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The mystery of the GPS data and Vault-Tec


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When you think about it the map data on the Pipboy can only have two different sources. Either the data does exist internal and is therefore static or transmitted via a satellite.


If it's the latter the question of its postwar origins does come up. Is Vault-Tec still transmitting data? What do you think

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Good point. Still not all maps that are transmitted consist of topographical data. Eg. even Google Maps has roads that don't exist anymore.

And still the players position must still be determined by a satellite. Maybe in the end Vault Tec is still gathering the data

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It's called "suspension of disbelief".


We have all that fancy GPS and "Star Trek-esq" transporter beam stuff in Oblivion ... it comes standard along with your jail shirt and pants and wrist shackles (but we don't get any fancy 10 pound wrist thingy that you can't take off unfortunately).

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A ring laser gyro based INS could be appropriate Pipboy embedded tech, but trimming out velocities generated by arm movements would be challenging. You know, like swinging a tire iron at bloatflies by Abernathy slews your position to Concord.

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Doubtful that GPS was used, in a true global war scenario, especially one using nukes, one of the first things targeted are satellites, especially those with military ramifications.

I'm thinking it’s more a land based system relying on those relay towers (triangulation) and already imbedded info found in the pip boy.

additionally, I think the pip boy sends out a signal and “pings” it’s surrounding area, the buildings and locations have embedded tech that the pip boy can read which is why it’s aware of locations as it gets closer, and once close enough identifies the building/ location.

Thats also how the PB can store the location of places visited as well as locations of all your power armor.


Remember, Vault Tec was heavily involved with military projects, and that would be something they’d want.

Edited by Gunslinger808
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I think your idea with triangulation makes sense. However if you go with the thought that Vault-Tec really made it to the stars and is watching a functioning satellite could be very well a thing.

However I made this post while I had to redo my PreVis and got bored so there isn't that much thought to it.

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