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Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling


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I don't think increasing the endorsement ratio is a good idea. It's basically prizing advertisement even more. The better advertised mods get more downloads, while the amount of endorsements depends on players satisfaction after having tried it. There is no mod that is amazing for everybody. So, if you reach a huge amount of users, the percentage of endorsements will go down, as you will get more downloaders out of your target audience. But you will get more endorsements than with less downloads anyway. Nothing to worry about.


It's the opposite case what is more concerning. A real well made mod, will reach less people than a reasonably well-done one with a good marketing campaign, or just luck. Reducing the downloads/endorsements ratio differences will simply give the better-known mod an edge over the lesser-known bug better done one.


But you already think on this, and that's the reason to adding the button to get the bandwidth without actually endorsing the mod. The problem is that it's mean. Will people take the 'effort' to endorse a mod, only to make a void endorsent? I don't think so. I think that while now someone need to be really happy about a mod to give an endorsement, this will make people give less meaningful endorsments, which will unbalance things in favor to visibility rather than quality.


Maybe the way to go should be the opposite. To reduce the endorsement ratio, instead of increasing it (maybe by stating a max number of endorsements per user and week). The more incentives you give to endorsements, the less meaningful the endorsements will be.


Endorsements are a mean to obtain more visibility and more downloads. It's way more reasonable to increase the amount of endorsements for unknown well made mods, rather than for extremely well known ones that really don't need them so much. Keep also in mind that you can search mods shorted by endorsements, but also by downloads.


Then again, making easier to endorse when using NMM, besides the previous point will make mods not using it to have an huge unfair disadvantage.


About the adds. Most of them didn't bother me. But few of them are really noisy. I use headphones and I have often the volume quite high for having been playtesting in Skyrim. The result is painful. I would appreciate if those adds were changed by a different version.


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how many of that flood are helping this site and how many are free-loaders bogging it down for the supporters


Are you going to start quoting Ayn Rand next?


You're turning this into an 'Us vs Them' thread. :confused:


P.S., unless you have access to the site statistics dominator42, how do you know what demographic of users of this site is bogging it down?

Edited by HadToRegister
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Are you currently threading cloud network bandwidth boosters to our PCs?


Will you also please explain how free users can contribute I'm jobless for now. When working again hold me to a lifetime in the meantime however. I'll undo my adblocker for you.


But seriously Cloud computing allows you to store virtual memory on empty cachespace we could reserve; like all free users or you link it automatically and have free users agree at sign up...


I read about Datalink and their network infrastructure with SSD low end hybrids, etc. If yall can't upgrade like that on the cheap, the next best thing is a userwide agreement to reserve lots of memory for complimentery special memberships. Like 1TB on a PC or external for premium lifetime! On demand is why 1TB, means when PC is on...Still something like this. Think about this.


(Oils nexus gearbrainstormhead((cuz thats a thing)))

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Your last 2 blog pieces were very insightful. Belatedly, I became a lifetime premium member last week, after really appreciating the high value I've received over the past couple years.


My F03 / FNV experience would be very different (and very lacking) in comparison to now, had I not found Nexus.


Great work! Kudos for enabling a much better gaming experience.




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I don't have stats. Bet the moderator does and if the volume offset is as great as i think it is then it is not a bad idea to implement a system similar to what i described.


Us vs them is a mute point.. if more of "them" purchased then there would be no reason for this thread in the first place..


P.S. your comment about Ayn Rand may be comical in your mind but i have no idea who that is and on that note i am tired of loading up the comments with someone that is just looking for an arguement.

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Will you also please explain how free users can contribute I'm jobless for now. When working again hold me to a lifetime in the meantime however. I'll undo my adblocker for you.




You can contribute in different ways, make mods, add screenshots to mods, help others who know less than you, make videos for mods, test mods and despite what those with a superiority complex in this thread say add screenshots to the imageshare, preferably good ones.

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I don't have stats. Bet the moderator does and if the volume offset is as great as i think it is then it is not a bad idea to implement a system similar to what i described.


Us vs them is a mute point.. if more of "them" purchased then there would be no reason for this thread in the first place..


The correct term is 'MOOT POINT'

Having said that, I'm not going to pursue this discussion with you any further, as you seem determined to blame 'them' or 'freeloaders' for any problems you are having with the site.

Good day sir.

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hello dark one, it is obvious that to maintain the excellent service so far as is necessary as a source of revenue, the idea of ??using free spaces with the function of the frame is excellent as well as necessary. many sites (such as blogs, amateur sites, etc ...) already make extensive use, I do not see what the problem is. I also believe that the benefits of premium users should continue to be maintained and which should remain a little bit superior to those who although not premium decides not to exclude advertisements. The system of approval of the mod seems to be more effective than that used by Valve, but for that you can make changes along the way.

however you and your team have my full trust on future livelihood strategies site!

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