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Mod Authors Deleting Comments


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Actually where it came from was your assumptions made about my post. It's okay we don't know each other you don't know anything about my life my motivations or anything about me other than three posts of text. You interpreted that based on your experience and in this case you were wrong. That's all there is to it. I am not a member of the mod author tribe here to demonstrate my superiority over the original poster who seems quite reasonable actually. Just a person who saw a post on a public forum and responded with my own point of view.


I don't want this to drag out but after reading your post again I thought I'd add a few things to maybe help clear all this up

I have never identified as a "mod author" making mods is something I did for fun and was always secondary to my 3d art. I actually nuked my entire mod author presence as well as gigabytes of unfinished mod work in January. This account only exists to re host one mod that I considered too much of a team effort to selfishly remove from the net. I don't make mods any more. I dabble in unreal engine and 3d animation. I'm a teacher, a low key Buddhist, a fitness and mma enthusiast. Ive been living as an x pat for more than 5 years, I admin on a discord for teaching 3d art and basic mod skills and I love fried chicken. So now you know a few superficial details about my life if you really think I'm a tribalistic author here to lord it over everyone .... Well you're welcome to your point of view.

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It's really simple.


I used to run a lot of pages back in the days before we had anything but the cutting edge things called message board, when Tom was no ones friend, and long before books of faces went digital, and if you let people who START a topic moderate it... they will CONTROL the subject and the narrative.


I saw it. Countless times. One of my biggest spaces was a place which operated on some novel libertarian ruleless base idealism, where only sedition, hate speech, and pedophilia (and other sexual criminality) was banned. Free speech was championed, admin and moderators were totally hands off, and sub-threads in different forums were often left unlocked, or control given to the OP.


And yet, we DID have to end the latter.


Why? Posters putting up a thread, and then controlling it like mad if they did not like things said. Deletions.... but as they got bolder... redactive edits.... which is how we saw it, as it left a tag of their work.


I cannot see Mod authors being ANY different.


I know just in my short membership here, at least ONE mod comment was removed, and it wasnt for abuse, but criticism.


Anyone who thinks this does NOT happen, is either sheltered, naive or deliberately blind to the reality.


I think it is really important on sites like this, that transparency is thoroughly maintained, and would personally like to see this function removed from the mod authors tools, and instead, they be expected to report to Nexus staff, those 'useless' comments, for their consideration, rather than be able to make that call, and we need report abuse to Nexus.

Edited by Apis4
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Cool story, bruh. Except you lost all credibility when you stated this:

I cannot see Mod authors being ANY different.

Because this is just your opinion based on one anecdote. And there's no telling what sort of cognitive biases your opinion has had to filter through before you typed it into the browser. Or even whether your anecdote is accurate, even though I find it believable.


Also, your whole premise is a non sequitur because you're comparing an open public forum where virtually anything goes, with a modding site governed by clear terms of use and forums dedicated to one specific mod for the express purpose of allowing a modder and mod users to communicate about the mod.


In other words, your story is irrelevant to the point of this thread and therefore so is your conclusion.


I think it is really important on sites like this, that transparency is thoroughly maintained, and would personally like to see this function removed from the mod authors tools

One of the reasons modders like to have the ability to delete comments is to avoid mod users wasting their time and filling up the comments tab with erroneous bug and incompatibility reports. I've seen countless mod comment threads where a mod user expects the mod author to diagnose their mod incompatibility problem for them, merely on the suspicion that the mod is causing the problem. I had one user of my mod who carried on posting even after I conclusively proved that my mod couldn't have been causing the bug. Having to appeal to a moderator to delete comments only increases the time wasted.


So if I could make something clear to you, it's this: my time is more important than your personal preference and your desired ideology.

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Cool story, bruh. Except you lost all credibility when you stated this:

I cannot see Mod authors being ANY different.

Because this is just your opinion based on one anecdote. And there's no telling what sort of cognitive biases your opinion has had to filter through before you typed it into the browser. Or even whether your anecdote is accurate, even though I find it believable.


Also, your whole premise is a non sequitur because you're comparing an open public forum where virtually anything goes, with a modding site governed by clear terms of use and forums dedicated to one specific mod for the express purpose of allowing a modder and mod users to communicate about the mod.


In other words, your story is irrelevant to the point of this thread and therefore so is your conclusion.


