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Moderators - Can one of you PM me?


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I've just created an account and have briefly read the ToS/Policies & Guidelines for posting content. I have a HUGE 20gb compilation that I'd like to share, but have a few questions I'd like to ask privately. I don't know the names of any moderators here though, so I need one to please reach out to me.

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I'm not a moderator, but if your 'Compilation' consists of 20gb of other people's mods, then most likely NO, unless you've gotten permission from every single modder in your compilation to give you permission to compile them all together.

If the 20gb compilation is something YOU made, then it won't violate the ToS

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@HadToRegister I'm well aware of this, and how to reach out to 100+ other authors to ask for permission (even if they still almost certainly say 'No') is one of the questions I had.


Edit: It also isn't just a compilation that I threw together. It's a project I've been working on for 2 to 3 years, with my own .esp to go at the very bottom that makes all 225 plugins play nicely together, ultimately turning the game into what it should have been upon release.

Edited by f4uo
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Or...if someone can tell me how to mass message all of the following users, that would be fantastic :P

shavkacagarikia, ghostrecon123, TWFH1, shaggy08251993, DirtyBadger, spacegorilla1, luxor8071, FlaconOil, RedRocketTV, Ubercharge, OldManWithers, FishFiend, 1997Hawke, creodron, colonelcosmetic, steve40, Bersark93, Elianora, NMC, ThEjEsTeRoFeViL, NinaTheBunny, TheLich, joerqc, KernalsEgg, WastelandMelody, GrinnginUrchen, Wenderer, jkruse05, marmo1233, TEMAH1, deathclay, shywinds, kassent, rcoll, Neanka, Jekod, JackRob, registrator2000, Bwones, DeadPool2099, giggityninja, neeher, Major_McCrackin, Corvalho1, bmanzzs, Toasty Fresh, jorhadoq, akkalat85, luxor8071, Don_Kain, davidkotor88, Ogachi, tapioks, colebylamoreau, luxor8071, bionicyardiff, Spiffyskytrooper, hidconsp, k4tonic, Ablaze666, lyravega, mz07, OnHolyServiceBound, eskanonen, Assikss, raznek34, ElysianMods, tytalyalak, antistar, cadpnq, MischiefBrew0, SavrenX, chairo_hippo, tapioks, Ablaze666, dinsdag2011, User_1664022, ScrollTron1c, TheFriedturkey, SMB92, Nikoli Grimm, EmeraldReign, DJFrosted, Mentha, Mkdo40, pauderek, a_blind_man, Niero, LoofSquared, rydercj, ephla442, registrator2000, ZeMantras, futoshisan, Daedragon, Doodlezoid, win2009, DanaDuchy, leafonthewind, XNFRain, PsiSkye, satojo, nico21000, benitoite, KyauWise, registrator2000, Spiffyskytrooper, frogprincessQ4, Feyawen, NDRPRM, BOBONATOR2, LoneGhostOne, Highlander666, Spiffyskytrooper, Mika999, mm137, fadingsignal, TrickyVein, 83Willow, sekoms, Old Nick, Ketaroz, LextalionisRex, XunAmarox, hjeblome, kassent, Nikoli Grimm, m150, AthenaX, shadowplane0, dpillari, SecretAgent99, Apolocrato, ONIXer, koojinn, TheTalkieToaster, w31, NarcoticsDrugs, Voetzoeker72, thewickerman34, commodore777, Pyskiper, Xazomn, Gorgulla, xwonic, reptileye, cypher2012, Nutulator, JigglesJosh, valdacil, alexlawson93, mindkiller316, MeetTheFuture, cypher2012, Ragin123, 3ugenics, C1ph3rr, mmdestiny, Xgf, OverClocked56, sakura9, cvedant95, therickyhorrorshow, Old Nick, somberX, MysticalFlare, Phylith, RedRocketTV, vinx909, niceguyhenry, ethan7648, Corvalho1, Nutulator, asXas, Fruckert, thelaurent, MAL22, expired6978, registrator2000, StuykGaming, Lateraliss, redportal, fadingsignal, LoneRaptor, randyconstan, MrTroubleMaker, Cirosan, ramones112, ma1025, NightSoDark, ESKARN, MattyDienhoff, bawbag12345, Mortibusmanum, Kuzsner, XunAmarox, tomster1988, ghzfba, mmdestiny, UnleashOne, RS13, vigge42, kaffemaskin, Xernoc, fadingsignal, 0AndyVan0, Quaz30, djjohnjarvis, cadpnq, coldchaos, Gorgulla, valius, Hein84, commodore777, FreedomsFlame, Ethreon, Thicketford, perroamarillo, plokijuh34, jakcobolt, L0rd0fWar, mcface, seekingthesun, Yansai, nerewarine1, ArchonEntertainment, Major_McCrackin, davidhalmbrenner, MadGodSheogorath, ff7cloudstrife, charon711, nomadwarmachine, SLXJ, Sharlikran, torcher, Gambit77, valdacil, JNTApollo, bwins95, lilkandeekid, AlbinoPolarBear, erich2k8, JNTApollo, vault75, SparkOfLife, steve40, greenday4425, Dhegonus, Jerros, bryvood, Eldocar, Kung Fu Man, PowerArmour, chucksteel, Mcgan, Thom293, Swampfox92, UlithiumDragon, clintmich, Castell, crimsomrider, hotrods20, asXas, heirflick, Maduin81, ThEjEsTeRoFeViL, MadMAX713, a1a3a6a9, Puma361, mm137, shadwar, Feyawen, randyconstan, Mhillow, Testudini, clintmich, RiverNL, mattsahuman, Horus5, gulchanar, lunarionsilver, alge2011, gamesaremywaifu, alistair3149, DrZelenka, Elvani, calarand77, iDeaDMau, ReiMizuna, PixelMurder, PurpleRadiation, cip3000, valeran, SecretAgent99, fifteenspades, Xylozi, djmcshifty, Renegade79, jorhadoq, TroJanViru5, zhool, Fouracres, Bigtalon, C4P0N3, SirAwesomness, emil1213, TheCamo, sgtpectoralismajor, herpderp2332, Draco856, Fl0W, Azrative, Grace Darkling, unforbidable, Dominik93, Rimrald

