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Constant Conflicts detection...


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So now I have a after updated of Nexus manager coinstant file conflicts related to Meta ini files Info XML files , Readme files --???



My game was running fine and now if I may ask who was the Mastermind that made this Adjustments to the Nexus Manager Core ????

So far one hour fixing conflicts related to Meta ini , Readme , And Xml info files ....Really guys .. I mean really???



If it was real conflicts but its not , its files related to Mod info and readme files ...I mean What the hell guys .. really ???

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You can get the latestest and previous versions of Vortex here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1?tab=files


But word of caution; if there has been database changes going to an earlier version might cause problems, especially when you update the database. At the moment I would say it's best to do nothing until we know more about the cause and implications.

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You should not revert your Vortex version unless explicitly told to do so by staff, it can cause damage to the internal data Vortex needs to work properly.


We are aware of this, a bug in 1.2.18 caused Vortex to no longer ignore the "superfluous" files that normally don't show up in the conflicts window. There's already a fix being tested internally and we'll release it as soon as we know it's stable and working (hopefully tomorrow, but that's not 100% certain). For now, you can just launch your game externally to Vortex to ignore the new conflicts, I would discourage setting any new rules in relation to these files.

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You should not revert your Vortex version unless explicitly told to do so by staff, it can cause damage to the internal data Vortex needs to work properly.


We are aware of this, a bug in 1.2.18 caused Vortex to no longer ignore the "superfluous" files that normally don't show up in the conflicts window. There's already a fix being tested internally and we'll release it as soon as we know it's stable and working (hopefully tomorrow, but I that's not 100% certain). For now, you can just launch your game externally to Vortex to ignore the new conflicts, I would discourage setting any new rules in relation to these files.

Ok I appreciate the reply ,... But Man calling this stable ???...ROFL..


Ok I guess thanks ..

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