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Well, you got your reasons i can respect that Vash.

Your mods are very respectable, and i really enjoy playing with them,

i won´t keep bugging you about the m4.

Thx for the atention anyway.



But My Request still out there...

If there´s someone out there who can do it.

plz do it.:D

Or, all who know something about fo3 modding and have the interest, can use this topic to discuss,

How it can be done.




i don´t mind much about the weapon issues in the real world, i just shoot people in games :D

i just think that is a cool desing, and in my opinion when it comes to games, it´s about style, expecialy Fallout3, if not, why so many different armors, and weapons...

not only because of there diferent utilities in game, but also to make you look good in game :D

Thx again

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Azraelsdo's right, I don't understand why people have to come and post all of this information about how in real world situations this rifle or that rifle is better/worse because of whatever reason. This is a game. As far as I'm concerned no weapon is a good weapon, all they bring is death. Wishful thinking, but I hope as a society we smarten up or else one day we may end up like this game. Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you'd like.
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Why do all the people requesting this gun come across as 13 year old Counter Strike players? There's a reason people ask for older guns like the Tommy gun, and the main one is that they fit the game setting... the M4A1 does not. Asking for specific guns just because you think they're awesome based on some other PC game like Counter Strike or Rainbow Six or whatever isn't wrong in any way... neither is listening to techno or rap music on your cell phone speaker in public places, but both things tend to get really annoying really fast.

Also, I've used both M4s and M16s in the real world, and they do not deserve nearly as much praise as they've harvested from the bog standard FPS gamers.

Contrary to your belief, mods or requests for them do not have to fit Fallout Lore. Continue making posts like this one and you will find yourself with a strike or worse.


LHammonds (File Admin)

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In Counter Strike Source, the animation for the M4 is screwed, but that's still OK. Just don't do the animation. Just use an existing one. The animation is of no importance. The reason most of us like the M4A1 is because it looks BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME. this is my opinion.
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Azraelsdo's right, I don't understand why people have to come and post all of this information about how in real world situations this rifle or that rifle is better/worse because of whatever reason. This is a game. As far as I'm concerned no weapon is a good weapon, all they bring is death. Wishful thinking, but I hope as a society we smarten up or else one day we may end up like this game. Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you'd like.


Since you're obviously talking about my post, I'd like to point out that I was merely responding to Tony007's blathering praise of a weapon system he's obviously never seen in real life. I don't have a problem with someone wanting to see an M4 in a video game, I will however speak my mind when I see someone gushing with praise and fanboyism for a weapon system whose faults have gotten men I know maimed or killed.


As for your unrealistic idealism, all I will say is that if it were within my power to snap my fingers and make every firearm and missile and bomb disappear, right along with the will to ever make another one, I'd snap those fingers in an instant. Any sane person would.

But Pandora's box is wide open, and I vehemently disagree with punishing good people for the actions of evil people.

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half the guns already in fallout 3 don't fit the fallout universe. in fallout tactics, m1 carbines were used as well as aks. even when you used the rifles the models then looked like m16's. course that was a 2d setting.

point is, it doesn't matter if the gun "fits" with the fallout setting. there's tons of mods in oblivion that don't fit the setting. hell someone made a BAR from ww2 and put it in oblivion.

i'm sure there's a modeler out there who's looking into working on a m4 carbine using the animations that currently exist, and what would be wrong with that? :rolleyes:

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In Counter Strike Source, the animation for the M4 is screwed, but that's still OK. Just don't do the animation. Just use an existing one. The animation is of no importance. The reason most of us like the M4A1 is because it looks BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME. this is my opinion.


true, but at least it pulls the Tbar and not some invisible bolt handle like we would have in Fo3. :thumbsup:


and case in point, this is why very few use the default anims when putting a AR replacement in the game.

i dont really care about non of that fancy bolt forward hold open 5 minuet to change a mag process of reloading a AR. (wreckless might :P) all i really care about is seeing the handle pull be right.

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In Counter Strike Source, the animation for the M4 is screwed, but that's still OK. Just don't do the animation. Just use an existing one. The animation is of no importance. The reason most of us like the M4A1 is because it looks BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME. this is my opinion.


true, but at least it pulls the Tbar and not some invisible bolt handle like we would have in Fo3. :thumbsup:


and case in point, this is why very few use the default anims when putting a AR replacement in the game.

i dont really care about non of that fancy bolt forward hold open 5 minuet to change a mag process of reloading a AR. (wreckless might :P) all i really care about is seeing the handle pull be right.


:P lol


PS its very fast with some practice, and you'll seldom use the T-handle in combat, honestly. Its all swapping mags and just hitting the bolt release for the most part.

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