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Need modding help (Witcher 3)


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Hi, I'm looking for someone who is good at just basic modding of this game to get on a call and help me get this sorted. I have spent the last 6 hours just trying to get this game to work with mods and haven't had any luck (played in the past and now coming back to the game having bad luck).

Facing problems I don't understand of, I will have the game working with some mods, I will download a mod that makes my game go onto the infinite load screen, I will delete that mod but then it will stop working again.

I just need someone who understands this more to help.

My discord is Spray#4891
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Sounds like Vortex is working properly, but you're having problems with the mods themselves. I can move this post to the Witcher 3 forums, but to help you it would be a good idea to give some more information, such as the mods you were using.

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