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script extender plugin error


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Hey guys & gals, I decided to reinstall my Skyrim se again after i kept getting this error I've had a similar error once before but not like this.. I decided to do a fresh install so i have no mods or plugins installed and even reinstalled Vortex again. but every time i load vortex i received theses same errors always, btw i don't have anything installed yet but the error just keeps showing up..

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Hey guys & gals, I decided to reinstall my Skyrim se again after i kept getting this error I've had a similar error once before but not like this.. I decided to do a fresh install so i have no mods or plugins installed and even reinstalled Vortex again. but every time i load vortex i received theses same errors always, btw i don't have anything installed yet but the error just keeps showing up..



From the error message, it says that you're running the wrong version of Mods with the Version of the Script Extender.


Are you using SKyrim SE mods or accidentally using Skyrim mods?


Have you updated SKSE64?

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OK, after re-reading your OP.

How did you uninstall Vortex and SKyrim SE?

Because it sounds like Vortex is still using your old install, along with Skyrim SE.

So.....when you decided to uninstall Vortex and SKyrim SE

Did you just delete everything without using vortex to PURGE and UNINSTALL the Mods?

Also, did you use Steam to Uninstall SkyRim SE, which would've left all of the files, and mods installed with Vortex, still in the folders?

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yeah i also purged and uninstalled vortex, i'm currently reinstalling Skyrim atm



Did you uninstall the mods before you uninstalled Vortex?


And when you uninstalled Skyrim, did you make sure that the SKyrim folder was empty?


The reason I ask, is because there's been quite a few cases where people uninstall everything with Vortex, and then Uninstall their game with Steam, but Steam leaves the Game folder full of stuff it doesn't know to delete

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Bloody Hell, just figured out why i cant find them.. cuz onedrive had copied them and saved them to a separate folder that was causing them to give me the errors even when i reinstalled everything more than once. Also thx to HadToRegister & Pickysaurus for trying to help out.

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