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Does anyone still play Oblivion?


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Just started a new playthrough. It's been a couple of years but I'm definitely enjoying it. I'm tying the two games together though, role playing my current character as a descendant of the character I will eventually play in Skyrim. This character isn't being played as the "Hero of Kvatch" but rather as a Spellsword Breton born under the sign of The Lord who has travelled to Cyrodil after his family was slain in his native Northpoint of High Rock. He is destined to settle in Leyawiin currently, where he will join the Knights of the White Stallion, an order that his ancestors will serve in up until the time of the Dragonborn during the events of Skyrim. I'll be playing only noble quests on this playthrough. The only part of the Main Quest I'll be doing is delivering the Amulet of Kings as my character believes he has been given the amulet in error and wants to see it delivered to the right hands. I'm definitely going to pick up a few Mages Guild and Fighters Guild quests, although I will not be finishing either as I don't want this character to be the Guild Master or Arch Mage. Doesn't really fit the personality of this particular character. His loyalties lie with the Knights of the White Stallion. I'll be spending most of my time in the southern part of Cyrodil taking on quests and helping the locals. My character prefers a combination of the sword and magic for combat, but enjoys hunting game with the bow as a hobby. He also loves ale and spends plenty of his free time in meadhalls. He's already frequented The Feed Bag while spending time in the Imperial City haggling with merchants. I will be spending some more of my time later in the Imperial City too though as this character does have a connection with the Imperial Legion that will be tied in with my character in Skyrim that I plan to play in the future.


Good times. :biggrin:

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Overall I think the gameplay from Oblivion to Skyrim was improved, but I do have a few gripes I wont discuss further.

The real reason I still play Oblivion over Skyrim is my appreciation for the setting and characters. I dont like what was done to the guilds in Skyrim. The Dark Brotherhood and Mages Guild felt very insignificant and were considered weak even after completing their quest lines, and the Skyrim equivalent for the Fighters Guild produced roleplay problems for me because of their involvement with werewolves and nordic cultural values. The most jarring thing is trying to justify the murder of Silver Hand members. Sure, their methods may be extreme but a rampaging werewolf cant exactly be reasoned with.

I think the underlying thing that really bothered me about Skyrim is the lack of diversity of characters, races, organisations etc. It felt like that no matter who you were in Oblivion, you had a social circle which to call home where you could experience some degree of hospitality. In Skyrim those groups either:

A) Dont exist
B) Are so insignificant as not to count.

Playing a beast race, or an elf? Even the other miniority groups hate the minority groups. Casual Daedra Worshipper? I can count the number of people who even tolerate daedra worship on one hand. Mage of any kind? Almost all the non-hostile mages are in some backwater town in the middle of nowhere. Skyrim is just filled to the brim with the same damm characters, which while accurate to what we should expect from the homeland of the Nords, wasn't a good roleplaying experience for the kind of characters I wanted to play as.

Edited by Junkieego
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Been playing Oblivion for nearly 3 years non-stop and didn't notice a flag in support when Skyrim came out. Probably still a lot of interest in the game generally I think. IDK, maybe I won't ever play Skyrim. Still got unflagging interest in OB yet because of the great mod options. I am interested in Elder Scrolls Online tho.

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I rotate between , morrowind, oblivion and skyrim, all heavily modded and all look beautiful.

I prefer oblivion as it is my baby, i have replaced every single texture and all the ones i have downloaded i have recoloured and set the contrast to my own preferences. After two years of serious investigation it no longer crashes, even going through doors. It is an almost perfect world to venture through especially with all the land expansions such as twmp and not forgetting the ubanga mod which is a huge worldspace. I really miss it when working away and go a little cold turkey.

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I barely play Oblivion anymore. I tried making a new character recently but then I give up before I'm even out of the sewers knowing that no matter what build I use, 1) I'll barely role-play my class and 2) there's so many game breakers in Oblivion that it's not funny. 100% Chameleon/Reflect Damage/Reflect Spell/Spell Absorption? Check. A dagger that can kill Mehrunes Dagon in only eight hits?* Check. There's barely a spell you can't make more effective just by making it yourself! If you want to raise your health, just wear some heavy armor and let a rat maul you. Magicka? Just brew potions and summon skeletons. Magic skills? Just make cheap spells, go to some safe cell such as a house, weigh your cast key down, turn off your monitor, and go do something else for a few hours. The PC can end the Oblivion crisis, supplant a Daedric Prince, resurrect an old knightly order, take over leadership of all the guilds in Cyrodiil, own properties all over Cyrodiil and the Shivering Isles, and pretty much be able to take over all of Nirn with only a word. Doesn't matter how many mods I use. It's still a broken game.


*You have to enchant a dagger to get it. Drain 100 Health, 100 Weakness to Magic, Soul Trap, for 2 seconds per hit. Hit Mehrunes Dagon with Wabbajack, then go to town with the Godslayer dagger. The damage doubles with every strike. 100 HP, then 200, 400, 800, 1,600, 3,200, 6,400, and then if you want to be sadistic, 12,800. Dagon has only 10,000 HP. Recharge the Godslayer with Azura's Star, a refillable grand soul gem. Killing the Daedric Prince of Destruction should not be possible, even if you finished the SI main quest and became the new Sheogorath!

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I finished Skyrim for the third time and thought it would be interesting to re-play Oblivion on the PS3 since I originally finished it (multiple times) on the PC.


I'm even thinking of reinstalling Morrowwind ...

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go for it, morrowind with the graphics update is incredible. with the land expansions - silgrad tower and tamriel rebuilt, its just so huge.

live long and prosper spockst

I finished Skyrim for the third time and thought it would be interesting to re-play Oblivion on the PS3 since I originally finished it (multiple times) on the PC.


I'm even thinking of reinstalling Morrowwind ...

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Hi, Everyone. It's been a very long time.


I'm thinking about reinstalling Oblivion. I never did finished the game because I always keep moding new characters and keep starting over. I still have so many high-res textures I never released hehe :biggrin:

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Oh dear... I went back to Oblivion not long ago due to my Skyrim not working, and all the nostalgic feelings. :happy: I hope people will still mod Oblivion for atleast a year or two. Hopefully there will be!

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I haven't even really started Oblivion yet. What is holding me back is that Skyrim mods are a race against the clock - release something before the game dies. Therefore 100% of my time goes into my Skyrim mods.


Once things settle down over there, I'll reinstall Oblivion and play that properly (and then Morrowind, and finally actually play Skyrim :P ).

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