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When I gathered the list of all the authors whose mods I've used, I didn't check on the current status of the mods. I also couldn't tell you which mods I've downloaded from who. I mean I could, but I'm not going to go digging for the sake of this thread. However, as far as I know, everything in this overhaul works as it should. Perhaps if a1a3a6a9 was aware, they'd still give a thumbs up.

Though seeing how little attention this post has gotten so far, and I can sense the standoffishness in the other responses, I'm sure I'm SoL. Thought it would be worth a shot so others could experience it, but it seems I'll be keeping it to myself.

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The thought it certainly worth while, but, you would indeed need documented permission from every author included in your compilation, if even one said "no", that's it, you are done. The problem I see with it is, a fair few mod authors include in their permission, that their mod is NOT to be used in a compilation.... Not to mention so of the authors are likely no longer available to even ask permission. :) That certainly throws a wrench into the works.....

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When I gathered the list of all the authors whose mods I've used, I didn't check on the current status of the mods. I also couldn't tell you which mods I've downloaded from who. I mean I could, but I'm not going to go digging for the sake of this thread. However, as far as I know, everything in this overhaul works as it should. Perhaps if a1a3a6a9 was aware, they'd still give a thumbs up.


Though seeing how little attention this post has gotten so far, and I can sense the standoffishness in the other responses, I'm sure I'm SoL. Thought it would be worth a shot so others could experience it, but it seems I'll be keeping it to myself.



What I'm saying is, if you used a1a3a6a9's mod, that automatically named Settlers and gave them jobs etc, he pulled the mod because after a while it irreparably breaks the game and corrupts the saves, so he Pulled it from the Nexus.


So, even if you could get a hold of him, he would say NO, because of what happens when using his mod, it's WHY he pulled it.

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