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Mod authors: Ordering your images


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You can also use the advanced search, search for mods within a specific category uploaded within a specific time frame and then order by endorsements descending.

I did , and is not working , but aside that is something the normal user doesn't do and not even most of the veteran users like me do use .... beside that the search engine doesn't work very well missing a lot of words and sometimes people rely on google to search for nexus mods , as I do also ... I repeat this is not a critique but a sugestion to improve because so far a lot of people are lamenting it although not visibly talking about even because most users are non modders and they barely know even how to install mods , imagine how to perform advanced searches to look for something they do not even know of ...


and a Visible search button and filter button near hot files so to be able to cycle the hot files among the preferred ones rather than the ones that got there by merit , tricks or luck ... it woudl allow a lot more visibility to other mods ..


on steam that is how is working and grants full visibility to all mods without need to have 1000 mods on main page , also when some mods do get the chance to get on main page the count shoudl reset for the time allowed to be there and not just 10 minutes if the time run out , because is quite unfair system so far ...


I repeat this is to improve and make it more fair !



then nobody knows you need to press the Spyglass icon to make that search and even if someone is enough patient to look for it it only allows to sort mods by endorsements up or down and shows always the same so the cycle is back ...


finally to say the last there is no advanced option in the search unless you go to the forums unless u go file , but this is still the "advanced user" routine ... the normal user just watches the first pictures ...


so a system to just sort those hot 5-6 pictures by category woudl help a lot the visibility , and that button shoudl be quite clear to recognize ... and grant hot files to a lot more mods without wasting more space .

Edited by PROMETHEUS_ts
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Dark0ne then I get you are not understanding at all what I mean , first of I am talking of hotfile/endorsement relation and second the advanced search is not something the normal user looks when seeing what new files are on the main page


... what is normally seen are the 6 pictures of the hot file main screen page only that is the "showcase" , the search is working when you have in mind some specific name you type in and then look for ,but nobody uses it to see what's new in hot files sorry to contraddict you , but you may take it wrong , get annoyed and just dismiss my content as spam or instead take my words more seriously and be proactive about them considering the possibility that I may not be saying crap here and that many other have the same opinion ... it is not hard to just implement a better system and I am talking by the side of a end user ...


the choice of course s yours , ignore completely the feedback of users and do as you want or instead considering that there may be a problem and investigate to improve the service ...

Edited by PROMETHEUS_ts
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I guarantee you if I change that front page design a single bit I'll have an inbox and forum filled with hate mail :) so when you say "improve the service", you mean improve it for you, and perhaps others, but not everyone. I'll take it all under advisement, but right now we've got no plans to change it any time soon.


As an aside, I noticed on Steam Workshop I can rate files I haven't downloaded, and they've got a Steam achievement if you rate a certain number of mods in the Workshop. Goes a long way to explaining the views:ratings ratio at least! I prefer our system. What use is an endorsement/rating that comes from someone who hasn't even played your mod? No use at all.

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I'm with Dark0ne here. One crap-storm for changing the front page in 12 months is enough. That being said if you want to browse, you can list by submission, number of ratings, and alphabetically, each ascending and descending and further still by doing all of these things inside of individual categories, there are many ways too look for new, popular, old, and niche mods for anything you could want. The front page doesn't need to be for digging up all new files, I personally prefer what we have now. Edited by Sysreq
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I don't get why some users/authors try to change this site into the steam setup when nexus has far more features, better organised, better moderation, less trolls (in my opinion), and way more popular with established authors. (How did this conversation get changed to this again?)


It's fine with anyone making suggestions for improvements but saying that parts of the site are wrong gets tiresome.

Edited by Ironman5000
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Is notthe steam setup that is better , what is good , and perhaps only that , is that it allows a filtering of the hotfiles by category , , a filter check that is right there in front page and easy for everyone to see without having to make any deep page search as is here for doing and actually here , despite all the goodwill is not possible to look for new interesting mods because all that pops up are always the same mods , and its pretty boring , so I usually go to steam to find new mods and eventually come here after to download , the system is not working and trust me is not just me but a lot of other mod authors ....


I am not saying to revolutionarize it all , just to add a filter rotation , so that you do not hae always the same stuff on frontpage and you can personalize .... what is the point also of waiting one hour ? nobody comes back to endorse if the file works usually , while they come back to get the updates , anyway there are lots of way to trick this system that I do not want to start listing them here , but due to this a lot of the "most endorsed" are like this because they could enter early in the hot spot so pushing up their count and other mods that could have even more deservign rights cannot enter the selection because the spots are filed and will never get showcased ... really man this system needs a fix .... it can be quite easy to do because you already have all the functions to make it work , its just a matter of rethink a bit the filter on the main page to show it easy and allow so more front page rotations based on category selected ... it will grant a lot more file to be showcased and will take no further space ...


Also when a mod is lugky enough to get to hot spot , why can stay there only few minutes if it made only at the end of the week from publishng? while others that perhaps where released in a specific studied timeframe get all the scene for over a week ?


think about it ... its not a rant it's a serious sugestion and request to improve it .... and again trust me I am not alone on that , if you take a look on bethesda forums you will see how many complain about the system ...

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think about it ... its not a rant it's a serious sugestion and request to improve it ....


The owner of the site has already stated quite categorically that it will not be changed any time soon, and yet you persist on pushing it. It may not be a rant, but it's likely to become tiresome quite quickly.

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the system is not working and trust me is not just me but a lot of other mod authors

Everyone has their own opinions, on the flip side of the coin a lot of authors agree the system is fine so I don't think it's fair to keep accusing the system of not working. If SW hadn't come along would be complaining as much because I have yet to see a hosting site.

there are lots of way to trick this system that I do not want to start listing them here , but due to this a lot of the "most endorsed" are like this because they could enter early in the hot spot so pushing up their count and other mods that could have even more deservign rights cannot enter the selection because the spots are filed and will never get showcased

The only way to 'trick' the system is likely to get users banned as far as i'm aware, the hot files are rotated regularly so every file has a week to get up there. If it took the whole week to make it there at the last minute that just reflect the mods worth, and it's not difficult to scroll through a few Latest Files pages to check the rest out. I had a mod that made into the hot files that made it on the 6th day and I was happy to just get noticed for it but I didn't care it's not a popularity contest.


Maybe this should e saved for the relevant thread anyway.

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