in 3 corners instead of 4, top left, bottom left, and bottom right. Halp, if I have to hear that damn music for another second lol...


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hi everyone! help please with this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72vIek0_Pc&list=UUGQ4hmyc6OTS3t40cI9KfOA . I tried CureAll, player.DispelAllSpells and Directors tools, but its not works :confused: sexchange helps, but when i change view from 3rd to 1st person its backs again :confused:

I have exactly the same problem. Been trying different stuff for over 4 hours now and I cannot get it away. :sad:


Edit: Finally!! I found it!


You first have to disable all unofficial skyrim patches, because they change some scripts and thus block/interfere the manual commands.

Open the console and type "player.addspell xx02c29e" and then "player.removespell xx02c29e".

xx will have to be your dragonborn load order. After disabling the unofficial patches this will likely be 04.


In short:

1: Disable unofficial patches

2: Run the game, go to third person view and open the console

3: Type "player.addspell 0402c29e" and then "player.removespell 0402c29e"

4: Save the game

5: Exit the game

6: Reload the patches

7: Run the game and enjoy! :smile:

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hi everyone! help please with this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72vIek0_Pc&list=UUGQ4hmyc6OTS3t40cI9KfOA . I tried CureAll, player.DispelAllSpells and Directors tools, but its not works :confused: sexchange helps, but when i change view from 3rd to 1st person its backs again :confused:

I have exactly the same problem. Been trying different stuff for over 4 hours now and I cannot get it away. :sad:


Edit: Finally!! I found it!


You first have to disable all unofficial skyrim patches, because they change some scripts and thus block/interfere the manual commands.

Open the console and type "player.addspell xx02c29e" and then "player.removespell xx02c29e".

xx will have to be your dragonborn load order. After disabling the unofficial patches this will likely be 04.


In short:

1: Disable unofficial patches

2: Run the game, go to third person view and open the console

3: Type "player.addspell 0402c29e" and then "player.removespell 0402c29e"

4: Save the game

5: Exit the game

6: Reload the patches

7: Run the game and enjoy! :smile:



This is extremely BAD advice though. Disabling the patch, for any reason, is likely to corrupt the save beyond all hope of repair. As is generally the case with ANY mod that uses scripts and/or makes extensive changes to things. Reinstalling them afterward will NOT fix things.


You should instead go to the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun and use the 3 altars that have been placed in the game for the purpose of removing unwanted effects.

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after looking high and low to find a solution to my particular issue, i found none. looking through this thread i saw some very interesting (and cool if i was playing a paladin type character) effects, yet none to match my own. allow me to add, this happens at character creation. if its a neck seam problem, none of those fixes have worked. so if anyone here has a clue how to resolve this issue i would deeply appreciate it. thank you. http://i1365.photobucket.com/albums/r758/Eric_Kelly/Khmal_zps198df878.jpg







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This thread has been really helpful so far with all the magic glitches I came across. Sorry if this has been solved, but believe me I searched. I re-installed windows last week, and I started adding mods that I had previously to be able to continue older saved games. For some reason, my oldest save, started this weird blur effect on the edges with light changes, to normal, to dark Kinda looks like hypothermia, but no matter how warm I am, it still the same. My other save plays just fine. See screenshots: http://steamcommunit...24/screenshots/




hi everyone! help please with this bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72vIek0_Pc&list=UUGQ4hmyc6OTS3t40cI9KfOA . I tried CureAll, player.DispelAllSpells and Directors tools, but its not works :confused: sexchange helps, but when i change view from 3rd to 1st person its backs again :confused:

http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/14268859-1406664544.pngdoes it look like this? cause I think I'm having the same problem, I thought it was a night eye effect that wont go away but I think you're right that its the effect from transforming into a werewolf. None of the dispelle console commands work, and to be honest I don't understand the Shader Cure All thing to give it a try but so far I haven't seen a shader for werewolf transformation either.



I think you might have the same visual effect as I do. I've tried all the fixes in this pages, but the radial blur still stuck and the contrast fading in and out is driving me insane. I isntalled a mod from the nexus that removes radial blur and it worked just fine, but I cant get rid of the contrast fading issue and its making me dizzy. I even tried cleaning the save form everything to no avail. This is my oldest save and I would hate to loose it just because I cant remove this effect.

Edit, I found a fix for this issue on another thread, type "teofis" into the console and voila, problem solved (at least for me).



I have had this happen a couple times now when I eat an "Eye of Wolf" (which has the Night Eye property). It is, I believe the Night Eye effect. It would linger seemingly permanently and makes the game pretty much unplayable.


Lucky for me your "teofis" fix worked like a charm!


*Poof*! No more night eye effect :)

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