I think it is really important on sites like this, that transparency is thoroughly maintained, and would personally like to see this function removed from the mod authors tools

One of the reasons modders like to have the ability to delete comments is to avoid mod users wasting their time and filling up the comments tab with erroneous bug and incompatibility reports. I've seen countless mod comment threads where a mod user expects the mod author to diagnose their mod incompatibility problem for them, merely on the suspicion that the mod is causing the problem. I had one user of my mod who carried on posting even after I conclusively proved that my mod couldn't have been causing the bug. Having to appeal to a moderator to delete comments only increases the time wasted.


So if I could make something clear to you, it's this: my time is more important than your personal preference and your desired ideology.


Now now, do not be defenisive and wind up looking at best idiotic, at worse hypocritical.


You accuse me of anecdote, then provide the same, you accuse me of bias, then state a bias that you like to have X because Y.... so that just makes you a fool.


OF COURSE modders want what you say.


But you make a worthless trash piece of s*** buggy as f*** mod that is a nightmare to work with, but removal means a totally new game, and people take issue with that, and start to complain, are you telling me, as a modder, that you could not imagine other mothers trying at first to blame load order, other mods, misintallation...... and if NOT THOSE, CONTINUING to edit or delete comments?


I have SEEN it here my friend. I can point you to a mod and comment section.


A notoriously buggy mod, that has a lot of triggers missing for progression, and is very unintuitive, that even conflicts with it's self, om which I have commented, and other's have, those comments been removed. Was it because of misrepresentation, and other factors caused the problem? No. As the bug was recognised. Other issues where with the difficulty and obscurity of certain pathways within the mod. NOT the mod not working, just being quite poor in how certain elements worked.


Cant blame that on load order, or conflicting mods, or performance issues. Bad design rests solely on the creators.


Yet as I have said, I have seen a few mods, on a few occasions, here, where comments disappear because they are CRITICISM, NOT 'junk comments'.....and it should NOT be up to USERS to report such abuse where suspected when evidence can be hard come by, but for the Authors to need to SEEK permission to edit the comment threads, from Nexus themselves, as to prevent this.


Your time is NOT more important than MY time... and bad mod... especially on that changes a lot, edits lists, or plays off core Quests, and doesnt show up as as bad as it is until begun/used a little.... WASTES MY TIME, as it leaves me with the choice of struggling on until I finish this playthrough, or cleaning every fresh from jot, hard wiping up, and starting a new game.... after first preparing my DL all over again.


Your time means less than nothing to me in the face of that. Yet I recognise it's valuable to you. So my compromise would be to allow mod Authors some priority preference, when dealing with the site mods/admins, and so you can submit your edit/removal request for abusive or incorrect comments, false content, and know they'll check up on it before they deal with any other users issues. That seems fair.


That stops abuse.


Being able to delete abuse, sadly, is a power in itself which can become one. I think it should be always handled by mods and admins, not users.

Edited by Apis4
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That stops abuse.

Like this abuse:


and wind up looking at best idiotic,

and this:

so that just makes you a fool.



that you could not imagine other mothers

Please don't project your mommy issues onto me.


You accuse me of anecdote, then provide the same, you accuse me of bias, then state a bias that you like to have X because Y....

The difference between my anecdote and yours is that you can go onto my mod's comments tab and actually see the posts, whereas your anecdote is unverifiable and, given your largely incoherent ranting above, was probably a fantasy that you indulged in so that you can push an agenda against mod authors.


I note that you weren't able to refute my assertion that your premise was a non sequitur and therefore your conclusion irrelevant. Given that your subsequent rant about "worthless trash piece of .... mod" was essentially riffing off of your debunked conclusion, it can also be dismissed as utterly irrelevant to this discussion.

Edited by gnarly1
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Seems like OP has long buggered off and what we were left is the reddit echo voices who think nexus and authors here are some sort of demonic presence. Unlikely that this will produce anything of value, so perhaps a moderator can end the long string of rants?

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Apis4, your comments that were hidden by the author would have also been hidden by a moderator if they were brought to our attention. You intersect your constructive criticism with less than stellar bashing of the contents of the mod. So that example is a very poor one. Keep your comments civil and constructive, take a breath and consider what you're writing and mod authors won't have a problem with your comments.


Letting mod authors delete comments is very important, as it gives them that space as their own - a space where they won't have to bother with hateful comments and such. Remember that a mod author is not selling you anything, they are just publishing their hobbyist work for free for you to enjoy, and they are under no obligation to fix bugs in their work or make it compatible with other peoples work or anything like that. You can criticise constructively, but if they don't want to bother with that criticism then they don't have to.


This topic is also turning downhill very fast, and I must say that I agree with Ethreon that it needs to be closed.

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