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Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling


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Personally I don't mind the delay before you can endorse, because I rarely immediately endorse a mod unless it's so eye-catchingly phenomenal I can't help myself. Instead I go through my mods periodically and go, "Okay...which of these have I *completely forgotten I'm playing?"* Because if they fit that seamlessly into or have become that necessary to my game, they've deserved that endorsement and then some. (Being able to endorse through the NMM has made that soooo much easier, by the way--thanks for that!)


So yeah...I would probably never make that 30-day goal, myself. Now, if you were going to by a lifetime ratio...then I'd maybe have a shot!

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What happened to the activity points? could they not have been used to incentivise people into getting more involved?


So this Lifetime Premium Member would like to know please;-


Since I do use Adblocker (I have a very good reason for this after a bad experience elsewhere)and your code will probably pick this up, will I get throttled despite being a Premium Member? Yay I know I do not get ads anyway, but the Adblocker would still get picked up by your code.

Do Premium Members who don't endorse everything still get throttled?


I wouldn't think so, it would be a bit off selling people an ad free experience with unlimited speeds only to start throttling people for not looking at the ads. Like you I have my adblock active here, it's for those times I get randomly signed out.



I have a feeling I might get flamed for this but....


I've noticed people upload screenshots more than mods... some people have over 100 pages of screenshots on the website. I think it's a huge waste of space and that we should limit the amount of screenshots people can add to the site...



Also, I would totally lower the 500kb to 250kb, people who do not contribute to the website through donations, adding mods, or giving their opinion on things really don't seem like part of the community to me.



This is a great idea though, but I think you're being too generous.


1080p screens at 250KB would look awful, some images already have to have their quality lowered to get them under the current 1.5MB limit. The imageshares are quite popular and those people are contributing something, they're contributing damn sight more than those who only offer their opinions. If they were to become problematic maybe the answer would be limiting the amount of disk space each member could use for images? people could then choose between having a lot of smaller compressed images or fewer larger high quality ones.

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When I'm looking for popular mods, I go to the mod category, then I sort the mods by Descending order of Downloads.

Doing this you can also see the huge discrepancies between Downloads and Endorsements, as sometimes the mod in first place in the sort order will have tons of downloads but very few endorsements, while the next mod in the sort order has less downloads, but twice as many endorsements.


That's why I always rely on Downloads vs Endorsements, because downloads are counted automatically, Endorsements don't happen as often, because of a few factors.


1. time limit between download and endorsement (which leads to)

2. forgetting to endorse because the mod is great and you're too busy having fun to stop and endorse. (which can lead to)

3. Just don't bother to endorse because time has gone by, and you just don't feel like hunting the mod down and endorsing it.


I haven't used NMM in a long time, but can you endorse mods from it now?

Edited by HadToRegister
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I'm curious about something before I make my suggestions.


Whats you cost per user? In other words, do you have a number on what it costs the site to get a new member and a number for what it costs to support an average members use over a certain user life span. 10 users cost you X, resources, etc.


How much ad revenue do you need to generate to support 1 user, 10, 20, 100.


Offset of membership costs spread out over the entire user base? Ad fees?

I should PM you (once you know my background, this chit chat might make more sense)

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I agree with pixeldust..


I bought a lifetime membership to support this site and no other reason. i could care less bout the download speed with most of these mods.. However it erks me that during certain times of days and on weekends this site appears to have very significant lag.. I can barely move from page to page and its been a while but i used to lose server connection..


The free-loaders should be limited on connection based on member loads on the site and this would make a bigger improvement than increased download speed.

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I agree with pixeldust..


I bought a lifetime membership to support this site and no other reason. i could care less bout the download speed with most of these mods.. However it erks me that during certain times of days and on weekends this site appears to have very significant lag.. I can barely move from page to page and its been a while but i used to lose server connection..


The free-loaders should be limited on connection based on member loads on the site and this would make a bigger improvement than increased download speed.


I'm a lifetime member, but I don't like where this thread is headed.

I'm getting an 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others' vibe :/


The site (when it lags) is now being blamed on 'freeloaders' who just upload screenshots?

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